require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe ReadersController do dataset :readers, :messages before do controller.stub!(:request).and_return(request) Page.current_site = sites(:test) if defined? Site request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = '!' Radiant::Config['reader.allow_registration?'] = true end describe "with a get to new" do it "should render the registration screen" do get :new response.should be_success response.should render_template("new") end it "should generate a secret email field name" do end end describe "with a registration" do before do session[:email_field] = @email_field = 'randomstring' post :create, :reader => {:name => "registering user", :password => "password", :password_confirmation => "password"}, :randomstring => '' @reader = Reader.find_by_name('registering user') end it "should create a new reader" do @reader.should_not be_nil end it "should set the current reader" do controller.send(:current_reader).should == @reader end it "should have deobfuscated the email field" do == '' end it "should have defaulted to email address as login" do @reader.login.should == end if defined? Site it "should have assigned the new reader to the current site" do == sites(:test) end end it "should redirect to the please-activate page" do response.should be_redirect response.should redirect_to(reader_activation_url) end describe "with the trap field filled in" do before do session[:email_field] = @email_field = 'randomstring' post :create, :reader => {:name => "bot user", :email => ''}, :password => "password", :password_confirmation => "password" @reader = Reader.find_by_name('bot user') end it "should not create the reader" do @reader.should be_nil end it "should re-render the form" do response.should be_success response.should render_template('new') end it "should flash a notice" do flash[:error].should_not be_nil end end end describe "to the browser" do describe "who has logged in" do before do activate_authlogic rsession = ReaderSession.create!(readers(:normal)) # controller.stub!(:current_reader_session).and_return(rsession) end it "should consent to show another reader page" do get :show, :id => reader_id(:visible) response.should be_success end it "should not show the edit page for another reader" do get :edit, :id => reader_id(:visible) response.should be_success flash[:error].should =~ /other people's accounts/ end it "should not remove this reader" do delete :destroy, :id => reader_id(:normal) response.should be_redirect response.should redirect_to(admin_readers_url) Reader.find(reader_id(:normal)).should_not be_nil end it "should not remove another reader" do delete :destroy, :id => reader_id(:visible) response.should be_redirect response.should redirect_to(admin_readers_url) Reader.find(reader_id(:visible)).should_not be_nil end end describe "who has not logged in" do before do logout_reader end it "should not show a reader page" do get :show, :id => reader_id(:visible) response.should be_redirect response.should redirect_to(reader_login_url) end end end describe "with an update request" do before do login_as_reader(:normal) end describe "that includes the correct password" do before do put :update, {:id => reader_id(:normal), :reader => {:name => "New Name", :current_password => 'password'}} @reader = readers(:normal) end it "should update the reader" do == 'New Name' end it "should redirect to the reader page" do response.should be_redirect response.should redirect_to(reader_url(@reader)) end end describe "that does not include the correct password" do before do put :update, {:id => reader_id(:normal), :reader => {:name => "New Name"}, :current_password => 'wrongo'} @reader = readers(:normal) end it "should not update the reader" do == 'Normal' end it "should re-render the edit form" do response.should be_success response.should render_template("edit") end end describe "that does not validate" do before do put :update, {:id => reader_id(:normal), :reader => {:login => ""}, :current_password => 'password'} @reader = readers(:normal) end it "should not update the reader" do == 'Normal' end it "should re-render the edit form" do response.should be_success response.should render_template("edit") end end end describe "when registration is not allowed" do before do Radiant::Config['reader.allow_registration?'] = false end it "should not offer the registration form" do get :new response.should be_redirect response.should redirect_to reader_login_url flash[:error].should_not be_nil end end end