require 'spec_helper' describe NinjaModel::Adapters::AdapterPool do class DummyAdapter < NinjaModel::Adapters::AbstractAdapter; end before { @spec ={}, :dummy) NinjaModel::Base.register_adapter(:dummy, DummyAdapter) @pool = } subject { @pool } its(:spec) { should eql(@spec) } its(:instances) { should be_empty } its(:connected?) { should be_false } its(:current_instance_id) { should eql(Thread.current.object_id) } describe 'obtaining an adapter instance' do it 'should store the instance for a given thread' do subject.instance subject.expects(:checkout).never subject.instance end end describe 'releasing an adapter instance' do it 'should call checkout when obtaining another instance' do subject.expects(:checkout).twice subject.instance subject.release_instance subject.instance end end describe 'with_instance' do it 'should yield an instance' do @inst = nil subject.with_instance do |inst| @inst = inst end @inst.should be_kind_of(DummyAdapter) end it 'should release the instance when complete' do subject.expects(:release_instance).with(subject.send :current_instance_id) subject.with_instance do |inst| end end end describe 'shutdown!' do it 'should checkin all assigned instances' do @inst = subject.instance subject.expects(:checkin).with(@inst) subject.shutdown! end it 'should call disconnect on all instances' do @inst = subject.instance @inst.expects(:disconnect!) subject.shutdown! end end describe 'clear_stale_cached_instances!' do let(:thread) { mock('Thread') } before { Thread.stubs(:list).returns([thread]) } it 'should reap any instances for dead threads' do thread.stubs(:alive?).returns(false) inst = subject.instance subject.instance_variable_set("@assigned_instances".to_sym, {thread.object_id => inst}) subject.expects(:checkin).with(inst) subject.send :clear_stale_cached_instances! end it 'should not reap instances for live threads' do thread.stubs(:alive?).returns(true) inst = subject.instance subject.instance_variable_set("@assigned_instances".to_sym, {thread.object_id => inst}) subject.expects(:checkin).with(inst).never subject.send :clear_stale_cached_instances! end end describe 'checkout' do subject { } context 'with no current instances' do it 'should checkout a new instance' do subject.expects(:checkout_new_instance).returns('foo') subject.send(:checkout) end it 'should store the instance' do subject.send(:checkout) subject.instances.count.should eql(1) end end context 'with 1 existing instance' do context 'that is already assigned' do it 'should checkout a new instance' do threads = [] subject.expects(:new_instance).twice.returns(NinjaModel::Adapters::AdapterManager.registered[].new(subject.spec.config)) 2.times do |idx| threads << do subject.send(:checkout) end end threads.each { |t| t.join } end end context 'that is not assigned' do it 'should checkout the existing instance' do subject.expects(:checkout_existing_instance).returns('existing') subject.instance subject.release_instance subject.instances.count.should eql(1) subject.send(:checkout) end end end context 'with the maximum number of instances' do context 'with an available instance' do it 'should successfully check out an instance' do subject.instance threads = [] 4.times do |idx| threads << do subject.instance end end threads.each { |t| t.join } subject.release_instance subject.send(:checkout).should_not be_nil end end context 'with no available instances' do it 'should raise a ConnectionTimeoutError' do threads = [] 5.times do |idx| threads << do subject.instance end end threads.each { |t| t.join } subject.stubs(:clear_stale_cached_instances!) lambda { subject.instance }.should raise_error(NinjaModel::ConnectionTimeoutError) end end context 'with instances that can be reaped' do it 'should return an existing instance' do threads = [] 5.times do |idx| threads << do subject.instance end end threads.each { |t| t.join } subject.expects(:checkout_existing_instance).returns('foo') subject.instance end end end end # before(:each) do # @spec = mock('AdapterSpecification') do # stubs(:adapter_method).returns(:dummy_adapter) # stubs(:config) # end # # @adapter = mock('AbstractAdapter') do # stubs(:verify!) # end # # @pool = # @thread = mock('thread') do # stubs('object_id').returns(123) # end # Thread.stubs(:current).returns(@thread) # NinjaModel::Base.stubs(:dummy_adapter).returns(@adapter) # end # # it 'should properly respond to connected?' do # @pool.connected?.should be_false # @pool.instance # @pool.connected?.should be_true # end # # it 'should initialize from an AdapterSpecification' do # spec = mock('AdapterSpecification') # eql(spec) # end # # it 'should return a valid instance_id' do # (@pool.send :current_instance_id).should eql(@thread.object_id) # end # # describe 'when creating an instance' do # it 'should create a valid instance' do # (@pool.send :new_instance).should eql(@adapter) # end # # it 'should store the instance' do # @pool.stubs(:new_instance).returns(@adapter) # @pool.instance # @pool.instances.should include(@adapter) # end # # it 'should assign the instance to the current_thread' do # @pool.stubs(:new_instance).returns(@adapter) # @pool.instance # @pool.stubs(:checkout).returns("new_instance") # @pool.instance.should_not eql("new_instance") # @pool.instance.should eql(@adapter) # end # # it 'should reuse an unallocated instance' do # @pool.stubs(:current_instance_id).returns(123) # inst = @pool.instance # @pool.release_instance(123) # @pool.instance.should eql(inst) # end # end # # it 'should properly allocate/deallocate instances' do # @pool.stubs(:current_instance_id).returns(123) # @pool.expects(:checkout).returns(@adapter) # @pool.expects(:checkin) # @pool.with_instance do |instance| # end # end end