# ActivityFeed Activity feeds backed by Redis. Activity feeds may also be referred to as timelines or news feeds. ## Compatibility The gem has been built and tested under Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 1.9.3. ## Installation `gem install activity_feed` or: `gem 'activity_feed'` Make sure your redis server is running! Redis configuration is outside the scope of this README, but check out the [Redis documentation](http://redis.io/documentation). ## Configuration ### Basic configuration options ```ruby require 'activity_feed' ActivityFeed.configure do |configuration| configuration.redis = Redis.new(:host => '', :port => 6379) configuration.namespace = 'activity_feed' configuration.aggregate = false configuration.aggregate_key = 'aggregate' configuration.page_size = 25 end ``` * `redis`: The Redis connection instance to be used. * `namespace`: Namespace to isolate ActivityFeed data in Redis. * `aggregate`: Determines whether or not, by default, various calls will pull from the aggregate activity feed for a user. * `aggregate_key`: Further isolates the aggregate ActivityFeed data. * `page_size`: Number of activity feed items to be retrieved per-page. ### Advanced configuration options * `items_loader`: ActivityFeed supports loading items from your ORM (e.g. ActiveRecord) or your ODM (e.g. Mongoid) when a page for a user's activity feed is requested. This option should be set to a Proc that will be called passing the item IDs as its only argument. NOTE: The following examples developing an activity feed with Mongoid using Mongoid 3.x. For example: Assume you have defined a class for storing your activity feed items in Mongoid as follows: ```ruby require 'mongoid' module ActivityFeed module Mongoid class Item include ::Mongoid::Document include ::Mongoid::Timestamps field :user_id, type: String validates_presence_of :user_id field :nickname, type: String field :type, type: String field :title, type: String field :text, type: String field :url, type: String field :icon, type: String field :sticky, type: Boolean index({ user_id: 1 } after_save :update_item_in_activity_feed after_destroy :remove_item_from_activity_feed private def update_item_in_activity_feed ActivityFeed.update_item(self.user_id, self.id, self.updated_at.to_i) end def remove_item_from_activity_feed ActivityFeed.remove_item(self.user_id, self.id) end end end end ``` You would add the following option where you are configuring ActivityFeed as follows: ```ruby ActivityFeed.items_loader = Proc.new { |ids| ActivityFeed::Mongoid::Item.where(:id.in => ids).order_by(updated_at: :desc).to_a } ``` If you need to handle any exceptions when loading activity feed items, please do this in the Proc. ## Usage ### Developing an Activity Feed for an Individual Below is a complete example using Mongoid as our persistent storage for activity feed items. The example uses callbacks to update and remove items from the activity feed. As this example uses the `updated_at` time of the item, updated items will "bubble up" to the top of the activity feed. ```ruby # Configure Mongoid require 'mongoid' Mongoid.load!("/path/to/your/mongoid.yml", :production) # Create a class for activity feed items module ActivityFeed module Mongoid class Item include ::Mongoid::Document include ::Mongoid::Timestamps field :user_id, type: String validates_presence_of :user_id field :nickname, type: String field :type, type: String field :title, type: String field :text, type: String field :url, type: String field :icon, type: String field :sticky, type: Boolean index({ user_id: 1 } after_save :update_item_in_activity_feed after_destroy :remove_item_from_activity_feed private def update_item_in_activity_feed ActivityFeed.update_item(self.user_id, self.id, self.updated_at.to_i) end def remove_item_from_activity_feed ActivityFeed.remove_item(self.user_id, self.id) end end end end # Configure ActivityFeed require 'activity_feed' ActivityFeed.configure do |configuration| configuration.redis = Redis.new(:host => '', :port => 6379) configuration.namespace = 'activity_feed' configuration.aggregate = false configuration.aggregate_key = 'aggregate' configuration.page_size = 25 configuration.items_loader = Proc.new { |ids| ActivityFeed::Mongoid::Item.where(:id.in => ids).order_by(updated_at: :desc).to_a } end # Create a couple of activity feed items activity_item_1 = ActivityFeed::Mongoid::Item.create( :user_id => 'david', :nickname => 'David Czarnecki', :type => 'some_activity', :title => 'Great activity', :text => 'This is text for the activity feed item', :url => 'http://url.com' ) activity_item_2 = ActivityFeed::Mongoid::Item.create( :user_id => 'david', :nickname => 'David Czarnecki', :type => 'some_activity', :title => 'Another great activity', :text => 'This is some other text for the activity feed item', :url => 'http://url.com' ) # Pull up the activity feed feed = ActivityFeed.feed('david', 1) => [#, #] # Update an actitivity feed item activity_item_1.text = 'Updated some text for the activity feed item' activity_item_1.save # Pull up the activity feed item and notice that the item you updated has "bubbled up" to the top of the feed feed = ActivityFeed.feed('david', 1) => [#, #] ``` ### Developing an Aggregate Activity Feed for an Individual ```ruby # Configure Mongoid require 'mongoid' Mongoid.load!