layout: default
{% if site.data.copy.landing.pwp.description %}
{% assign description = site.data.copy.landing.pwp.description %}
{% else %}
{% assign description = site.description %}
{% endif %}
{% picture {{ page.hero.file | prepend: 'content/' }}
--img class="hero__image image__filter--mix h-100"
--alt {{ page.hero.alt }} %}
{% assign header = site.data.copy.landing.pwp %}
{% assign title = header.title | split: " " %}
{% assign n = header.split %}
{% for word in (1..title.size) %}
{{ title[forloop.index0] }}
{% if forloop.index == n %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ site.data.copy.landing.pwp.subtitle }}
{{ site.data.copy.landing.pwp.strap }}
{% include branding/site-logo.svg %}
{{ description }}
{% assign keyword = site.data.copy.landing.pwp.keywords | split: ", " %}
{% for word in (1..keyword.size) %}
{{ keyword[forloop.index0] }}
{% endfor %}
{% include image.html image="guarantee" alt="Describe the image" class="hero__image image--guarantee"%}
{% include image.html image="device" alt="Describe the image" class="hero__image" %}