# `chartd-rb` – Encode data for chartd.co
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:chart_with_upwards_trend: `chartd-rb` is a Ruby gem for [chartd.co],
a service from [@stathat], that allows you to creat a chart by encoding
a dataset into an URL, like so:
[chartd.co]: https://chartd.co
[@stathat]: https://github.com/stathat
The URL can then be used with a simple `` tag and the resulting
chart looks like this:
## Usage
# grab some data
data = [1, 2, 3]
# and create a chart
chart = Chartd::Chart.new(data)
chart.url # => https://chartd.co/a.png?d0=Ae9…
### Y-Axis Minimum & Maximum
By default `chartd` uses the minimum and maximum values from your
dataset. They can be set explicitly like this:
Chartd::Chart.new(data, min: 0, max: 100)
### Multiple Datasets
`data` can also be a multidimensional array, which will result in the
chart having multiple lines. The maximum of datasets to chart is 5.
# grab some more data
data = [
[1, 3, 2],
[5, 3, 4]
# and create a chart
chart = Chartd::Chart.new(data)
chart.url # => https://chartd.co/a.png?d0=AeP&d1=9et…
### Width & Height
The default dimensions of a chart are `580px x 180px`. You can change
them using the `options` parameter:
Chartd::Chart.new(data, options: { w: 2000, h: 1000 })
**:warning: Important:** chartd doubles the dimensions of the chart so
that the resulting image is `@2x`, meaning it looks great on retina
(high res) screens.
### Disabling Y-Axis Labels
The y-axis are both labeled by default. Set `ylabel` to `false` when
creating a chart to turn that off:
Chartd::Chart.new(data, ylabels: false)
### Image Format
While chartd supports both `.svg` and `.png`, `chartd-rb` currently
only supports `.png`. [Issue #2][#2] explains why.
[#2]: https://github.com/commissure/chartd-rb/issues/2
### Options
The `options` hash is written directly to the final URL, meaning
that [all parameters documented on chartd.co][chartd] can be used.
[chartd]: https://chartd.co/
Chartd::Chart.new(data, options: {
t: 'My Awesome Chart',
step: 1,
hl: 1,
I would be happy to accept a PR that integrates some of them (for
example the coloring) a little bit more nicely.
## Contributing
1. Fork the repository
2. Create a feature branch: `git checkout -b your-feature`
3. Add your changes
4. Write tests and check coverage report in `coverage/index.html`
5. Push changes: `git push -u origin your-feature`
6. Submit a pull request
## License
This project is licensed under the **MIT license**. See the `LICENSE`
file for details.