("/path/to/your/mongoid.yml", :production) # Create a class for activity feed items module ActivityFeed module Mongoid class Item include ::Mongoid::Document include ::Mongoid::Timestamps field :user_id, type: String validates_presence_of :user_id field :text, type: String after_save :update_item_in_activity_feed after_destroy :remove_item_from_activity_feed private def update_item_in_activity_feed ActivityFeed.update_item(self.user_id, self.id, self.updated_at.to_i) end def remove_item_from_activity_feed ActivityFeed.remove_item(self.user_id, self.id) end end end end # Configure ActivityFeed require 'activity_feed' ActivityFeed.configure do |configuration| configuration.redis = Redis.new(:host => '', :port => 6379) configuration.namespace = 'activity_feed' configuration.aggregate = true configuration.aggregate_key = 'aggregate' configuration.page_size = 25 configuration.items_loader = Proc.new { |ids| ActivityFeed::Mongoid::Item.where(:id.in => ids).order_by(updated_at: :desc).to_a } end # Create activity feed items for a couple of users and aggregate the activity feed items from the second user in the first user's activity feed 1.upto(5) do |index| ActivityFeed::Mongoid::Item.create( :user_id => 'david', :text => "This is from david's activity feed" ) sleep(1) # Sleep a little so we make sure to have unique timestamps between activity feed items another_item = ActivityFeed::Mongoid::Item.create( :user_id => 'unknown', :text => "This is from unknown's activity feed" ) sleep(1) ActivityFeed.aggregate_item('david', another_item.id, another_item.updated_at.to_i) end # Pull up the aggregate activity feed pp feed = ActivityFeed.feed('david', 1, true) [#, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #, #] ``` ## ActivityFeed Caveats `ActivityFeed.remove_item` can ONLY remove items from a single user's activity feed. If you allow activity feed items to be deleted from a user's activity feed, you will need to propagate that delete out to all the other feeds in which that activity feed item may have been aggregated. ## ActivityFeed method summary ```ruby # Item-related ActivityFeed.update_item(user_id, item_id, timestamp, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.add_item(user_id, item_id, timestamp, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.aggregate_item(user_id, item_id, timestamp) ActivityFeed.remove_item(user_id, item_id) ActivityFeed.check_item?(user_id, item_id, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) # Feed-related ActivityFeed.feed(user_id, page, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.for(user_id, page, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.full_feed(user_id, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.feed_between_timestamps(user_id, starting_timestamp, ending_timestamp, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.between(user_id, starting_timestamp, ending_timestamp, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.total_pages_in_feed(user_id, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate, page_size = ActivityFeed.page_size) ActivityFeed.total_pages(user_id, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate, page_size = ActivityFeed.page_size) ActivityFeed.total_items_in_feed(user_id, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.total_items(user_id, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.trim_feed(user_id, starting_timestamp, ending_timestamp, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.trim(user_id, starting_timestamp, ending_timestamp, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.expire_feed(user_id, seconds, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.expire_feed_in(user_id, seconds, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.expire_in(user_id, seconds, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.expire_feed_at(user_id, timestamp, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.expire_at(user_id, timestamp, aggregate = ActivityFeed.aggregate) ActivityFeed.remove_feeds(user_id) ``` ## Contributing to ActivityFeed * Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet * Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it * Fork the project * Start a feature/bugfix branch * Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution * Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it. ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2013 David Czarnecki. See LICENSE.txt for further details.