## # The first component of the version. GOSU_MAJOR_VERSION = :a_fixnum ## # The second component of the version. GOSU_MINOR_VERSION = :a_fixnum ## # The third component of the version. GOSU_POINT_VERSION = :a_fixnum ## # A version string of the form "0.1.2" or "". GOSU_VERSION = "#{GOSU_MAJOR_VERSION}.#{GOSU_MINOR_VERSION}.#{GOSU_POINT_VERSION}" ## # A long block of legal copy that your game is obliged to display somewhere. GOSU_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE = :a_string module Gosu Kb0 = :implementation_defined Kb1 = :implementation_defined Kb2 = :implementation_defined Kb3 = :implementation_defined Kb4 = :implementation_defined Kb5 = :implementation_defined Kb6 = :implementation_defined Kb7 = :implementation_defined Kb8 = :implementation_defined Kb9 = :implementation_defined KbA = :implementation_defined KbB = :implementation_defined KbC = :implementation_defined KbD = :implementation_defined KbE = :implementation_defined KbF = :implementation_defined KbG = :implementation_defined KbH = :implementation_defined KbI = :implementation_defined KbJ = :implementation_defined KbK = :implementation_defined KbL = :implementation_defined KbM = :implementation_defined KbN = :implementation_defined KbO = :implementation_defined KbP = :implementation_defined KbQ = :implementation_defined KbR = :implementation_defined KbS = :implementation_defined KbT = :implementation_defined KbU = :implementation_defined KbV = :implementation_defined KbW = :implementation_defined KbX = :implementation_defined KbY = :implementation_defined KbZ = :implementation_defined KbBackspace = :implementation_defined KbDelete = :implementation_defined KbDown = :implementation_defined KbEnd = :implementation_defined ## # This is the key on the numpad. KbEnter = :implementation_defined KbEscape = :implementation_defined KbF1 = :implementation_defined KbF10 = :implementation_defined KbF11 = :implementation_defined KbF12 = :implementation_defined KbF2 = :implementation_defined KbF3 = :implementation_defined KbF4 = :implementation_defined KbF5 = :implementation_defined KbF6 = :implementation_defined KbF7 = :implementation_defined KbF8 = :implementation_defined KbF9 = :implementation_defined KbHome = :implementation_defined KbInsert = :implementation_defined KbLeft = :implementation_defined KbLeftAlt = :implementation_defined KbLeftControl = :implementation_defined KbLeftShift = :implementation_defined KbNumpad0 = :implementation_defined KbNumpad1 = :implementation_defined KbNumpad2 = :implementation_defined KbNumpad3 = :implementation_defined KbNumpad4 = :implementation_defined KbNumpad5 = :implementation_defined KbNumpad6 = :implementation_defined KbNumpad7 = :implementation_defined KbNumpad8 = :implementation_defined KbNumpad9 = :implementation_defined KbNumpadAdd = :implementation_defined KbNumpadDivide = :implementation_defined KbNumpadMultiply = :implementation_defined KbNumpadSubtract = :implementation_defined KbPageDown = :implementation_defined KbPageUp = :implementation_defined ## # This is the key above the right shift key. KbReturn = :implementation_defined KbRight = :implementation_defined KbRightAlt = :implementation_defined KbRightControl = :implementation_defined KbRightShift = :implementation_defined KbSpace = :implementation_defined KbTab = :implementation_defined KbUp = :implementation_defined KbBacktick = :implementation_defined KbMinus = :implementation_defined KbEqual = :implementation_defined KbBracketLeft = :implementation_defined KbBracketRight = :implementation_defined KbBackslash = :implementation_defined KbSemicolon = :implementation_defined KbApostrophe = :implementation_defined KbComma = :implementation_defined KbPeriod = :implementation_defined KbSlash = :implementation_defined MsLeft = :implementation_defined MsMiddle = :implementation_defined MsRight = :implementation_defined MsWheelDown = :implementation_defined MsWheelUp = :implementation_defined MsOther0 = :implementation_defined MsOther1 = :implementation_defined MsOther2 = :implementation_defined MsOther3 = :implementation_defined MsOther4 = :implementation_defined MsOther5 = :implementation_defined MsOther6 = :implementation_defined MsOther7 = :implementation_defined GpButton0 = :implementation_defined GpButton1 = :implementation_defined GpButton10 = :implementation_defined GpButton11 = :implementation_defined GpButton12 = :implementation_defined GpButton13 = :implementation_defined GpButton14 = :implementation_defined GpButton15 = :implementation_defined GpButton2 = :implementation_defined GpButton3 = :implementation_defined GpButton4 = :implementation_defined GpButton5 = :implementation_defined GpButton6 = :implementation_defined GpButton7 = :implementation_defined GpButton8 = :implementation_defined GpButton9 = :implementation_defined GpDown = :implementation_defined GpLeft = :implementation_defined GpRight = :implementation_defined