require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'etc' require 'fileutils' require 'find' require 'socket' require 'tempfile' require 'yaml' task :default => 'build' PACKAGE_CATEGORY = "Utilities" PACKAGECLOUD_REPO = "expectedbehavior/instrumental" CONFIG_DIR = "conf" CONFIG_DEST = "/etc/" GEMSPEC = Bundler::GemHelper.instance.gemspec SPEC_PATH = Bundler::GemHelper.instance.spec_path PACKAGE_NAME ="_", "-") # Debian packages cannot include _ in name VERSION = GEMSPEC.version TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION = "20150517-2.1.6" TRAVELING_RUBY_FILE = "packaging/traveling-ruby-#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-%s.tar.gz" DEST_DIR = File.join("/opt/", PACKAGE_NAME) PACKAGE_OUTPUT_NAME = [PACKAGE_NAME, VERSION].join("_") LICENSE = Array(GEMSPEC.licenses).first || "None" VENDOR = Array(GEMSPEC.authors).first || Etc.getlogin MAINTAINER = Array( || [Etc.getlogin, Socket.gethostname].join("@") HOMEPAGE = GEMSPEC.homepage || "" DESCRIPTION = GEMSPEC.description || "" SUPPORTED_DISTROS = { 'deb' => ['ubuntu/precise', 'ubuntu/lucid', 'ubuntu/trusty', 'ubuntu/utopic', 'debian/lenny', 'debian/squeeze', 'debian/wheezy'], 'rpm' => ['el/5', 'el/6', 'el/7'] } EXTRA_ARGS = { 'deb' => '--deb-init debian/instrument_server --after-install debian/ --before-remove debian/ --after-remove debian/ --deb-user nobody --deb-group nogroup', 'rpm' => '--rpm-init rpm/instrument_server --after-install rpm/ --before-remove rpm/ --after-remove rpm/ --rpm-user nobody --rpm-group nobody --rpm-os linux --rpm-attr "-,nobody,nobody:/opt/instrumental-tools/" --directories /opt/instrumental-tools/' } WRAPPER_SCRIPT_SHELL = <<-EOSCRIPT #!/bin/bash set -e # Figure out where this script is located. SELFDIR="`dirname \"$0\"`" SELFDIR="`cd \"$SELFDIR\" && pwd`" # Tell Bundler where the Gemfile and gems are. export BUNDLE_GEMFILE="$SELFDIR/lib/vendor/Gemfile" unset BUNDLE_IGNORE_CONFIG # Run the actual app using the bundled Ruby interpreter. exec "$SELFDIR/lib/ruby/bin/ruby" -rbundler/setup "$SELFDIR/lib/app/%s" "$@" EOSCRIPT WRAPPER_SCRIPT_BAT = <<-EOSCRIPT @echo off :: Tell Bundler where the Gemfile and gems are. set "BUNDLE_GEMFILE=%%~dp0\\lib\\vendor\\Gemfile" set BUNDLE_IGNORE_CONFIG= :: Run the actual app using the bundled Ruby interpreter, with Bundler activated. @"%%~dp0\\lib\\ruby\\bin\\ruby.bat" -rbundler/setup "%%~dp0\\lib\\app\\%s" %%* EOSCRIPT ARCHITECTURES = { 'linux-x86' => { runtime: TRAVELING_RUBY_FILE % "linux-x86", arch: "i386", packages: %w{deb rpm}, platform: "linux", packagecloud: true, wrapper: WRAPPER_SCRIPT_SHELL, separator: '/', package_from_compressed: true, dest_dir: DEST_DIR }, 'linux-x86_64' => { runtime: TRAVELING_RUBY_FILE % "linux-x86_64", arch: "amd64", packages: %w{deb rpm}, platform: "linux", packagecloud: true, wrapper: WRAPPER_SCRIPT_SHELL, separator: '/', package_from_compressed: true, dest_dir: DEST_DIR }, 'osx' => { runtime: TRAVELING_RUBY_FILE % "osx", arch: "x86_64", packages: [], platform: "darwin", packagecloud: false, wrapper: WRAPPER_SCRIPT_SHELL, separator: '/', dest_dir: DEST_DIR }, 'win32' => { runtime: TRAVELING_RUBY_FILE % "win32", packages: %w{exe}, packagecloud: false, compress_format: 'zip', wrapper: WRAPPER_SCRIPT_BAT, separator: '\\', extension: '.bat', package_from_compressed: false, dest_dir: '' } } BUNDLE_CONFIG = <<-EOBUNDLECONFIG BUNDLE_PATH: . BUNDLE_WITHOUT: development BUNDLE_DISABLE_SHARED_GEMS: '1' EOBUNDLECONFIG desc "Package your app" task :package => { |name, _| "package:%s" % name } ARCHITECTURES.each do |name, config| namespace "package" do has_packaging = Array(config[:packages]).size > 0 if has_packaging desc "Package your app for %s" % name task name => ["%s:package" % name] else desc "Package your app for %s" % name