module URI
# Allows the opening of various resources including URIs.
# If the first argument responds to the 'open' method, 'open' is called on it
# with the rest of the arguments.
# If the first argument is a string that begins with `(protocol)://`, it is
# parsed by URI.parse. If the parsed object responds to the 'open' method,
# 'open' is called on it with the rest of the arguments.
# Otherwise, Kernel#open is called.
# OpenURI::OpenRead#open provides URI::HTTP#open, URI::HTTPS#open and
# URI::FTP#open, Kernel#open.
# We can accept URIs and strings that begin with http://, https:// and ftp://.
# In these cases, the opened file object is extended by OpenURI::Meta.
def self.open: (String name, ?String mode, ?Integer perm, ?untyped options) -> (StringIO & OpenURI::Meta | Tempfile & OpenURI::Meta)
| [T] (String name, ?String mode, ?Integer perm, ?untyped options) { (StringIO | Tempfile) -> T } -> T
# OpenURI is an easy-to-use wrapper for Net::HTTP, Net::HTTPS and Net::FTP.
# ## Example
# It is possible to open an http, https or ftp URL as though it were a file:
# URI.open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/") {|f|
# f.each_line {|line| p line}
# }
# The opened file has several getter methods for its meta-information, as
# follows, since it is extended by OpenURI::Meta.
# URI.open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en") {|f|
# f.each_line {|line| p line}
# p f.base_uri #
# p f.content_type # "text/html"
# p f.charset # "iso-8859-1"
# p f.content_encoding # []
# p f.last_modified # Thu Dec 05 02:45:02 UTC 2002
# }
# Additional header fields can be specified by an optional hash argument.
# URI.open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/",
# "User-Agent" => "Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}",
# "From" => "foo@bar.invalid",
# "Referer" => "http://www.ruby-lang.org/") {|f|
# # ...
# }
# The environment variables such as http_proxy, https_proxy and ftp_proxy are in
# effect by default. Here we disable proxy:
# URI.open("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/", :proxy => nil) {|f|
# # ...
# }
# See OpenURI::OpenRead.open and URI.open for more on available options.
# URI objects can be opened in a similar way.
# uri = URI.parse("http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/")
# uri.open {|f|
# # ...
# }
# URI objects can be read directly. The returned string is also extended by
# OpenURI::Meta.
# str = uri.read
# p str.base_uri
# Author
# : Tanaka Akira
module OpenURI
# Mixin for holding meta-information.
module Meta
# returns an Array that consists of status code and message.
attr_accessor status: [ String, String ]
# returns a URI that is the base of relative URIs in the data. It may differ
# from the URI supplied by a user due to redirection.
attr_accessor base_uri: URI::Generic
# returns a Hash that represents header fields. The Hash keys are downcased for
# canonicalization. The Hash values are a field body. If there are multiple
# field with same field name, the field values are concatenated with a comma.
attr_reader meta: Hash[String, String]
# returns a Time that represents the Last-Modified field.
def last_modified: () -> Time?
# returns "type/subtype" which is MIME Content-Type. It is downcased for
# canonicalization. Content-Type parameters are stripped.
def content_type: () -> String
def charet: () -> String?
# Returns a list of encodings in Content-Encoding field as an array of strings.
# The encodings are downcased for canonicalization.
def content_encoding: () -> Array[String]