GpUp = :implementation_defined Gp0Button0 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button1 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button10 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button11 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button12 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button13 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button14 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button15 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button2 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button3 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button4 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button5 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button6 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button7 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button8 = :implementation_defined Gp0Button9 = :implementation_defined Gp0Down = :implementation_defined Gp0Left = :implementation_defined Gp0Right = :implementation_defined Gp0Up = :implementation_defined Gp1Button0 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button1 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button10 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button11 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button12 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button13 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button14 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button15 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button2 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button3 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button4 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button5 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button6 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button7 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button8 = :implementation_defined Gp1Button9 = :implementation_defined Gp1Down = :implementation_defined Gp1Left = :implementation_defined Gp1Right = :implementation_defined Gp1Up = :implementation_defined Gp2Button0 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button1 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button10 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button11 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button12 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button13 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button14 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button15 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button2 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button3 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button4 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button5 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button6 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button7 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button8 = :implementation_defined Gp2Button9 = :implementation_defined Gp2Down = :implementation_defined Gp2Left = :implementation_defined Gp2Right = :implementation_defined Gp2Up = :implementation_defined Gp3Button0 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button1 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button10 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button11 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button12 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button13 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button14 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button15 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button2 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button3 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button4 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button5 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button6 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button7 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button8 = :implementation_defined Gp3Button9 = :implementation_defined Gp3Down = :implementation_defined Gp3Left = :implementation_defined Gp3Right = :implementation_defined Gp3Up = :implementation_defined ## # Represents an ARGB color value with 8 bits for each channel. Colors can be used interchangeably with integer literals of the form 0xAARRGGBB in all Gosu APIs. class Color ## # @return [Fixnum] the color's alpha channel. attr_accessor :alpha ## # @return [Fixnum] the color's red channel. attr_accessor :red ## # @return [Fixnum] the color's green channel. attr_accessor :green ## # @return [Fixnum] the color's blue channel. attr_accessor :blue ## # @return [Fixnum] the color's hue in the range (0...360). attr_accessor :hue ## # @return [Float] the color's saturation in the