RUDY, CHANGES #### (2010-11-11) ####################### * FIXED: adduser handler checks for root before using sudo * FIXED: Added us-west-1 and ap-southeast-1 regions to Rudy::AWS::VALID_REGIONS #### (2010-10-26) ####################### NOTE: If you're using Ubuntu you'll need to update your configuration to use this release. * ADDED: new config parameter: 'root'. In previous releases Rudy used the default user to determine which account to use when launching new instances with EC2. With this release, you now need to use "root". Either in the defaults config or the machines config for you ubuntu instances: defaults do root "ubuntu" end machines do role :ubuntu root "ubuntu" end end #### (2010-10-25) ####################### * FIXED: Don't try to sudo when setting hostname if already root * FIXED: Run rudy machines -U command as default_user (or root) * CHANGE: Update dependency Rye 0.9.2 * CHANGE: Update dependency Gibbler 0.8.4 #### (2010-10-08) ####################### * FIXED: bad delano! #### (2010-10-08) ####################### * ADDED: use default user instead of assuming root #### (2010-09-02) ####################### * ADDED: rudy-sdb objects --destroy #### (2010-08-31) ####################### * ADDED: Global --positions option to override positions variable through CLI #### (2010-08-29) ####################### * FIXED: Catch interrupts while loading requires #### (2010-08-19) ####################### * ADDED: Support for Rye 0.9 * CHANGE: "rudy init" no longer authorizing SSH localhost #### (2010-08-03) ####################### * FIXED: Command-line arguments for routines are now passed to before and after dependencies. #### (2010-06-28) ####################### * FIXED: "rudy disks --destroy /path" was not working when all machines were shutdown. * CHANGE: Use sudo for remote system commands (hostname change, disk mount etc) when the user is not root. * CHANGE: Dependent on Rye 0.8.19 #### (2010-06-28) ####################### * FIXED: In Ruby 1.9, the value for disk.position was being modified by refresh! #### (2010-05-21) ####################### * FIXED: uninitialized constant Rye::Box::Huxtable error when running "rudy m -U" #### (2010-05-19) ####################### * FIXED: original_user and user_keypairpath errors when running "rudy machines -U" * FIXED: Silence redefining startup class message unless debug mode #### (2010-05-19) ####################### * FIXED: Rye should be in quiet mode when Rudy.quiet? * FIXED: Print paths for files transferred in routines (via Rye 0.8.16) #### (2010-05-14) ####################### * FIXED: Calling startup routine as before dependency * CHANGE: only switch to root if the hostname requires changing [Matt Jackson] #### (2010-04-02) ####################### * ADDED: Support for specifying non-ec2 instances in machines config with hostname parameter #### 0.9.7 (2010-02-20) ########################### * FIXED: Replace the group_id parameter with security_group. [Diego Elio 'Flameeyes' Pettenò] * FIXED: Remote the addressing type option no longer supported by amazon-ec2. [Diego Elio 'Flameeyes' Pettenò] * FIXED: "Error associating address" message on startup * CHANGE: Don't make tryouts a runtime dependency, but a development dependency. [Diego Elio 'Flameeyes' Pettenò] * CHANGE: Remove hanna dependency. [Diego Elio 'Flameeyes' Pettenò] #### 0.9.6 (2010-01-16) ########################### * FIXED: Include Gibbler for REXML * FIXED: Elastic IP binding on startup (GH-40) * FIXED: rudy-ec2 volumes should be quiet! * CHANGE: Increased max instances from 5 to 20. * CHANGE: Maximum autoloads * ADDED: Debug mode global option -D #### 0.9.5 (2009-09-01) ########################### * FIXED: Unknown method error, 'li' * ADDED: Better error handling for disk routines #### 0.9.4 (2009-08-28) ########################### * FIXED: NoMachines exception when running various dependency scenarios * CHANGE: All puts to STDOUT and STDERR now go through and Rudy::Huxtable.le. This resolves the issues with the output printing in quiet mode. * CHANGE: Overhaul on output formatting. * ADDED: "rudy networks --create" and "rudy networks --destroy" #### 0.9.3 (2009-08-26) ########################### * FIXED: Updated dependencies in gemspec (Rye) * FIXED: Local SSH pubkeys are now included when creating remote SSH connections. This resolves the issues with creating and authorizing a remote user then getting an authentication error. #### 0.9.2 (2009-08-25) ########################### * FIXED: Threading error in Net::HTTP by forcing a mutex during AWS::EC2 requests * FIXED: errors when washing backups * FIXED: Host.is_available? now checks port 3389 (Remote Desktop) for Windows instances. Closes GH-16 * FIXED: "rudy machines -T" now checks port 3389 for Windows instances. Closes GH-21 * FIXED: "rudy disks -l" doesn't display disks from a different zone. Closes GH-24 * FIXED: Rudy::Machine#refresh! now correctly refreshes metadata * FIXED: startup, shutdown, and reboot routines don't run correctly as dependencies. Closes GH-25 * FIXED: Rogue "No machines configuration" error when accessing current_machine_address * CHANGE: Increased AWS timeout to 30 seconds. Closes GH-19 * CHANGE: Increased boot wait time for windows instances to 500 seconds. * CHANGE: Module names have changed from EC2 to AWS::EC2 in amazon-ec2 0.5 [Dominic Cleal] * CHANGE: Rudy::Routines::Handlers::Disks.attach now creates a volume if the disk doesn't already have one. * CHANGE: Standardized CLI outut for rudy-ec2 (except groups b/c of weird YAML error) * CHANGE: Windows "os" is now referred to by :windows rather than :win32 (SysInfo 0.7) * CHANGE: Renamed "rudy status" to "rudy info" * ADDED: Rudy::Machine#get_console, Rudy::Machine#get_password * ADDED: Rudy::Machine#windows?, Rudy::Machine#linux?, Rudy::Machine#solaris?, Rudy::Machine#os? * ADDED: "rudy m -console" and "rudy m --password" * ADDED: "rudy keypairs" * ADDED: "rudy networks --authorize" * ADDED: "rudy networks --revoke" * ADDED: "rudy disks --create" * ADDED: "rudy disks --destroy" * ADDED: "rudy backups --create" * ADDED: Support for attaching and formating disks in Windows. * ADDED: "rudy-ec2 info" * ADDED: Re-enabled networks action to routines config (see examples/jira.rb) #### 0.9.1 (2009-08-05) ########################### * FIXED: "rudy init" now exits with 0 * FIXED: Removed unnecessary gem dependencies from gemspec * ADDED: Configuration examples #### 0.9.0 (2009-08-04) ########################### * FIXED: Better Windows support * FIXED: Added rescue for disk handler in reboot routine * FIXED: Another fix for resolving region/zone ambiguity * FIXED: No Routines config error during shutdown routine * CHANGE: Renamed "rudy machines -S" to "rudy machines -A" * CHANGE: Renamed "rudy machines -A" to "rudy machines -T" * ADDED: Print friendly error, rather then an angry exception when running on win32 with ruby 1.9 * ADDED: "rudy machines --disassociate" command * ADDED: Allow colons in place of dashes (rudy publish:gem -> publish_gem do; ...; end) #### 0.9.0-RC3 (2009-08-03) ########################### * FIXED: GH-18 (Error when running startup, reboot, shutdown routines in parallel mode) * FIXED: Routine::Handler::User.adduser was specifying invalid home directory with multiple machines * FIXED: Socket.connect error in JRuby when checking if SSH is available * FIXED: Rudy::AWS::EC2.connect now correctly reconnects when run for the second time * FIXED: Global CLI option -R (region) was being ignored in lieu of -z (zone) * FIXED: Rudy::Disk#archive wasn't storing size, fstype * FIXED: Disk restore was balking when no FS type supplied * FIXED: Reboot routine now automatically umounts volumes if the routine is configured to mount after the reboot * CHANGE: "rudy myaddress" is now "rudy networks -L" * CHANGE: Renamed Volume attributes: create_time, attach_time -> created, attached * CHANGE: Renamed Instance attribute: launch_time -> created * CHANGE: Global CLI option -C (config) can now accept multiple paths * ADDED: "rudy machines -A" to display available machines * ADDED: "rudy status" to display all EC2 objects * ADDED: "rudy machines -U" to update hostnames * ADDED: "rudy machines -S" to create static IP addresses * ADDED: Rudy::Routines::Handlers::Disks.mount? etc... methods #### 0.9.0-RC2 (2009-08-02) ########################### * FIXED: Some status lines were printing on the same line during routines * FIXED: user value in defaults wasn't being used for remote commands * FIXED: Double printing SSH commands in parallel mode * FIXED: Startup routine was creating only one machine * FIXED: Reboot now executes commands in correct order * CHANGE: Renamed config parameter 'yes' to 'auto' * CHANGE: Global config parameter processed differently (see Rudy::Config#look_and_load) * ADDED: "rudy ssh" can now run commands in parallel * ADDED: rudy networks command #### 0.9.0-RC1 (2009-08-01) ########################### NOTE: This is a significant re-write from 0.8 (primarily the routines, metadata) * FIXED: Routine blocks now process directives in the order their given (in Ruby 1.8 and 1.9). * FIXED: Region is now based on the zone. Corrects ambiguity when specifying zone and region. * FIXED: Reboot routines are now fully supported * FIXED: Unless position (-p) is specified, it's assumed that a command applies to the entire machine group. * CHANGE: Rudy::Machine#inspect now prints in a standard Ruby inspect format * CHANGE: Routines have been completely rebuilt * CHANGE: Now requires Rye 0.8 * CHANGE: before / after routine actions are now used for dependencies only. * CHANGE: Removed script_local, after_local, before_local from passthrough routines * CHANGE: Support before_local for startup routines * CHANGE: Support before_local and before_remote for reboot routines * CHANGE: Support after_local for shutdown routines * CHANGE: Removed machines config (now recommend uploading local files) * CHANGE: Group names now take the form: grp-us-east-1b-stage-app * CHANGE: private keys are now stored in ~/.ssh/ * CHANGE: Removed create_image and prepare_image actions from rudy-ec2 * CHANGE: local routine blocks now share a single Rye::Box instance * CHANGE: remote routine blocks now share a single Rye::Set instance * CHANGE: "privatekey" in accounts config is renamed to "pkey" * CHANGE: Reduced Rudy::AWS#execute_request timeout to 15 seconds. * CHANGE: Rudy:Disks, Rudy::Machines, and Rudy::Backups now use class methods * CHANGE: Rudy::AWS::EC2 now uses class methods * CHANGE: Renamed disk action 'snapshot' to 'archive' * ADDED: routines command for displaying available routines * ADDED: "rudy init" now authorizes public keys for user@localhost * ADDED: Parallel processing for remote machines * ADDED: Routines now have access to $global and $option (which are frozen) * ADDED: xremote and xlocal routine actions for quick skipping * ADDED: Dependency Attic 0.4 * ADDED: New 'objects' and 'query' commands for rudy-sdb * ADDED: Execute routines on individual machines in a group * ADDED: rudy backups command #### 0.8.5 (2009-06-08) ############################### * FIXED: Bug in DiskHandler. mount method tried to attach when already attached. * CHANGE: rudy config now displays account info (but keeps secret key hidden) * CHANGE: defaults configuration has been removed from the default ~/.rudy/config. It is now recommended to put it in the same place as machines, routines config. * FIXED: Bug in addresses which prevented assigning elastic IP addresses. #### 0.8.4 (2009-06-04) ############################### * FIXED: Fixed nil exception in fetch_machine_param * CHANGE: Disabled check for private key for shutdown routine. If the private key doesn't exist it prevents shutting down. * CHANGE: Re-enabled the check to make sure command config is parsed only one time * CHANGE: Some UI tweaks, some minor integration stuff with Rye * CHANGE: Caesars::Config verbose mode is now enabled at Rudy verbose level 2 #### 0.8.3 (2009-06-03) ############################### * CHANGE: Now requires rye-0.7.3 (disable_safe_mode method) * CHANGE: Rye safe-mode is enabled after each routines script block to force disabling it explicitly in every block it's needed. * CHANGE: Removed grit dependency #### 0.8.2 (2009-06-01) ############################### * CHANGE: Removed release routine code (it's now a passthrough) and scmhelper. All release stuff should