task name => ["%s:compress" % name] end namespace name do desc "Create a compressed package for %s" % name task "compress" do task("package:bundle_install").invoke(name.to_sym) task(config[:runtime]).invoke create_compressed_package(create_directory_bundle(name, config[:wrapper], config[:separator], config[:extension]), config[:compress_format]) end if has_packaging desc "Create packages (%s) for %s" % [config[:packages].join(","), name] task "package" do task("package:bundle_install").invoke(name.to_sym) task(config[:runtime]).invoke destination = create_directory_bundle(name, config[:wrapper], config[:separator], config[:extension], config[:dest_dir]) if config[:package_from_compressed] destination = create_compressed_package(destination, config[:compress_format]) end create_packages(destination, config[:platform], config[:arch], config[:packages]) end end if config[:packagecloud] namespace "packagecloud" do desc "Push packages (%s) to package_cloud" % config[:packages].join(",") task "push" do destination = create_directory_bundle(name, config[:wrapper], config[:separator], config[:extension], config[:dest_dir]) if config[:package_from_compressed] destination = create_compressed_package(destination, config[:compress_format]) end packages = create_packages(destination, config[:platform], config[:arch], config[:packages]) by_extension = packages.group_by { |path| File.extname(path)[1..-1] } by_extension.each do |extension, files| distros = SUPPORTED_DISTROS[extension] distros.each do |distro| repo = File.join(PACKAGECLOUD_REPO, distro) files.each do |file| yank_cmd = %Q{package_cloud yank "%s" "%s"} % [repo, file] puts yank_cmd system(yank_cmd) sh %Q{package_cloud push "%s" "%s"} % [repo, file] end end end end end end end end file config[:runtime] do download_runtime(name) end end namespace "package" do desc "Install gems to local directory" task :bundle_install, [:platform] do |t, args| if RUBY_VERSION !~ /^2\.1\./ abort "You can only 'bundle install' using Ruby 2.1, because that's what Traveling Ruby uses." end tmp_package_dir = File.join("packaging", "tmp") spec_path = SPEC_PATH cache_dir = File.join("packaging", "vendor", "*", "*", "cache", "*") sh %Q{rm -rf "%s"} % tmp_package_dir sh %Q{mkdir -p "%s"} % tmp_package_dir sh %Q{cp "%s" Gemfile Gemfile.lock "%s"} % [spec_path, tmp_package_dir] sh %Q{ln -sf "%s" "%s"} % [File.expand_path("lib"), tmp_package_dir] env = if args[:platform] == :win32 "INSTALL_WINDOWS=1" else "" end Bundler.with_clean_env do sh %Q{cd "%s" && env BUNDLE_IGNORE_CONFIG=1 #{env} bundle install --path ../vendor --without development} % tmp_package_dir end sh %Q{rm -rf "%s"} % tmp_package_dir sh %Q{rm -f "%s"} % cache_dir end end def create_packages(directory, platform, architecture, package_formats) Array(package_formats).map { |pkg| create_package(directory, pkg, platform, architecture) } end def create_package(source, pkg, platform, architecture) supported_by_fpm = %w{deb rpm} supported_by_nsis = %w{exe} if supported_by_fpm.include?(pkg) output_name = [[PACKAGE_OUTPUT_NAME, architecture].join("_"), pkg].join(".") extra_args = EXTRA_ARGS[pkg] || "" sh %Q{fpm -s tar -t "%s" -f -n "%s" -v "%s" -a "%s" --license "%s" --vendor "%s" --maintainer "%s" --url "%s" --description "%s" --category "%s" --config-files "%s" -C "%s" -p "%s" %s "%s"} % [pkg, PACKAGE_NAME, VERSION, architecture, LICENSE, VENDOR, MAINTAINER, HOMEPAGE, DESCRIPTION, PACKAGE_CATEGORY, CONFIG_DEST, File.basename(source, ".tar.gz"), output_name, extra_args, source] output_name elsif supported_by_nsis.include?