module Floorplanner class Document POINTS_QUERY = "/project/floors/floor/designs/design/area/line/points" LINE_POINTS_REGEXP = /^((\s*[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+\s+){5,8}\s*[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+\s*?(?:,)?)*$/ def initialize(fml_fn) @xml = LibXML::XML::Document.file(fml_fn) end def self.validate(doc) schema = LibXML::XML::RelaxNG.document( LibXML::XML::Document.file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "xml", "fml.rng")) ) doc = LibXML::XML::Document.file(doc) if doc.instance_of?(String) doc.validate_relaxng(schema) do |message,error| # TODO throw an exception puts message if error end end private def self.validate_line_points(doc) doc.find(POINTS_QUERY).each do |points_node| unless LINE_POINTS_REGEXP =~ points_node.children.to_s # TODO throw an exception puts "Elements points inside area's line failed to validate content." end end end end class DesignDocument def initialize(fml) if fml.kind_of? String # filename @xml = LibXML::XML::Document.file(fml) elsif fml.kind_of? LibXML::XML::Document @xml = fml elsif fml.respond_to?(:read) # IO @xml = else raise"values must be one of: filename, IO, LibXML::XML::Document") end end def update_heights(new_height) lines = @xml.find("/design/lines/line[type='default_wall' or type='normal_wall' or contains(type,'hedge') or contains(type,'fence')]") lines.each do |line| begin points = line.find("points").first next unless points.content.include? "," coords = points.content.strip.split(",") top_coords = coords[1].strip.split(/\s/).map{|c| c.to_f} top_coords[2] = new_height top_coords[5] = new_height if top_coords.length > 6 top_coords[8] = new_height end coords[1] = top_coords.join(" ") points.content = coords.join(",") rescue; end end end def update_thumb_2d_url(thumb_2d_url) if thumb_node = @xml.find_first('/design/thumb-2d-url') thumb_node.content = thumb_2d_url elsif design_node = @xml.find_first('/design') thumb_node ='thumb-2d-url') thumb_node.content = thumb_2d_url design_node << thumb_node else raise "Cannot update the 2D thumb URL!" end end def save(path) path end def to_xml @xml end def to_s @xml.to_s end end end