be implemented using the routine blocks. * CHANGE: Passthrough routines no longer check if machine group is running. * CHANGE: Local routines blocks now run from current working directory * CHANGE: Removed SCM classes (moved logic to the Arcade) * CHANGE: Moved examples to the Arcade (experimental) * CHANGE: Command output in routines is now displayed only when verbose is 1 or more. * ADDED: Routine blocks now receive command line options and arguments * ADDED: Commands configuration now supports inline blocks * ADDED: Rudy now looks for ~/.rudy/*.rb config files. #### 0.8.1 (2009-05-18) ############################### * FIXED: The shutdown routine was not working for Windows instances #### 0.8.0 (2009-05-18) ############################### * ADDED: Better windows instance support during routines * ADDED: "os" keyword to routines DSL * ADDED: Config defaults for "yes" global (thanks sabat) * FIXED: Handle exception when assigning inappropriate IP Address. * CHANGE: Some refactoring to Rudy::Machines and Rudy::Routines #### 0.7.5 (2009-05-12) ############################### * CHANGE: rudy-ec2 console now displays windows password automatically if keypair is supplied. * ADDED: register and destroy commands to rudy-ec2 images #### 0.7.4 (2009-05-10) ############################### * CHANGE: Keypairs now include zone. This was necessary to allow US and EU keypairs to be stored in the same directory. * CHANGE: Moved non-rudy specific modules to separate projects (storable, sysinfo, annoy, console -> Drydock, escape -> Rye, tryouts -> tryouts/). * CHANGE: Renamed restart routine to reboot to make it clear it's about the machine * CHANGE: Renamed Rudy::Disk to Rudy::Metadata::Disk * CHANGE: Short alias for rudy-ec2 snapshot is now 's' (instead of 't') * CHANGE: Removed highline-1.5.1 from vendor (it's now available as a gem) * FIXED: Bug in Huxtable when loading global. Wasn't reloaded after config was updated. * FIXED: Closed gh-12 (thanks sabat) * ADDED: Routines now support dependencies * ADDED: Disk routines now support mount, umount, snapshot, and restore * ADDED: rudy disk command now displays backups with -b switch * ADDED: RE-added basic support for creating Linux images (with security warning) * ADDED: Routines with underscores can now be called with dashes (a_routine vs a-routine) #### 0.7.3 (2009-05-05) ############################### * FIXED: Corrected a few minor interface errors in rudy-ec2 * ADDED: rudy-ec2 console can now display the decoded admin password for Windows instances. #### 0.7.2 (2009-05-04) ############################### * FIXED: cli/routine.rb release method wasn't sending command alias (which broke rerelease) * ADDED: global.offline for being cool when Internet is down * ADDED: Better handling in aws/sdb when call returns nil (Internet is down) #### 0.7.1 (2009-05-04) ############################### * FIXED: rudy wasn't honouring -C option for specifying a config file * FIXED: Was disabling, but not enabling colour * FIXED: Symbol errors in 1.8 * FIXED: Command blocks for root user are always run first now in Routines config. * CHANGE: routines before, after, and script blocks are now processed by Rye::Box.batch as Procs. * CHANGE: deny was removed from commands config (it will come back later). * CHANGE: Rudy now checks the current working directory for machines, commands, etc... configs * ADDED: examples/ * ADDED: "script" keyword to routines config. * ADDED: script_local * ADDED: Routine now checks whether there are any remote tasks. If not, it doesn't loop through machines. #### 0.7.0 (2009-05-02) ############################### * CHANGE: Upgrade to Drydock 0.6, Caesars 0.6, and Rye 0.6 * CHANGE: Updated Routines configuration syntax for specifying shell commands * ADDED: Releases via local git repository * ADDED: authorize and adduser directives to routines config. * ADDED: Improved CLI output for routines. * ADDED: Commands configuration for custom SSH commands * ADDED: Auto-set hostname to machine name * ADDED: Support for arbitrary routines via passthrough #### 0.6.8 (2009-04-24) ############################### * CHANGE: