require 'active_record' module Alchemy #:nodoc: module Essence #:nodoc: def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end # Delivers various methods we need for Essences in Alchemy. # # To turn a model into an essence call acts_as_essence inside your model and you will get: # * validations # * several getters (ie: page, element, content, ingredient, preview_text) # module ClassMethods # Turn any active record model into an essence by calling this class method # # @option options [String || Symbol] ingredient_column ('body') # specifies the column name you use for storing the content in the database (default: +body+) # @option options [String || Symbol] validate_column (ingredient_column) # The column the the validations run against. # @option options [String || Symbol] preview_text_column (ingredient_column) # Specify the column for the preview_text method. # def acts_as_essence(options={}) register_as_essence_association! configuration = { ingredient_column: 'body' }.update(options) class_eval <<-EOV attr_writer :validation_errors include Alchemy::Essence::InstanceMethods stampable stamper_class_name: Alchemy.user_class_name validate :validate_ingredient, :on => :update, :if => 'validations.any?' has_one :content, :as => :essence has_one :element, :through => :content has_one :page, :through => :element scope :available, -> { joins(:element).merge(Element.available) } scope :from_element, ->(name) { joins(:element).where(alchemy_elements: { name: name }) } delegate :restricted?, to: :page, allow_nil: true delegate :trashed?, to: :element, allow_nil: true delegate :public?, to: :element, allow_nil: true after_update :touch_content def acts_as_essence_class #{} end def ingredient_column '#{configuration[:ingredient_column]}' end def validation_column '#{configuration[:validate_column] || configuration[:ingredient_column]}' end def preview_text_column '#{configuration[:preview_text_column] || configuration[:ingredient_column]}' end EOV end # Register the current class as has_many association on +Alchemy::Page+ and +Alchemy::Element+ models def register_as_essence_association! klass_name = self.model_name.to_s arguments = [:has_many, klass_name.demodulize.tableize.to_sym, through: :contents, source: :essence, source_type: klass_name] %w(Page Element).each { |k| "Alchemy::#{k}".constantize.send(*arguments) } end end module InstanceMethods # Essence Validations: # # Essence validations can be set inside the config/elements.yml file. # # Supported validations are: # # * presence # * uniqueness # * format # # format needs to come with a regex or a predefined matcher string as its value. # There are already predefined format matchers listed in the config/alchemy/config.yml file. # It is also possible to add own format matchers there. # # Example of format matchers in config/alchemy/config.yml: # # format_matchers: # email: !ruby/regexp '/\A[^@\s]+@([^@\s]+\.)+[^@\s]+\z/' # url: !ruby/regexp '/\A[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/.*)?\z/ix' # ssl: !ruby/regexp '/https:\/\/[\S]+/' # # Example of an element definition with essence validations: # # - name: person # contents: # - name: name # type: EssenceText # validate: [presence] # - name: email # type: EssenceText # validate: [format: 'email'] # - name: homepage # type: EssenceText # validate: [format: !ruby/regexp '^[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/.*)?$'] # # Example of an element definition with chained validations. # # - name: person # contents: # - name: name # type: EssenceText # validate: [presence, uniqueness, format: 'name'] # def validate_ingredient validations.each do |validation| if validation.respond_to?(:keys) { |key, _value| self.send("validate_#{key}", validation) } else self.send("validate_#{validation}") end end end def validations @validations ||= description.present? ? description['validate'] || [] : [] end def validation_errors @validation_errors ||= [] end def validate_presence if ingredient.blank? errors.add(ingredient_column, :blank) validation_errors << :blank end end def validate_uniqueness return if !public? if duplicates.any? errors.add(ingredient_column, :taken) validation_errors << :taken end end def validate_format(validation) matcher = Config.get('format_matchers')["#{validation['format']}"] || validation['format'] if ingredient.to_s.match( errors.add(ingredient_column, :invalid) validation_errors << :invalid end end def duplicates acts_as_essence_class .available .from_element( .where("#{ingredient_column}" => ingredient) .where.not(id: end # Returns the value stored from the database column that is configured as ingredient column. def ingredient if self.respond_to?(ingredient_column) self.send(ingredient_column) end end # Returns the value stored from the database column that is configured as ingredient column. def ingredient=(value) if self.respond_to?(ingredient_setter_method) self.send(ingredient_setter_method, value) end end # Returns the setter method for ingredient column def ingredient_setter_method ingredient_column.to_s + '=' end # Essence description from config/elements.yml def description return {} if element.nil? or element.content_descriptions.nil? element.content_descriptions.detect { |c| c['name'] == } || {} end # Touch content. Called after update. def touch_content return nil if content.nil? content.touch end # Returns the first x (default 30) characters of ingredient for the Element#preview_text method. # def preview_text(maxlength = 30) self.send(preview_text_column).to_s[0..maxlength-1] end def open_link_in_new_window? respond_to?(:link_target) && link_target == 'blank' end def partial_name'::').last.underscore end def acts_as_essence? acts_as_essence_class.present? end def to_partial_path "alchemy/essences/#{partial_name}_view" end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval { include Alchemy::Essence } if defined?(Alchemy::Essence)