module PropertySets module ActiveRecordExtension module ClassMethods def property_set(association, &block) raise "Invalid association name, letters only" unless association.to_s =~ /[a-z]+/ property_class = PropertySets.ensure_property_set_class(association, self) property_class.instance_eval(&block) has_many association.to_s.pluralize.to_sym, :class_name =>, :dependent => :destroy do # Accepts a name value pair hash { :name => 'value', :pairs => true } and builds a property for each key def bulk(property_pairs) property_pairs.keys.each do |name| value = property_pairs[name] self << => name.to_s, :value => value) end end # Define the settings query methods, e.g. +account.settings.wiffle?+ property_class.keys.each do |key| raise "Invalid key #{key}" if self.respond_to?(key) # Reports the coerced truth valye of the property define_method "#{key}?" do lookup(key).true? end # Assigns a new value to the property define_method "#{key}=" do |value| instance = lookup(key) instance.value = value end # Returns the value of the property define_method "#{key}" do lookup(key) end # The finder method which returns the property if present, otherwise a new instance with defaults define_method "lookup" do |arg| instance = detect { |property| == arg } instance ||= => @owner, :name => arg.to_s, :value => property_class.default(arg)) end end end end end def self.included(receiver) receiver.extend(ClassMethods) end end end ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do include PropertySets::ActiveRecordExtension end