module LesliBabel class TranslationsFlutterService def = nil) # get all rails engines engines = Module.where(:id => engine_id).map do |engine| engine[:id] end # get strings filtered by module (only rails translations) strings = TranslationsService.strings_for_apps(engines) indexes = {} translations = {} available_locales = Rails.application.config.lesli_settings["configuration"]["locales"] strings.each do |string| module_name = string[:engine_name].downcase.sub("cloud", "") engine_name = string[:engine_name] bucket_name = string[:bucket_name] module_type = string[:platform] bucket_name_clean = bucket_name.gsub("/","_") available_locales.each do |lang| file_path = Rails.root.join( "public", "tmp", "babel", "flutter","l10n", "app_#{lang}.arb" ) file_id = file_path.to_s unless translations.has_key? file_id translations[file_id] = [] end # send debug message for missing translations string[lang] = ":" + string.path + ":" if string[lang].blank? translations[file_id].push({ label: "#{bucket_name_clean}_#{string.label}".camelize(:lower), translation: string[lang] }) end # Index keys if not indexes.has_key? bucket_name_clean indexes[bucket_name_clean] = [] end indexes[bucket_name_clean].push({ k: string.label.camelize(:lower), v: "#{bucket_name_clean}_#{string.label}".upcase }) end translation_files = [] # Create translations files for every available language translations.each do |translation| file_path = translation[0] strings = translation[1] translation_files.push(file_path) # creates folder and subfolders FileUtils.makedirs(File.dirname(file_path)) # creates translation file for every available language translation_file =, "w+") # start the file with curlybraces as flutter requires translation_file.write("{\n") strings.each_with_index do |string,index| # writes the key value translations translation_file.write("\"#{string[:label]}\": \"#{string[:translation]}\"") # add comma and new line if not last string translation_file.write(",\n") if index != strings.size - 1 end # ends the file with curlybraces translation_file.write("}\n") translation_file.close end LC::Response.service true, translation_files end end end