knife-data-bag(1) -- Store arbitrary data on a Chef Server ======================================== ## SYNOPSIS __knife__ __data bag__ _sub-command_ _(options)_ ## DESCRIPTION Data bags are stores of arbitrary JSON data. Each data bag is a collection that may contain many items. Data Bag Items are indexed by the Chef Server and can be searched via __knife-search__(1). Data bags are available to all nodes configured by __chef-client__(8), and are therefore a convenient mechanism to store global information, such as lists of administrative accounts that should be configured on all hosts. ## DATA BAG SUB-COMMANDS ## CREATE __knife data bag create__ _bag name_ [item id] _(options)_ * `-s`, `--secret SECRET`: A secret key used to encrypt the data bag item. See __encryption support__ below. * `--secret-file SECRET_FILE`: The path to a file containing the secret key to be used to encrypt the data bag item. If _item id_ is given, creates a new, empty data bag item and opens it for editing in your editor. The data bag will be created if it does not exist. If _item id_ is not given, the data bag will be created. ## DELETE __knife data bag delete__ _bag name_ [item id] _(options)_ Delete a data bag, or an item from a data bag. ## EDIT __knife data bag edit__ _bag name_ _item id_ _(options)_ * `-s`, `--secret SECRET`: A secret key used to encrypt the data bag item. See __encryption support__ below. * `--secret-file SECRET_FILE`: The path to a file containing the secret key to be used to encrypt the data bag item. Edit an item in a data bag. ## FROM FILE __knife data bag from file__ _bag name_ _file_ _(options)_ __knife data bag from file__ _bag name_ _file1_ _file2_ _file3_ _(options)_ __knife data bag from file__ _bag name_ _folder_ _(options)_ * `-s`, `--secret SECRET`: A secret key used to encrypt the data bag item. See __encryption support__ below. * `--secret-file SECRET_FILE`: The path to a file containing the secret key to be used to encrypt the data bag item. Load a data bag item from a JSON file. If _file_ is a relative or absolute path to the file, that file will be used. Otherwise, the _file_ parameter is treated as the base name of a data bag file in a Chef repository, and `knife` will search for the file in `./data_bags/bag_name/file`. For example `knife data bag from file users dan.json` would attempt to load the file `./data_bags/users/dan.json`. ## LIST __knife data bag list__ _(options)_ * `-w`, `--with-uri`: Show corresponding URIs Lists the data bags that exist on the Chef Server. ## SHOW __knife data bag show BAG [ITEM]__ _(options)_ * `-s`, `--secret SECRET`: A secret key used to encrypt the data bag item. See __encryption support__ below. * `--secret-file SECRET_FILE`: The path to a file containing the secret key to be used to encrypt the data bag item. Show a specific data bag or an item in a data bag. The output will be formatted according to the --format option. ## ENCRYPTION SUPPORT Data Bag Items may be encrypted to keep their contents secret. This may be desirable when storing sensitive information such as database passwords, API keys, etc. Data Bag Item encryption uses the AES-256 CBC symmetric key algorithm. __CAVEATS:__ Keys are not encrypted; only values are encrypted. The "id" of a Data Bag Item is not encrypted, since it is used by Chef Server to store the item in its database. For example, given the following data bag item: {"id": "important_passwords", "secret_password": "opensesame"} The key "secret\_password" will be visible to an evesdropper, but the value "opensesame" will be protected. Both the key "id" and its value "important\_passwords" will be visible to an evesdropper. Chef Server does not provide a secure mechanism for distributing encryption keys. ## SEE ALSO __knife-search__(1) ## AUTHOR Chef was written by Adam Jacob with many contributions from the community. ## DOCUMENTATION This manual page was written by Joshua Timberman . Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License. ## CHEF Knife is distributed with Chef.