# Mixin for HTTP and FTP URIs.
module OpenRead
# OpenURI::OpenRead#open provides `open' for URI::HTTP and URI::FTP.
# OpenURI::OpenRead#open takes optional 3 arguments as:
# OpenURI::OpenRead#open([mode [, perm]] [, options]) [{|io| ... }]
# OpenURI::OpenRead#open returns an IO-like object if block is not given.
# Otherwise it yields the IO object and return the value of the block. The IO
# object is extended with OpenURI::Meta.
# `mode` and `perm` are the same as Kernel#open.
# However, `mode` must be read mode because OpenURI::OpenRead#open doesn't
# support write mode (yet). Also `perm` is ignored because it is meaningful only
# for file creation.
# `options` must be a hash.
# Each option with a string key specifies an extra header field for HTTP. I.e.,
# it is ignored for FTP without HTTP proxy.
# The hash may include other options, where keys are symbols:
# :proxy
# : Synopsis:
# :proxy => "http://proxy.foo.com:8000/"
# :proxy => URI.parse("http://proxy.foo.com:8000/")
# :proxy => true
# :proxy => false
# :proxy => nil
# If :proxy option is specified, the value should be String, URI, boolean or
# nil.
# When String or URI is given, it is treated as proxy URI.
# When true is given or the option itself is not specified, environment
# variable `scheme_proxy' is examined. `scheme' is replaced by `http',
# `https' or `ftp'.
# When false or nil is given, the environment variables are ignored and
# connection will be made to a server directly.
# :proxy_http_basic_authentication
# : Synopsis:
# :proxy_http_basic_authentication =>
# ["http://proxy.foo.com:8000/", "proxy-user", "proxy-password"]
# :proxy_http_basic_authentication =>
# [URI.parse("http://proxy.foo.com:8000/"),
# "proxy-user", "proxy-password"]
# If :proxy option is specified, the value should be an Array with 3
# elements. It should contain a proxy URI, a proxy user name and a proxy
# password. The proxy URI should be a String, an URI or nil. The proxy
# user name and password should be a String.
# If nil is given for the proxy URI, this option is just ignored.
# If :proxy and :proxy_http_basic_authentication is specified, ArgumentError
# is raised.
# :http_basic_authentication
# : Synopsis:
# :http_basic_authentication=>[user, password]
# If :http_basic_authentication is specified, the value should be an array
# which contains 2 strings: username and password. It is used for HTTP Basic
# authentication defined by RFC 2617.
# :content_length_proc
# : Synopsis:
# :content_length_proc => lambda {|content_length| ... }
# If :content_length_proc option is specified, the option value procedure is
# called before actual transfer is started. It takes one argument, which is
# expected content length in bytes.
# If two or more transfers are performed by HTTP redirection, the procedure
# is called only once for the last transfer.
# When expected content length is unknown, the procedure is called with nil.
# This happens when the HTTP response has no Content-Length header.
# :progress_proc
# : Synopsis:
# :progress_proc => lambda {|size| ...}
# If :progress_proc option is specified, the proc is called with one
# argument each time when `open' gets content fragment from network. The
# argument `size` is the accumulated transferred size in bytes.
# If two or more transfer is done by HTTP redirection, the procedure is
# called only one for a last transfer.
# :progress_proc and :content_length_proc are intended to be used for
# progress bar. For example, it can be implemented as follows using
# Ruby/ProgressBar.
# pbar = nil
# open("http://...",
# :content_length_proc => lambda {|t|
# if t && 0 < t
# pbar = ProgressBar.new("...", t)
# pbar.file_transfer_mode
# end
# },
# :progress_proc => lambda {|s|
# pbar.set s if pbar
# }) {|f| ... }
# :read_timeout
# : Synopsis:
# :read_timeout=>nil (no timeout)
# :read_timeout=>10 (10 second)
# :read_timeout option specifies a timeout of read for http connections.
# :open_timeout
# : Synopsis:
# :open_timeout=>nil (no timeout)
# :open_timeout=>10 (10 second)
# :open_timeout option specifies a timeout of open for http connections.
# :ssl_ca_cert
# : Synopsis:
# :ssl_ca_cert=>filename or an Array of filenames
# :ssl_ca_cert is used to specify CA certificate for SSL. If it is given,
# default certificates are not used.
# :ssl_verify_mode
# : Synopsis:
# :ssl_verify_mode=>mode
# :ssl_verify_mode is used to specify openssl verify mode.
# :ssl_min_version
# : Synopsis:
# :ssl_min_version=>:TLS1_2
# :ssl_min_version option specifies the minimum allowed SSL/TLS protocol
# version. See also OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#min_version=.
# :ssl_max_version
# : Synopsis:
# :ssl_max_version=>:TLS1_2
# :ssl_max_version option specifies the maximum allowed SSL/TLS protocol
# version. See also OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#max_version=.
# :ftp_active_mode
# : Synopsis:
# :ftp_active_mode=>bool
# `:ftp_active_mode => true` is used to make ftp active mode. Ruby 1.9 uses
# passive mode by default. Note that the active mode is default in Ruby 1.8
# or prior.
# :redirect
# : Synopsis:
# :redirect=>bool
# `:redirect` is true by default. `:redirect => false` is used to disable
# all HTTP redirects.
# OpenURI::HTTPRedirect exception raised on redirection. Using `true` also
# means that redirections between http and ftp are permitted.
def open: (*untyped) -> IO
| [T] (*untyped) { (IO) -> T } -> T
# OpenURI::OpenRead#read([ options ]) reads a content referenced by self and
# returns the content as string. The string is extended with OpenURI::Meta. The
# argument `options` is same as OpenURI::OpenRead#open.
def read: (untyped options) -> String
module URI
class HTTP
include OpenURI::OpenRead
class FTP
include OpenURI::OpenRead