Renamed rudy config --rudy option to --project. This was important to maintain consistency in documentation. * CHANGE: Cleaned README. See: #### 0.6.7 (2009-04-22) ############################### * ADDED: rudy-ec2 status can now display EU status * FIXED: Fixed bug on instance create. Instance.groups was nil, now it returns empty Array. #### 0.6.6 (2009-04-22) ############################### * ADDED: Better error handling for Rudy::AWS::SDB * FIXED: Ruby 1.9.1 compatability (including requiring aws-s3 >=0.6.1) #### 0.6.5 (2009-04-20) ############################### * FIXED: Startup and Shutdown routines now check machine group status first * FIXED: Misc release process issues between 0.6.0 and 0.6.4 * ADDED: Better error handling during startup and shutdown. * ADDED: Support for assigning addresses on startup #### 0.6.0 (2009-04-19) ############################### NOTE: This is a significant re-write from 0.5 * CHANGE: Rebuilt Rudy::AWS::* * CHANGE: Removed lib/rudy/commands/* and lib/rudy/metadata/* * ADDED: rudy-ec2 executable * CHANGE: have local copies of Caesars and Drydock to reduce external dependencies. * ADDED: new output formats: yaml, json, csv, tsv #### 0.5.1 (2009-04-10) ############################### * CHANGE: Removed require 'rubygems' * FIXED: Resolved Drydock namespace issue for rudy and ird #### 0.5.0 (2009-04-09) ############################### NOTE: This is a significant re-write from 0.4 * CHANGE: Recommend keypair config to be in ~/.rudy/config * FIX: Rudy now checks for user keys specified by env-role, env, and global * FIX: gemspec dependency net-ssh-multi * ADDED: --nocolor option * ADDED: Ruby API * ADDED: Tests with 55% coverage * ADDED: Ruby API (Rudy::Machines, etc...) * ADDED: ird, a REPL (experimental) * ADDED: Now uses Rye 0.4.1 #### 0.4 (2009-03-12) ############################### NOTE: This is a significant re-write from 0.3 * CHANGE: Mostly re-written bin/ruby, moving validation to CLI classes * CHANGE: upgrade to Drydock 0.5 * CHANGE: Moved generic EC2 commands to bin/rudy-ec2 * CHANGE: Removed ambiguity of pluralized command names. * OLD: backups, disks, configs * ADDED: backup, disk, config * ADDED: ssh and scp commands for connecting to and copying files to/from machines * ADDED: New dependencies (trying out net-ssh) * ADDED: Domain specific language for configuration * ADDED: "Routines" for handling common actions. Starting, stopping, releasing, deploying. * ADDED: "rudy release" will create a release from the current working copy, start an instance, checkout the release, run routines. It needs some work still, but this already functions as a single command release process. * ADDED: "rudy start|destroy|restart|update|status". Routines allow us to have generic commands that can be used for any machine group. These commands relate to starting new instances. * ADDED: Extra caution when running destructive commands * ADDED: Default ~/.rudy/config created if it doesn't exist. #### 0.3 (2009-02-26) ############################### NOTE: This is a significant re-write from 0.2 * CHANGE: Re-written support/rudy-ec2-startup * CHANGE: upgrade to Drydock 0.4 * ADDED: More functionality for disks and backups * ADDED: config commands * ADDED: Per machine configuration (via ~/.rudy) #### 0.2 (2009-02-23) ############################### NOTE: This is a complete re-write from 0.1 * CHANGE: Added Environment variables * CHANGE: upgrade to drydock 0.3.3 * ADDED: All time references are converted to UTC * ADDED: Safer "Are you sure?". Number of characters to enter is commiserate with amount of danger. * ADDED: CLIs: myaddress, addresses, images, instances, disks, connect, copy, stage, backups, volumes * ADDED: Metadata storage to SimpleDB for disks, backups * ADDED: Creates EBS volumes based on startup from metadata * ADDED: Automated release process * ADDED: Automated creation of machine images * ADDED: Partial support for regions and zones * ADDED: Manage system based on security groups. * ADDED: "rudy groups" overhaul. Display, creates, destroys groups. #### 0.1 (2009-02-06) ############################### * Initial public release