**Resources** =================== It's a gem that help's you to create **CRUD** controllers for your models in a **very fast** and **flexible** way. **Note:** Version 1.0.0+ introduces some breaking changes, to see the list of this change please check [CHANGE_LOG.md](https://github.com/emilioforrer/resources/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) ---------- **Installation** ------------ Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ``` gem 'resources' ``` And then execute: ``` bundle install ``` Or install it yourself as: ``` $ gem install resources ``` Rub the configuration generator, this will create the **resources initializer** ``` rails g resources:install ``` ---------- USAGE ------------- Just add `resource_for` to your controller and give the model's name ``` class Admin::CountriesController < ApplicationController resource_for "Country" end ``` or use the controller generator ``` rails g resource_controller admin/country ``` And that's it, you have to do anything else on the controller to create a **CRUD** maintenance for the country model. `resource_for` will **handle all the restful** actions for you and it will give you the next's helper_methods for your convenience: **`resources`:** this will have a collection of `Country`, objects so you can use on the `index` actions or any other collection route actions of your controller **`resource`:** this will have a `Country`, object so you can use on the member route actions like `new, create, edit, update, show, destroy` **`resources_search`:** this is a **[ransack](https://github.com/activerecord-hackery/ransack)** object to you in the `search_form_for` helper **`resource_saved?`:** this is a helper to user after create or update a record to know if it was saved. ## OPTIONS AND FLEXIBILITY `resource_for` by default expects the `params` key for update or create the object to be `resource` if you use `form_for` or `simple_form` you need to add the `as: :resource` option ``` = simple_form_for [:admin, resource], as: :resource do |f| = f.input :code = f.input :name = f.input :active = f.submit "SAVE" ``` #### **RESOURCE PARAMS - `params_resource`** This options allows you to change the default params key used for create or update the record. So you don't have to add the `as: :resource` to the `simple_form_for`. ``` class Admin::CountriesController < ApplicationController resource_for :"Country", params_resource: :country end ``` **Note:** For **Rails 4** you may encounter with this error (ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError) when you try to update a record due to **`strong_parameters`** protection. To avoid this just add to your model a method named `permited_attributes` that return an array of allowed attributes. Example ``` class Country < ActiveRecord::Base def permited_attributes [:name, :code, :active] end end ``` Or you can use the `lambda` syntax. ``` class Admin::CountriesController < ApplicationController resource_for :"Country", params_resource: lambda{ |params| params[:country] } end # For rails 4 class Admin::CountriesController < ApplicationController resource_for :"Country", params_resource: lambda{ |params| params.require(:country).permit(:name) } end ``` #### **RESOURCE ALIAS - `resource_method_name` - `resources_method_name`** This options allows you to alias the `resource` method in case you don't like the name. if you don't specify a `resources_method_name` it will name the alias to `resource_method_name` **pluralized**. ``` class Admin::CountriesController < ApplicationController resource_for :"Country", params_resource: :country, resource_method_name: :country end ``` **NOTE:** making a change in `resource_method_name` and `resources_method_name` options requires a **server restart**. Now in your view you can use `country` instead of `resource` ``` = simple_form_for [:admin, country] do |f| = f.input :code = f.input :name = f.input :active = f.submit "SAVE" ``` #### **PAGINATION - `pagination`** This option enable pagination in case that you use any of the most popular pagination gems ([kaminari](https://github.com/amatsuda/kaminari) or [will_paginate](https://github.com/mislav/will_paginate)). ``` class Admin::CountriesController < ApplicationController resource_for :"Country", pagination: true, params_resource: :country, resource_method_name: :country end ``` Or you can use the `lambda` syntax. ``` class Admin::CountriesController < ApplicationController resource_for :"Country", pagination: lambda{ |params, controller| params[:disable_pagination].blank? }, params_resource: :country, resource_method_name: :country end ``` #### **DEFAULT SCOPES - `resource_scope`- `resources_scope`** This options are to set a default `scope` for the `resources`, and `resource` objects. ``` class Admin::CountriesController < ApplicationController resource_for :"Country", resources_scope: :active, pagination: true, params_resource: :country, resource_method_name: :country end ``` **Note:** this will execute the scope `active` and get you only the countries that are currently actives. You can use the `lambda` syntax for a **more complex scope**. ``` class Admin::CountriesController < ApplicationController resource_for :"Country", resources_scope: lambda{ |scope, params, controller| scope.by_active_state(params[:active_state]).includes(:cities) }, pagination: true, params_resource: :country, resource_method_name: :country end ``` #### **SEARCH - `search`- `search_options`** The `search` option enable [ransack](https://github.com/activerecord-hackery/ransack) in case that you have installed it. And the `search_options` allows you to pass a hash of parameters to the result method of ransack like **`distinct: true`** ``` class Admin::CountriesController < ApplicationController resource_for :"Country", search: true, search_options: {distinct: true}, resources_scope: :active, pagination: true, params_resource: :country, resource_method_name: :country end ``` **NOTE:** For the use of the** `search_form_for`** you have the `resources_search` helper that is a racksack object or in this case `countries_search` because we used the resource alias `resource_method_name` ``` = search_form_for [:admin, countries_search] do |f| = f.label :name_cont = f.search_field :name_cont = f.submit ``` #### **Overriding methods ** ##### **Redirects ** By default, after any of the REST actions that modify the record (create, update, destroy) **it redirects to the index action** of that controller, but if you define method **`after_#{action_name}_path_for`** that returns a path **it will execute this method and redirect** to that particular path. **Example** ``` def after_create_path_for root_url end ``` **NOTE:** After creating the record it will redirect to the **root_url** ##### **default REST actions** If you want to override any of the REST actions, to add any extra logic that you may need, you can just pass a block to the **`save_resource`** or **`destroy_resource`** inside the actions and add your custom logic there. **Example** ``` def create save_resource do # Add you complex logic here if resource_saved? flash[:notice] = I18n.t("app.record_successfully_created") redirect_to root_url and return else render action: :new end end end ``` **NOTE:** Remember that you can make use of the **`resource_saved?`** method to know if the record has been saved #### **Using it with Grape ** If you are using `resources` with the [Grape](https://github.com/intridea/grape) gem fallow the next steps: In your Gemfile add the `resources` **after** `grape` ``` gem "grape" gem 'grape-raketasks' gem "hashie-forbidden_attributes" gem "resources" ``` Now in your api class add the **`helpers ::Resources::GrapeHelpers`** and in the execute the **`resource_for`** inside a before block. ``` require "resources" require "resources/grape_helpers" # only need to add this line if you didnt do the previous step module Twitter class API < Grape::API version 'v1', using: :header, vendor: 'twitter' format :json prefix :api helpers ::Resources::GrapeHelpers before do resource_for :"Country" end resource :countries do desc "Return a list of countries." get do resources end desc "Return a country." get ':id' do resource end desc "Update a country." put ':id' do save_resource end end end end ``` **NOTE:** Currently there is a limitation, the option **`resource_method_name`** doesn't work inside grape #### **GLOBAL CONFIGURATION ** You can change the default parameters of any configuration by change the options in the `config/initializers/resources.rb` that was generated by running `rails g resources:install` ``` Resources.config do |config| config.params_search = :q # ransack search parameter. Default params[:q] config.params_resource = :resource # resource parameter to be saved. end ``` ---------- ## **Copyright** Copyright (c) 2015 Emilio Forrer. See LICENSE.txt for further details.