require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', "helper"))
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"load_files")
class TestPreserved < Nokogiri::TestCase
def assert_roundtrip str
doc = Nokogiri.Hpricot(str)
yield doc if block_given?
str2 = doc.to_original_html
[*str].zip([*str2]).each do |s1, s2|
assert_equal s1, s2
def assert_html str1, str2
doc = Nokogiri.Hpricot(str2)
yield doc if block_given?
assert_equal str1, doc.to_original_html
# Not supporting to_original_html
#def test_simple
# str = "
Hpricot is a you know uh fine thing.
# assert_html str, str
# assert_html "Hpricot is a you know uh fine thing.
", str do |doc|
# (doc/:p).set('class', 'new')
# end
# Not supporting to_original_html
#def test_parent
# str = "TestParagraph one.
Paragraph two.
# assert_html str, str
# assert_html "", str do |doc|
# (doc/:head).remove
# (doc/:div).set('id', 'all')
# (doc/:p).wrap('')
# end
# Not really a valid test. If libxml can figure out the encoding of the file,
# it will use that encoding, otherwise it uses the whatever so that no data
# is lost.
# libxml on OSX can't figure out the encoding, so this tests passes. linux
# can figure out the encoding, so it fails.
#def test_escaping_of_contents
# doc = Nokogiri.Hpricot(TestFiles::BOINGBOING)
# assert_equal "Fukuda’s Automatic Door opens around your body as you pass through it. The idea is to save energy and keep the room clean.","img[@alt='200606131240']").next.to_s.strip
# Modified. No.
#def test_files
# assert_roundtrip TestFiles::BASIC
# assert_roundtrip TestFiles::BOINGBOING
# assert_roundtrip TestFiles::CY0
# Modified.. When calling "to_html" on the document, proper html/doc tags
# are produced too.
def test_escaping_of_attrs
# ampersands in URLs
str = %{Google}
link = (doc = Nokogiri(str)).at(:a)
assert_equal "", link['href']
assert_equal "", link.get_attribute('href')
assert_equal "", link['href']
assert_equal str, link.to_html
# alter the url
link['href'] = "javascript:alert(\"AGGA-KA-BOO!\")"
assert_equal %{Google}, link.to_html.gsub(/%22/, '"')