module OpenApi module DSL module SchemaObjHelpers def hash_type(t) # For supporting this: # form 'desc', type: { # id!: { type: Integer, enum: 0..5, desc: 'user id' } # }, should have description within schema if t.key?(:type)[:type], t).process(inside_desc: true) # For supporting combined schema in nested schema. elsif (t.keys & %i[ one_of any_of all_of not ]).present? true) else obj_type(t) end end def obj_type(t) obj_type = { type: 'object', properties: { }, required: [ ] } t.each do |prop_name, prop_type| obj_type[:required] << prop_name.to_s.delete('!') if prop_name['!'] obj_type[:properties][prop_name.to_s.delete('!').to_sym] = processed_type(prop_type) end obj_type.keep_if &value_present end def array_type(t) t = t.size == 1 ? t.first : { one_of: t } { type: 'array', items: processed_type(t) } end def process_range_enum_and_lth self[:_enum] = str_range_toa(_enum) if _enum.is_a?(Range) self[:_length] = str_range_toa(_length) if _length.is_a?(Range) values = _enum || _value self._enum = Array(values) if truly_present?(values) end def str_range_toa(val) val_class = val.first.class action = :"to_#{val_class.to_s.downcase[0]}" (val.first.to_s..val.last.to_s) end def process_enum_info # Support this writing for auto generating desc from enum. # enum!: { # 'all_desc': :all, # 'one_desc': :one # } self._enum ||= e = self[:enum!] return unless e.is_a? Hash @enum_info = e self._enum = e.values end # TODO: more info and desc configure def auto_generate_desc return __desc if _enum.blank? if @enum_info.present? @enum_info.each_with_index do |(info, value), index| __desc.concat "
#{index + 1}/ #{info}: #{value}" end else _enum.each_with_index do |value, index| __desc.concat "
#{index + 1}/ #{value}" end end __desc end end end end