require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/base_object' class Redis # # Class representing a sorted set. # class SortedSet < BaseObject # require 'enumerator' # include Enumerable require 'redis/helpers/core_commands' include Redis::Helpers::CoreCommands attr_reader :key, :options # How to add values using a sorted set. The key is the member, eg, # "Peter", and the value is the score, eg, 163. So: # num_posts['Peter'] = 163 def []=(member, score) add(member, score) end # Add a member and its corresponding value to Redis. Note that the # arguments to this are flipped; the member comes first rather than # the score, since the member is the unique item (not the score). def add(member, score) redis.zadd(key, score, marshal(member)) end # Add a list of members and their corresponding value (or a hash mapping # values to scores) to Redis. Note that the arguments to this are flipped; # the member comes first rather than the score, since the member is the unique # item (not the score). def merge(values) vals ={|v,s| [s, marshal(v)] } redis.zadd(key, vals) end alias_method :add_all, :merge # Same functionality as Ruby arrays. If a single number is given, return # just the element at that index using Redis: ZRANGE. Otherwise, return # a range of values using Redis: ZRANGE. def [](index, length=nil) if index.is_a? Range range(index.first, index.max) elsif length case length <=> 0 when 1 then range(index, index + length - 1) when 0 then [] when -1 then nil # Ruby does this (a bit weird) end else result = score(index) || 0 # handles a nil score end end alias_method :slice, :[] # Return the score of the specified element of the sorted set at key. If the # specified element does not exist in the sorted set, or the key does not exist # at all, nil is returned. Redis: ZSCORE. def score(member) result = redis.zscore(key, marshal(member)) result.to_f unless result.nil? end # Return the rank of the member in the sorted set, with scores ordered from # low to high. +revrank+ returns the rank with scores ordered from high to low. # When the given member does not exist in the sorted set, nil is returned. # The returned rank (or index) of the member is 0-based for both commands def rank(member) if n = redis.zrank(key, marshal(member)) n.to_i else nil end end def revrank(member) if n = redis.zrevrank(key, marshal(member)) n.to_i else nil end end # Return all members of the sorted set with their scores. Extremely CPU-intensive. # Better to use a range instead. def members(options={}) range(0, -1, options) || [] end # Return a range of values from +start_index+ to +end_index+. Can also use # the familiar list[start,end] Ruby syntax. Redis: ZRANGE def range(start_index, end_index, options={}) if options[:withscores] || options[:with_scores] redis.zrange(key, start_index, end_index, :with_scores => true).map{|v,s| [unmarshal(v), s] } else redis.zrange(key, start_index, end_index).map{|v| unmarshal(v) } end end # Return a range of values from +start_index+ to +end_index+ in reverse order. Redis: ZREVRANGE def revrange(start_index, end_index, options={}) if options[:withscores] || options[:with_scores] redis.zrevrange(key, start_index, end_index, :with_scores => true).map{|v,s| [unmarshal(v), s] } else redis.zrevrange(key, start_index, end_index).map{|v| unmarshal(v) } end end # Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max # (including elements with score equal to min or max). Options: # :count, :offset - passed to LIMIT # :withscores - if true, scores are returned as well # Redis: ZRANGEBYSCORE def rangebyscore(min, max, options={}) args = {} args[:limit] = [options[:offset] || 0, options[:limit] || options[:count]] if options[:offset] || options[:limit] || options[:count] args[:with_scores] = true if options[:withscores] || options[:with_scores] redis.zrangebyscore(key, min, max, args).map{|v| unmarshal(v) } end # Returns all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between max and min # (including elements with score equal to max or min). In contrary to the default ordering of sorted sets, # for this command the elements are considered to be ordered from high to low scores. # Options: # :count, :offset - passed to LIMIT # :withscores - if true, scores are returned as well # Redis: ZREVRANGEBYSCORE def revrangebyscore(max, min, options={}) args = {} args[:limit] = [options[:offset] || 0, options[:limit] || options[:count]] if options[:offset] || options[:limit] || options[:count] args[:with_scores] = true if options[:withscores] || options[:with_scores] redis.zrevrangebyscore(key, max, min, args).map{|v| unmarshal(v) } end # Remove all elements in the sorted set at key with rank between start and end. Start and end are # 0-based with rank 0 being the element with the lowest score. Both start and end can be negative # numbers, where they indicate offsets starting at the element with the highest rank. For example: # -1 is the