# frozen_string_literal: true # encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe 'aggregation examples in Ruby' do before(:all) do # In sharded clusters we need to ensure the database exists before running # the tests in this file. begin ClientRegistry.instance.global_client('authorized')['_placeholder'].create rescue Mongo::Error::OperationFailure => e # Collection already exists if e.code != 48 raise end end end let(:client) do authorized_client end context 'Aggregation Example 1 - Simple aggregation' do let(:example_code) do # Start Aggregation Example 1 client[:sales].aggregate( [ { '$match' => { 'items.fruit' => 'banana' } }, { '$sort' => { 'date' => 1 } } ]) # End Aggregation Example 1 end it 'successfully executes the aggregation' do example_code.to_a end end context 'Aggregation Example 2 - $match, $group, $project, $unwind, $sum, $sort, $dayOfWeek' do let(:example_code) do # Start Aggregation Example 2 client[:sales].aggregate( [ { '$unwind' => '$items' }, { '$match' => { 'items.fruit' => 'banana' } }, { '$group' => { '_id' => { 'day' => { '$dayOfWeek' => '$date' } }, 'count' => { '$sum' => '$items.quantity' } } }, { '$project' => { 'dayOfWeek' => '$_id.day', 'numberSold' => '$count', '_id' => 0 } }, { '$sort' => { 'numberSold' => 1 } } ]) # End Aggregation Example 2 end it 'successfully executes the aggregation' do example_code.to_a end end context 'Aggregation Example 3 - $unwind, $group, $sum, $dayOfWeek, $multiply, $project, $cond' do let(:example_code) do # Start Aggregation Example 3 client[:sales].aggregate( [ { '$unwind' => '$items' }, { '$group' => { '_id' => { 'day' => { '$dayOfWeek' => '$date' } }, 'items_sold' => { '$sum' => '$items.quantity' }, 'revenue' => { '$sum' => { '$multiply' => [ '$items.quantity', '$items.price' ] } } } }, { '$project' => { 'day' => '$_id.day', 'revenue' => 1, 'items_sold' => 1, 'discount' => { '$cond' => { 'if' => { '$lte' => ['$revenue', 250]}, 'then' => 25, 'else' => 0 } } } } ]) # End Aggregation Example 3 end it 'successfully executes the aggregation' do example_code.to_a end end context 'Aggregation Example 4 - $lookup, $filter, $match' do min_server_fcv '3.6' let(:example_code) do # Start Aggregation Example 4 client[:sales].aggregate( [ { '$lookup' => { 'from' => 'air_airlines', 'let' => { 'constituents' => '$airlines' }, 'pipeline' => [ { '$match' => { '$expr' => { '$in' => ['$name', '$$constituents'] } } }], 'as' => 'airlines' } }, { '$project' => { '_id' => 0, 'name' => 1, 'airlines' => { '$filter' => { 'input' => '$airlines', 'as' => 'airline', 'cond' => { '$eq' => ['$$airline.country', 'Canada'] } } } } } ]) # End Aggregation Example 4 end it 'successfully executes the aggregation' do example_code.to_a end end context 'runCommand Example 1' do let(:example_code) do # Start runCommand Example 1 client.database.command(buildInfo: 1) # End runCommand Example 1 end it 'successfully executes the command' do example_code end end context 'runCommand Example 2' do before do client[:restaurants].drop client[:restaurants].create end let(:example_code) do # Start runCommand Example 2 client.database.command(collStats: 'restaurants') # End runCommand Example 2 end it 'successfully executes the command' do example_code end end context 'Index Example 1 - build simple ascending index' do let(:example_code) do # Start Index Example 1 client[:records].indexes.create_one(score: 1) # End Index Example 1 end it 'successfully executes the command' do example_code end end context 'Index Example 2 - build multikey index with partial filter expression' do let(:example_code) do # Start Index Example 2 client[:records].indexes.create_one({ cuisine: 1, name: 1 }, { partialFilterExpression: { rating: { '$gt' => 5 } } }) # End Index Example 2 end it 'successfully executes the command' do example_code end end end