require_relative "../spec_helper" describe MPFI, "when checking inclusive relations" do before(:all) do @a = MPFI.interval(-2, 5) @b = MPFI.interval(-3, 2) @c = MPFI.interval(5, 8) @d = MPFI.interval(7, 9) @e = MPFI.interval(-2, 0) @f = MPFI.interval(-1, 0) end it "should be some variations of return value for method include?." do @a.include?(@b).should be_nil @a.include?(@c).should be_nil @a.include?(@d).should be_nil @a.include?(@e).should be_true @a.include?(@f).should be_true @a.strictly_include?(@b).should be_nil @a.strictly_include?(@c).should be_nil @a.strictly_include?(@d).should be_nil @a.strictly_include?(@e).should be_nil @a.strictly_include?(@f).should be_true @a.intersect(@b).should be_true @a.intersect(@c).should be_true @a.intersect(@d).should be_nil @a.intersect(@e).should be_true @a.intersect(@f).should be_true end end describe MPFI, "when making intersection of two intervals" do before(:all) do MPFR.set_default_prec(200) src = [[2, 3], [4, 5], [-7, 0]] tmp = GenerateNumber.float_arguments(2, 200).map { |a| a[0] < a[1] ? MPFI.interval(*a) : MPFI.interval(a[1], a[0])} @base = [MPFI.interval(1, 3)] + tmp[0...20] @intervals ={ |a| MPFI.interval(*a) } + tmp[20..-1] end it "should return intersection intervals or nil" do res = [0, 0] @base.each do |a| @intervals.each do |b| intersect = a.intersect(b) if a.left > b.right || a.right < b.left intersect.should be_nil a.intersect2(b).empty?.should be_true res[1] += 1 else intersect.should == MPFI.interval([a.left, b.left].max, [a.right, b.right].min) intersect.should == a.intersect2(b) a.include?(intersect).should be_true b.include?(intersect).should be_true res[0] += 1 end end end end end describe MPFI, "when checking whether interval is bounded or not bounded" do before(:all) do MPFR.set_default_prec(128) @bounded = GenerateNumber.float_arguments(2, 200).map { |a| a[0] < a[1] ? MPFI.interval(*a) : MPFI.interval(a[1], a[0])} @unbounded = [[, MPFR.pinf], [MPFR.minf,]].map { |a| MPFI.interval(*a)} end it "should be bounded" do @bounded.each { |a| a.bounded?.should be_true } end it "should be unbounded" do @unbounded.each { |a| a.bounded?.should be_nil } end end describe MPFI, "when making interval" do before(:all) do MPFR.set_default_prec(128) @sources = GenerateNumber.float_arguments(2, 100) end it "should not raise error" do @sources.each do |a| interval = nil lambda { interval = (a[0] < a[1] ? MPFI.interval(a[0].to_s, a[1].to_s) : MPFI.interval(a[1].to_s, a[0].to_s)) }.should_not raise_error interval.include?([0].to_s)).should be_true interval.include?([1].to_s)).should be_true end end end