element with the highest score, -2 the element with the second highest score and so forth. # Redis: ZREMRANGEBYRANK def remrangebyrank(min, max) redis.zremrangebyrank(key, min, max) end # Remove all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between min and max (including # elements with score equal to min or max). Redis: ZREMRANGEBYSCORE def remrangebyscore(min, max) redis.zremrangebyscore(key, min, max) end # Delete the value from the set. Redis: ZREM def delete(value) redis.zrem(key, marshal(value)) end # Delete element if it matches block def delete_if(&block) raise ArgumentError, "Missing block to SortedSet#delete_if" unless block_given? res = false redis.zrange(key, 0, -1).each do |m| if res = redis.zrem(key, m) end end res end # Increment the rank of that member atomically and return the new value. This # method is aliased as incr() for brevity. Redis: ZINCRBY def increment(member, by=1) redis.zincrby(key, by, marshal(member)).to_i end alias_method :incr, :increment alias_method :incrby, :increment # Convenience to calling increment() with a negative number. def decrement(member, by=1) redis.zincrby(key, -by, marshal(member)).to_i end alias_method :decr, :decrement alias_method :decrby, :decrement # Return the intersection with another set. Can pass it either another set # object or set name. Also available as & which is a bit cleaner: # # members_in_both = set1 & set2 # # If you want to specify multiple sets, you must use +intersection+: # # members_in_all = set1.intersection(set2, set3, set4) # members_in_all = set1.inter(set2, set3, set4) # alias # # Redis: SINTER def intersection(*sets) redis.zinter(key, *keys_from_objects(sets)).map{|v| unmarshal(v) } end alias_method :intersect, :intersection alias_method :inter, :intersection alias_method :&, :intersection # Calculate the intersection and store it in Redis as +name+. Returns the number # of elements in the stored intersection. Redis: SUNIONSTORE def interstore(name, *sets) opts = sets.last.is_a?(Hash) ? sets.pop : {} redis.zinterstore(key_from_object(name), keys_from_objects([self] + sets), opts) end # Return the union with another set. Can pass it either another set # object or set name. Also available as | and + which are a bit cleaner: # # members_in_either = set1 | set2 # members_in_either = set1 + set2 # # If you want to specify multiple sets, you must use +union+: # # members_in_all = set1.union(set2, set3, set4) # # Redis: SUNION def union(*sets) redis.zunion(key, *keys_from_objects(sets)).map{|v| unmarshal(v) } end alias_method :|, :union alias_method :+, :union # Calculate the union and store it in Redis as +name+. Returns the number # of elements in the stored union. Redis: SUNIONSTORE def unionstore(name, *sets) opts = sets.last.is_a?(Hash) ? sets.pop : {} redis.zunionstore(key_from_object(name), keys_from_objects([self] + sets), opts) end # Return the difference vs another set. Can pass it either another set # object or set name. Also available as ^ or - which is a bit cleaner: # # members_difference = set1 ^ set2 # members_difference = set1 - set2 # # If you want to specify multiple sets, you must use +difference+: # # members_difference = set1.difference(set2, set3, set4) # members_difference = set1.diff(set2, set3, set4) # # Redis: SDIFF def difference(*sets) redis.zdiff(key, *keys_from_objects(sets)).map{|v| unmarshal(v) } end alias_method :diff, :difference alias_method :^, :difference alias_method :-, :difference # Calculate the diff and store it in Redis as +name+. Returns the number # of elements in the stored union. Redis: SDIFFSTORE def diffstore(name, *sets) redis.zdiffstore(name, key, *keys_from_objects(sets)) end # Returns true if the set has no members. Redis: SCARD == 0 def empty? length == 0 end def ==(x) members == x end def to_s members.join(', ') end # Return the value at the given index. Can also use familiar list[index] syntax. # Redis: ZRANGE def at(index) range(index, index).first end # Return the first element in the list. Redis: ZRANGE(0) def first at(0) end # Return the last element in the list. Redis: ZRANGE(-1) def last at(-1) end # The number of members in the set. Aliased as size. Redis: ZCARD def length redis.zcard(key) end alias_method :size, :length # The number of members within a range of scores. Redis: ZCOUNT def range_size(min, max) redis.zcount(key, min, max) end # Return a boolean indicating whether +value+ is a member. def member?(value) !redis.zscore(key, marshal(value)).nil? end expiration_filter :[]=, :add, :merge, :delete, :increment, :incr, :incrby, :decrement, :decr, :decrby, :intersection, :interstore, :unionstore, :diffstore private def key_from_object(set) set.is_a?(Redis::SortedSet) ? set.key : set end def keys_from_objects(sets) raise ArgumentError, "Must pass in one or more set names" if sets.empty? sets.collect{|set| set.is_a?(Redis::SortedSet) || set.is_a?(Redis::Set) ? set.key : set} end end end