range (0..1). attr_accessor :saturation ## # @return [Float] the color's value in the range (0..1). attr_accessor :value # @!group Creating colors. ## # @overload initialize(argb) # @param argb [Fixnum] an integer of the form 0xAARRGGBB. # # @overload initialize(a, r, g, b) # @param a [Fixnum] the color's alpha channel in the range (0..255). # @param r [Fixnum] the color's red channel in the range (0..255). # @param g [Fixnum] the color's green channel in the range (0..255). # @param b [Fixnum] the color's blue channel in the range (0..255). # # @see from_hsv # @see from_ahsv # @see rgba # @see argb def initialize(*args); end ## # @return (see #initialize) # # @overload rgba(rgba) # @param argb [Fixnum] an integer of the form 0xRRGGBBAA. # # @overload rgba(r, g, b, a) # @param r [Fixnum] the color's red channel in the range (0..255). # @param g [Fixnum] the color's green channel in the range (0..255). # @param b [Fixnum] the color's blue channel in the range (0..255). # @param a [Fixnum] the color's alpha channel in the range (0..255). # # @see #initialize # @see argb def self.rgba(*args); end # This method is equivalent to calling `Color.new`, but the name makes the parameter order explicit. # # @return (see #initialize) # @overload argb(argb) # @overload argb(a, r, g, b) # # @see #initialize # @see rgba def self.argb(*args); end # Converts an HSV triplet to an opaque color. # # @return [Color] a color corresponding to the HSV triplet. # @param h [Fixnum] the color's hue in the range (0..360). # @param s [Float] the color's saturation in the range (0..1). # @param v [Float] the color's value in the range (0..1). # # @see from_ahsv def self.from_hsv(h, s, v); end # Converts an HSV triplet to a color with the alpha channel set to a given value. # # @return (see from_hsv) # @param a [Fixnum] the color's opacity in the range (0..255). # @param (see from_hsv) # # @see from_hsv def self.from_ahsv(a, h, s, v); end # @!endgroup # Returns a 32-bit representation of the color suitable for use with OpenGL calls. This color is stored in a fixed order in memory and its integer value may vary depending on your system's byte order. # # @return [Fixnum] a 32-bit OpenGL color. def gl; end ## # @return [Color] a copy of the color. def dup; end NONE = Gosu::Color.argb(0x00000000) BLACK = Gosu::Color.argb(0xff000000) GRAY = Gosu::Color.argb(0xff808080) WHITE = Gosu::Color.argb(0xffffffff) AQUA = Gosu::Color.argb(0xff00ffff) RED = Gosu::Color.argb(0xffff0000) GREEN = Gosu::Color.argb(0xff00ff00) BLUE = Gosu::Color.argb(0xff0000ff) YELLOW = Gosu::Color.argb(0xffffff00) FUCHSIA = Gosu::Color.argb(0xffff00ff) CYAN = Gosu::Color.argb(0xff00ffff) end ## # A font can be used to draw text on a Window object very flexibly. # Fonts are ideal for small texts that change regularly. For large, # static texts you should use {Gosu::Image#from_text}. class Font ## # The font's name. This may be the name of a system font or a filename. # # @return [String] the font's name. attr_reader :name ## # @return [Fixnum] The font's height in pixels. attr_reader :height ## # Load a font from the system fonts or a file. # # @param window [Gosu::Window] # @param font_name [String] the name of a system font, or a path to a TrueType Font (TTF) file. A path must contain at least one '/' character to distinguish it from a system font. # @param height [Fixnum] the height of the font, in pixels. def initialize(window, font_name, height); end ## # Overrides the image for a character. # # @note For any given character, this method MUST NOT be called more than once, and MUST NOT be called if a string containing the character has already been drawn. # # @return [void] # @param character [String] the character to replace. # @param image [Image] the image to use for the character. def []=(character, image); end # @!group Drawing text ## # Draws a single line of text with its top left corner at (x, y). # # @return [void] # @param text [String] # @param x [Number] the X coordinate # @param y [Number] the Y coordinate # @param z [Number] the Z-order. # @param factor_x [Float] the horizontal scaling factor. # @param factor_y [Float] the vertical scaling factor. # @param color [Color, Fixnum] # @param mode [:default, :additive] the blending mode to use. # # @see #draw_rel # @see Gosu::Image.from_text # @see file:reference/Drawing_with_Colors.md Drawing with Colors # @see file:reference/Z-Ordering.md def draw(text, x, y, z, factor_x=1, factor_y=1, color=0xffffffff, mode=:default); end ## # Draws a single line of text relative to (x, y). # # The text is aligned to the drawing location according to the `rel_x` and `rel_y` parameters: a value of 0.0 corresponds to top and left, while 1.0 corresponds to bottom and right. A value of 0.5 naturally corresponds to the center of the text. # # All real numbers are valid alignment values and will be interpolated (or