h2. FFMpeg A DSL for building and executing ffmpeg commands. h2. Requirements It requires that you already have ffmpeg installed, obviously :) h2. Install gem install polly-ffmpeg --source http://gems.github.com h2. Usage To build and execute a command you would use the FFMpeg::convert method and then call the FFMpeg::run method like this: include FFMpeg convert "file.ext", :to => "new_file.ext" do     seek "00:01:13"     duration "00:10:01" end.run For more information checkout the "documentation":http://polly.github.com/ffmpeg/ h2. Credit where credit's due Thank's to "jwthompson2":http://github.com/jwthompson2, there's now support for all of the standard video and audio options from the ffmpeg documentation as well as improved and refactored specs.