#ifndef GOSUIMPL_GRAPHICS_CLIPRECTSTACK_HPP #define GOSUIMPL_GRAPHICS_CLIPRECTSTACK_HPP #include "Common.hpp" #include #include class Gosu::ClipRectStack { std::vector stack; bool hasEffectiveRect; // is effectiveRect valid? ClipRect effectiveRect; void updateEffectiveRect() { // Nothing to do, no clipping in place. if (stack.empty()) { hasEffectiveRect = false; return; } ClipRect result = { 0.0, 0.0, 1e10, 1e10 }; for (int i = 0, end = stack.size(); i < end; ++i) { const ClipRect& rect = stack[i]; int resultRight = std::min(result.x + result.width, rect.x + rect.width); int resultBottom = std::min(result.y + result.height, rect.y + rect.height); result.x = std::max(result.x, rect.x); result.y = std::max(result.y, rect.y); if (result.x >= resultRight || result.y >= resultBottom) { // We have clipped the world away! hasEffectiveRect = false; return; } result.width = resultRight - result.x; result.height = resultBottom - result.y; } // On the iPhone, we may have to multiple everything by 2 for retina displays. // TODO: This should be handled by a global transform. int fac = clipRectBaseFactor(); result.x *= fac, result.y *= fac, result.width *= fac, result.height *= fac; // Normal clipping. effectiveRect = result; hasEffectiveRect = true; } public: ClipRectStack() : hasEffectiveRect(false) { } void clear() { stack.clear(); hasEffectiveRect = false; } void beginClipping(double x, double y, double width, double height) { ClipRect rect = { x, y, width, height }; stack.push_back(rect); updateEffectiveRect(); } void endClipping() { assert (!stack.empty()); stack.pop_back(); updateEffectiveRect(); } const ClipRect* maybeEffectiveRect() const { return hasEffectiveRect ? &effectiveRect : 0; } bool clippedWorldAway() const { // When we have no effective rect but the stack is not empty, we have clipped // the whole world away and don't need to render things. return !hasEffectiveRect && !stack.empty(); } }; #endif