extrapolated) accordingly. # # @return [void] # @param rel_x [Float] the horizontal alignment. # @param rel_y [Float] the vertical alignment. # @param (see #draw) # # @see #draw # @see file:reference/Drawing_with_Colors.md Drawing with Colors # @see file:reference/Z-Ordering.md def draw_rel(text, x, y, z, rel_x, rel_y, factor_x=1, factor_y=1, color=0xffffffff, mode=:default); end ## # @deprecated Use {#draw} in conjunction with {Window#rotate} instead. # # @see #draw # @see Gosu::Window#rotate def draw_rot(text, x, y, z, angle, factor_x=1, factor_y=1, color=0xffffffff, mode=:default); end # @!endgroup ## # Returns the width of a single line of text, in pixels, if it were drawn. # # @return [Fixnum] the width of the text, in pixels. # @param text [String] def text_width(text, factor_x=1); end end ## # Provides functionality for drawing rectangular images. class Image ## # @return [Fixnum] the image's width, in pixels. attr_reader :width ## # @return [Fixnum] the image's height, in pixels. attr_reader :height # @!group Creating and loading images ## # Loads an image from a file or an RMagick image. # # @note For Windows Bitmap (BMP) images, magenta (FF00FF, often called "magic pink" in this context) is treated as a chroma key and all pixels of that color are automatically rendered fully transparent. # # @param window [Window] # @param source [String, Magick::Image] the filename or RMagick image to load from. # @param tileable [true, false] # @param left [Fixnum] # @param top [Fixnum] # @param width [Fixnum] # @param height [Fixnum] # # @overload initialize(window, source, tileable) # @overload initialize(window, source, tileable, left, top, width, height) # Loads a rectangular slice of the image. # # If you need to load multiple tiles from a texture atlas, {load_tiles} is almost always a better choice. # # # @see load_tiles # @see from_text # @see file:reference/Tileability.md def initialize(window, source, tileable, left, top, width, height); end ## # Creates a reusable image from one or more lines of text. # # The text is always rendered in white. To draw it in a different color, use the `color` parameter of {#draw}, et al. # # @overload from_text(window, text, font_name, font_height) # @overload from_text(window, text, font_name, font_height, line_spacing, width, align) # # @return [Gosu::Image] # @param window [Gosu::Window] # @param text [String] # @param font_name [String] the name of a system font, or a path to a TrueType Font (TTF) file. A path must contain at least one '/' character to distinguish it from a system font. # @param font_height [Fixnum] the height of the font, in pixels. # @param line_spacing [Fixnum] the vertical spacing beteen lines. # @param width [Fixnum] the width of the image, in pixels. Long lines will be automatically wrapped around to avoid overflow, but overlong words will be truncated. # @param align [:left, :right, :center, :justify] the text alignment. # # @see Gosu::Font def self.from_text(window, text, font_name, font_height, line_spacing, width, align); end ## # Loads an image from a file or an RMagick image, then divides the image into an array of equal-sized tiles. # # @note For Windows Bitmap (BMP) images, magenta (FF00FF, often called "magic pink" in this context) is treated as a chroma key and all pixels of that color are automatically rendered fully transparent. # # @return [Array] # @param window [Window] # @param source [String, Magick::Image] # @param tile_width [Fixnum] If positive, this is the width of the individual tiles; if negative, the image is divided into -tile_width columns. # @param tile_height [Fixnum] If positive, this is the height of the individual tiles; if negative, the image is divided into -tile_height rows. # @param tileable [true, false] # # @see file:reference/Tileability.md def self.load_tiles(window, source, tile_width, tile_height, tileable); end # @!endgroup # @!group Drawing an image ## # Draws the image with its top left corner at (x, y). # # @return [void] # @param x [Float] the X coordinate. # @param y [Float] the X coordinate. # @param z [Float] the Z-order. # @param factor_x [Float] the horizontal scaling factor. # @param factor_y [Float] the vertical scaling factor. # @param color [Gosu::Color, Integer] # @param mode [:default, :additive] the blending mode to use. # # @see #draw_rot # @see #draw_as_quad # @see file:reference/Drawing_with_Colors.md Drawing with Colors # @see file:reference/Z-Ordering.md def draw(x, y, z, factor_x=1, factor_y=1, color=0xffffffff, mode=:default); end ## # Draws the image rotated, with its rotational center at (x, y). # # @return [void] # @param angle [Float] # @param center_x [Float] the relative horizontal rotation origin. # @param center_y [Float] the relative vertical rotation origin. # @param (see #draw) # # @see #draw # @see file:reference/Drawing_with_Colors.md Drawing with Colors # @see file:reference/Z-Ordering.md