module Restfulness module Resources # Special events that can be used in replies. The idea here is to cover # the basic messages that most applications will deal with in their # resources. module Events SUCCESS_EVENTS = [ [200, :ok], [201, :created], [202, :accepted], [203, :non_authoritative], [203, :non_authoritative_information], [204, :no_content], [205, :reset_content] ] # Event definitions go here. We only support a limited subset # so that we don't end up with loads of methods that are not used. # If you'd like to see another, please send us a pull request! EXCEPTION_EVENTS = [ # 300 Events [304, :not_modified], # 400 Events [400, :bad_request], [401, :unauthorized], [402, :payment_required], [403, :forbidden], [404, :resource_not_found], [405, :method_not_allowed], [408, :request_timeout], [409, :conflict], [410, :gone], [422, :unprocessable_entity] ] # Main error event handler def error!(code, payload = "", opts = {}) raise, payload, opts) end EXCEPTION_EVENTS.each do |row| define_method("#{row[1]}!") do |*args| payload = args.shift || "" opts = args.shift || {} error!(row[0], payload, opts) end end SUCCESS_EVENTS.each do |row| define_method("#{row[1]}") do |*args| response.status = row[0] return args.first end end end end end