- 0.1.13 fix puma configuration - 0.1.10 / 0.1.11 / 0.1.12 fixed unicorn and puma recipe: only stop server, if pid file exists - 0.1.9 updated puma recipe - 0.1.3 / 0.1.4 / 0.1.5 / 0.1.6 / 0.1.7 / 0.1.8 unicorn recipe: only stop unicorn, if pid file exists - 0.1.2 fixed bug in unicorn recipe - 0.1.1 integrated / updated further recipes: - unicorn - rails_assets - puma # yet untested code formatting - 0.1.0 initial commit; gem forked from https://github.com/lest/capistrano-deploy and adjusted paths