def draw_rot(x, y, z, angle, center_x=0.5, center_y=0.5, factor_x=1, factor_y=1, color=0xffffffff, mode=:default); end ## # Draws the image as an arbitrary quad. This method can be used for advanced non-rectangular drawing techniques, e.g., faking perspective or isometric projection. # # @return [void] # @param (see Gosu::Window#draw_quad) # # @see #draw # @see Gosu::Window#draw_quad # @see file:reference/Drawing_with_Colors.md Drawing with Colors # @see file:reference/Order_of_Corners.md Order of Corners # @see file:reference/Z-Ordering.md def draw_as_quad(x1, y1, c1, x2, y2, c2, x3, y3, c3, x4, y4, c4, z, mode=:default); end # @!endgroup ## # Returns an object that holds information about the underlying OpenGL texture and UV coordinates of the image. # # @note Some images may be too large to fit on a single texture; this method returns nil in those cases. # # @return [Gosu::GLTexInfo?] information about the underlying OpenGL texture. # # @see Gosu::GLTexInfo # @see file:examples/OpenGLIntegration.rb def gl_tex_info; end ## # Returns the associated texture contents as binary string of packed RGBA values, useful for use with RMagick (Magick::Image.from_blob). # # @return [String] a binary string of packed RGBA values. def to_blob; end ## # Overwrites part of the image with the contents of another. If the source image is partially out of bounds, it will be clipped to fit. # # This can be used to e.g. overwrite parts of a landscape. # # @return [void] # @param source [String, Magick::Image] the filename or RMagick image to load from. # @param x [Fixnum] the X coordinate of the top left corner. # @param y [Fixnum] the Y coordinate of the top left corner. def insert(source, x, y); end ## # Saves the image to a file. The file format is determined from the file extension. # # Useful for, e.g., pre-rendering text on a development machine where the necessary fonts are known to be available. # # @return [void] # @param filename [String] the path to save the file under. def save(filename); end end ## # A sample is a short sound that is completely loaded in memory, can be # played multiple times at once and offers very flexible playback # parameters. Use samples for everything that's not music. # # @see Gosu::Song class Sample ## # Loads a sample from a file. # # @param window [Gosu::Window] # @param filename [String] the path to load the sample from. def initialize(window, filename); end ## # Plays the sample without panning. # # Playback speed is limited only by the underlying audio library, and both very large and very small values should work just fine. # # @return [SampleInstance] # @param volume [Float] the playback volume, in the range (0..1), where 0 is completely silent and 1 is full volume. # @param speed [Float] the playback speed. # @param looping [true, false] whether the sample should play in a loop. # # @see #play_pan def play(volume=1, speed=1, looping=false); end ## # Plays the sample with panning. # # @note Samples played with this method will not be as loud as those played with {#play}, even if `pan` is 0. This is due to a limitation in the way panning works. # # @return [SampleInstance] # @param pan [Float] the amount of panning. 0 is centered. # @param (see #play) # # @see #play def play_pan(pan=0, volume=1, speed=1, looping=false); end end ## # An instance of a {Gosu::Sample} playing. Can be used to stop sounds dynamically, or to check if they are finished. # # It is recommended to throw away sample instances as soon as possible, as holding onto them for a long time can prevent unneeded samples being properly disposed. class SampleInstance attr_writer :volume attr_writer :speed attr_writer :pan ## # Stops playback of this sample instance. After calling this method, the sample instance is useless and can be discarded. # # Calling `stop` after the sample has finished is harmless and has no effect. # # @return [void] def stop; end ## # Pauses the sample, to be resumed afterwards. # # @note The sample will still occupy a playback channel while paused. # # @return [void] def pause; end ## # Resumes playback of the sample. # # @return [void] def resume; end ## # @return [true, false] whether the sample is paused. def paused?; end ## # @return [true, false] whether the sample is playing. def playing?; end end ## # Songs are less flexible than samples in that only one can be played at a time, with no panning or speed control. # # @see Gosu::Sample class Song class <self * 180.0 / Math::PI + 90. # # @return [Float] degrees. def radians_to_gosu(); end ## # Converts a Gosu-compatible angle to radians using the formula (self - 90) * Math::PI / 180.0. # # @return [Float] radians. def gosu_to_radians(); end ## # Converts degrees to radians. # # @return [Float] radians. def degrees_to_radians(); end ## # Converts radians to degrees. # # @return [Float] degrees. def radians_to_degrees(); end end