#+TITLE: Library as a Gem - libtiff #+LATEX: \pagebreak * Overview ~laag-libtiff~ packages [[https://gitlab.com/libtiff/libtiff][libtiff]] as a Ruby Gem, using [[https://github.com/colstrom/laag][laag]]. * Updating this Package This gem uses Brett Langdon's excellent [[https://github.com/brettlangdon/git-vendor][git-vendor]] for managing the vendored library. Updating is as simple as: #+BEGIN_SRC shell git-vendor update libtiff Release-v4-0-9 #+END_SRC So fork, clone, run that command, and submit a Pull Request. * Versioning This gem does not conform to Semantic Versioning. Rather, it defers to the versioning of the vendored library, with an additional digit indicating the number of packaging-related commits. This is a deliberate choice, so that version constraints in dependent libraries may be expressed in terms of the vendored library, and packaging details ignored. * License This gem adopts the license used by the vendored library. See =LICENSE.txt= for the full text. * Contributors - [[https://colstrom.github.io/][Chris Olstrom]] | [[mailto:chris@olstrom.com][e-mail]] | [[https://twitter.com/ChrisOlstrom][Twitter]]