== Version 1.1 / 2016-08-03 * Fixes * Update so it works well on Ruby 2.4 (thanks Robert MacCracken) === Version 1.0 / 2016-11-23 * Enhancements * Allow merged to be a Hash of Hashes and find key that matches (thanks Donavan Stanley) * Allow you to specify file to load with tag when using Cucumber (thanks Donavan Stanley) === Version 0.22 / 2015-12-2 * Enhancements * Better handling for nexted hash translation (thanks vveliev) === Version 0.21 / 2015-4-12 * Enhancements * Added support for locale * Added credit_card_number translator * Added credit_card_type translator === Version 0.20 / 2014-9-21 * Enhancements * Added the ability to nest entries under headings * Added the ability to call the translation methods directlry on DataMagic module === Version 0.19 / 2014-6-1 * Enhancements * Can now include ERB in the yml file due to update in yml_reader === Version 0.18 / 2014-3-2 * Enhancements * Can now set the file to be used by setting a DATA_MAGIC_FILE environment file * Fixes * Only forcing available locales if it is available === Version 0.17 / 2014-1-22 * Fixes * Eliminated the deprecation message from I18n === Version 0.16.1 / 2013-9-1 * Fixes * Removed pry require === Version 0.16 / 2013-8-31 * Enhancements * Ability to support namespaces which will load a file with same name as namespace (Thanks Ben Cullen-Kerney) === Version 0.15.2 / 2013-7-17 * Fixes * Display better message when key is not found (Thanks Guillaume Malette) * Properly handling numeric values (Thanks Guillaume Malette) === Version 0.15.1 / 2013-7-11 * Fixes * Fixed error when using sequential with entries that have spaces === Version 0.15 / 2013-7-10 * Enhancements * Added sequential translator === Version 0.14 / 2013-2-14 * Enhancements * Added months_abbr translator * Added day_of_week translator * Added day_of_week_abbr translator * Changed so translator methods are not call after mixing with class === Version 0.13 / 2013-2-7 * Enhancements * Added add_translator method to DataMagic to allow custom translators to be added * Added months translator * Added dm_* aliases for all generators === Version 0.12 / 2012-12-28 * Enhancements * Added today translator * Added tomorrow translator * Added yesterday translator * Added days_from_today to Fixnum to provide translator * Added days_ago to Fixnum to provide translator === Version 0.11 / 2012-12-22 * Enhancements * Added title translator * Added ability for street_address translator to also include secondary address * Added ability for email_address to accept the name portion of the value * Added url translator * Added cell_phone translator * Changed phone_number translator so it does not return an extension === Version 0.10 / 2012-12-8 * Enhancements * Added randomize translator to return random selection from Array or Range * Added mask translator which accepts a mask. Will replace # with number, A with upper case letter, and a with lower case letter === Version 0.9 / 2012-8-18 * Enhancements * Added name_prefix translator * Added name_suffix translator * Added domain_name translator * Added user_name translator * Added characters translator === Version 0.8 / 2012-6-9 * Enhancements * Made yml writable * Updated yml_reader dependency to version 0.2 === Version 0.7 / 2012-5-17 * Enhancements * Refactored to use yml_reader to remove duplication * Changed default directory from 'config' to 'config/data' * Fixes * Removed unused classes after refactoring === Version 0.6 / 2012-5-4 * Fixes * Minor fix so it works properly with ruby 1.8.7 === Version 0.5 / 2012-3-24 * Enhancements * Added ability to use symbol for the key in the data_for method === Version 0.4 / 2012-2-27 * Enhancements * Support for boolean types (thanks jonbettinger) === Version 0.3 / 2012-2-5 * Added additional data merge to #data_for === Version 0.2 / 2012-1-26 * Defaulted yaml file to 'default.yaml' * Cloned hash so data can be reused * Renamed #name translation method to #full_name * Renamed #email translation method to #email_address === Version 0.1 / 2012-1-21 Initial Release