(pkg) nsis_script = File.join("win32", "installer.nsis.erb") installer_name = File.basename(source) + ".exe" template =, [source], nsis_script) temp ="nsis", ".") temp.write(template.result) temp.close(false) sh %Q{makensis "%s"} % temp.path temp.unlink else raise"Format %s is not supported" % pkg) end end def create_directory_bundle(target, wrapper_script, separator, extension = nil, prefix = nil) package_dir = [PACKAGE_NAME, VERSION, target].join("_") prefixed_dir = if prefix File.join(package_dir, prefix) else package_dir end lib_dir = File.join(prefixed_dir, "lib") config_dest_dir = File.join(package_dir, CONFIG_DEST) app_dir = File.join(lib_dir, "app") ruby_dir = File.join(lib_dir, "ruby") dest_vendor_dir = File.join(lib_dir, "vendor") vendor_dir = File.join("packaging", "vendor") traveling_ruby_file = "packaging/traveling-ruby-%s-%s.tar.gz" % [TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION, target] spec_path = SPEC_PATH bundle_dir = File.join(dest_vendor_dir, ".bundle") sh %Q{rm -rf "%s"} % package_dir sh %Q{mkdir "%s"} % package_dir sh %Q{mkdir -p "%s"} % prefixed_dir sh %Q{mkdir -p "%s"} % config_dest_dir sh %Q{mkdir -p "%s"} % app_dir GEMSPEC.files.each do |file| destination_dir = File.join(app_dir, File.dirname(file)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination_dir) sh %Q{cp "%s" "%s"} % [file, destination_dir] end Dir[File.join(CONFIG_DIR, "*")].each do |file| sh %Q{cp "%s" "%s"} % [file, config_dest_dir] end sh %Q{mkdir "%s"} % ruby_dir sh %Q{tar -xzf "%s" -C "%s"} % [traveling_ruby_file, ruby_dir] GEMSPEC.executables.each do |file| destination = File.join(prefixed_dir, file + extension.to_s) bin_path = "bin" + separator + file, "w") { |f| f.write(wrapper_script % bin_path) } sh %Q{chmod +x "%s"} % destination end sh %Q{cp -pR "%s" "%s"} % [vendor_dir, lib_dir] sh %Q{cp "%s" Gemfile Gemfile.lock "%s"} % [spec_path, dest_vendor_dir] sh %Q{ln -sf "../app/%s" "%s"} % ["lib", File.join(dest_vendor_dir, "lib")] FileUtils.mkdir_p(bundle_dir), "config"), "w") { |f| f.write(BUNDLE_CONFIG) } post_build_dir = File.join(target) post_build_makefile = File.join(post_build_dir, "Makefile") if File.exists?(post_build_makefile) sh %Q{cd "%s" && make clean || /usr/bin/true} % post_build_dir sh %Q{cd "%s" && make install prefix="%s"} % [post_build_dir, File.expand_path(package_dir)] end package_dir end def create_compressed_package(package_dir, format = 'tar.gz') format ||= 'tar.gz' case format when 'tar.gz' gzip_file = "%s.tar.gz" % package_dir sh %Q{tar -czf "%s" "%s"} % [gzip_file, package_dir] gzip_file when 'zip' zip_file = "" % package_dir sh %Q{zip -r "%s" "%s"} % [zip_file, package_dir] zip_file else raise"Format %s is not supported" % format) end end def download_runtime(target) traveling_ruby_name = ["traveling-ruby", TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION, target].join("-") traveling_ruby_file = "%s.tar.gz" % traveling_ruby_name traveling_ruby_releases = "" traveling_ruby_url = File.join(traveling_ruby_releases, traveling_ruby_file) sh "cd packaging && curl -L -O --fail %s" % traveling_ruby_url end class NSISERBContext attr_reader :template_path, :directories, :installer_file_name def initialize(installer_name, directories, template_path) @directories = directories @template_path = template_path @installer_file_name = installer_name end def template_source end def removable_artifacts removable_files = removable_directories = directories.each do |dir| Find.find(dir) do |path| puts path.inspect if File.file?(path) without_base = path.split(File::SEPARATOR)[1..-1] without_file = without_base[0..-2] removable_files << without_base.join("\\") removable_directories << without_file.join("\\") end end end removable_files << "InstrumentServer.exe" dirs = removable_directories.to_a.sort_by { |path| path.split("\\").size }.reverse [removable_files.to_a, dirs] end def service_name "instrument_server" end def uninstaller_name "uninstaller.exe" end def result end end