# History ## 0.7.1 - Implement `assoc` function. - Make `:use` form for imports obsolete by extending `:require`. ## 0.7.0 - Migrate to imports via clojure compatible `ns` form instead custom `import` forms used previously. - Factor out interactive try tool into seperate project: https://github.com/Gozala/try-wisp ## 0.6.7 - Implement `repeat` function that is similar to clojure's but is not lazy and only supports finite options. - Implement `(print foo bar)` function & macro that serves as a shortcut for `(.log console foo bar)`. - Implement `ns` macro that implements subset of clojure's `ns` that compiles to plain requires. For now only few types of requirement declarations are recognized and compiled to `require` calls. - `(:require module.name)` - `(:require lib.foo :as foo)` - `(:use wisp.sequence :only [first second])` - `(:use wisp.sequence :rename {first car rest cdr}) Relative requires forms are produced by resolving requirements to a defined ns name. If requirement does not shares root of ns name then absolute require forms are generated. - Update travis-ci config to test on later node versions. ## 0.6.6 - Fix indentation in compile output to avoid trailing white-spaces. - Fix compile output for `get` special form to allow `nil` as first argument and add fallback argument support. - Stop tracking compiled JS in git. - Change file layout to allow loading of core modules like: `wisp/runtime`. ## 0.6.5 - Implement `identity` function. - Factor out parts of `compiler` into backend specific `writer`. - Implement `seq?` function. - Implement `take-while` function. - Various code maintainibily improvements. - Add `read*` function for reading out multiple forms. - Add `compile*` function for complining multiple forms. ## 0.6.4 - Fix regression in REPL. - Change reader such that no unread is necessary. - Fix metadata mixup in multiline forms. ## 0.6.3 - Fix bugs introduced by 0.6.1 and re-release. ## 0.6.2 - Revert back to 0.6.0 as builds were broken. ## 0.6.1 - Remove obsolete `exprots` form in favor of implicit exports. ## 0.6.0 - Add support for `()` form as a sugar to `'()` - Improve REPL support for multi-line inputs. - Add `*debug*` setting to REPL to print intermediate forms. - Allow access to last 3 forms read in REPL from `**1`, `**2`, `**3`. - Allow access to last 3 evalution result in REPL as `*1`, `*2` `*3`. - Make wisp types more tolarant to multiple JS contexts. - Fix bug in `(get (or a b) c)` like forms. - Make `(:foo bar)` compatible with `nil` `bar` values. - Export all the top level definitions unless marked as private. - Implement `defn-` macro for defining private functions. - Implement `str` macro in order to inline common cases. - Fix keyword based metadata sugar `(^:foo bar) ;; => (with-meta bar {:foo true})`. - Improvements to `assert` macro. - Reader simplifications. ## 0.5.0 - Improved REPL prints lisp forms instead of JS. - Implement `pr-str` function from clojure. - Symbols now obtain take metadata. ## 0.4.1 - Fix regressions introduced in 4.0.0 - Rewrite function compiler to depend less on symbol implementation details. ## 0.4.0 - Compile symbols to function calls `'foo => (symbol nil "foo")`. - Covert `=` special form to clojure compliant function. ## 0.3.3 - Implement runtime equivalents of `= == + - / * > >= < <=` special forms. - Implement runtime equivalents of `and or` special forms. ## 0.3.2 - Hotfix `(/ a b)` special forms. ## 0.3.1 - Fix the way `/` symbols are handled. ## 0.3.0 - Initial support for lazy sequences. - Improve conventional name translation to handle `+ - / * > < >= <=` better. - Minor bug fixes. ## 0.2.0 - Add short anonymous function literal support. - Fix regex with `/` chars. - Add line and column information to the metadata. - Reader code cleanup. ## 0.1.2 - Remove backend specific forms like `.concat`, `.indexOf`, etc form reader and compiler. ## 0.1.1 - Implement string module. - Minor enhancements to runtime type check functions. - Cleanup modules from JS specific calls. ## 0.1.0 - Implement type agnostic sequence module. ## 0.0.3 - Fix typos in introduction code. ## 0.0.2 - Compiler simplifications - Switch to literal forms of array, hash, symbols now that new compiler supports them. - Improve internal macro system to allow `fn` installations as macros. - Implement built-in macros as functions. - Implement `apply` special form. - Fix `concat-list` to support multiple unquote-splicings in a list. - Implement function overload on arity. - Implement generic sequence functions in a sequence module. - Write wisp introduction guide. ## 0.0.1 - Initial release