== Synopsis require 'sys/uptime' include Sys p Uptime.days p Uptime.hours p Uptime.minutes p Uptime.seconds p Uptime.dhms.join(', ') p Uptime.uptime p Uptime.boot_time == Description This package provides uptime and boot time information, similar to the 'uptime' Unix command. == Constants VERSION Returns the current version number of this package (as a string). == Class Methods Uptime.boot_time Returns the boot time as a Time object. Uptime.days Returns the total number of days the system has been up. Uptime.hours Returns the total number of hours the system has been up. Uptime.minutes Returns the total number of minutes the system has been up. Uptime.seconds Returns the total number of seconds the system has been up. Uptime.dhms Calculates and returns the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds the system has been running as a four-element Array. Uptime.uptime Calculates and returns the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds the system has been running as a colon-separated string. == Exceptions UptimeError Raised if something goes wrong. On Unix, this would likely mean a failure of the times() function. On Windows, it probably means you failed to connect to WMI properly. == Notes On MS Windows each of the class methods optionally takes a host name as a single argument. The default is localhost (or whatever the result of Socket.gethostname returns). The current time, users and load average are NOT included in this module, even though you may be used to seeing them with the command line version of 'uptime'. This is because these things have _absolutely nothing_ to do with uptime (at least, not as I logically think of uptime). This package was tested successfully on a Solaris system with over 1600 days of uptime. == Known Bugs None that I am aware of. Please log any bugs you find on the project website at http://www.rubyforge.org/projects/sysutils. == Questions "Doesn't Struct::Tms do this?" - No. == License Ruby's == Copyright Copyright 2002-2006, Daniel J. Berger All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Ruby itself. == Warranty This package is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. == Acknowledgements Mike Hall for help with the BSD side of things. Ola Eriksson, whose source code I shamelessly plagiarized to get a better implementation for systems that have the utmpx.h header file. == Author Daniel J. Berger djberg96 at gmail dot com imperator on IRC (Freenode) == See Also uptime