// stylelint-disable comment-empty-line-before

// Type scale variables found in ../support/lib/variables.scss
// $h00-size-mobile: 40px;
// $h0-size-mobile: 32px;
// $h1-size-mobile: 26px;
// $h2-size-mobile: 22px;
// $h3-size-mobile: 18px;
// $h00-size: 48px;
// $h0-size: 40px;
// $h1-size: 32px;
// $h2-size: 24px;
// $h3-size: 20px;
// $h4-size: 16px;
// $h5-size: 14px;
// $h6-size: 12px;

/* Set the font size to 26px */
.h1 {
  // stylelint-disable-next-line primer/typography
  font-size: $h1-size-mobile !important;

  @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h1-size !important; }

/* Set the font size to 22px */
.h2 {
  // stylelint-disable-next-line primer/typography
  font-size: $h2-size-mobile !important;

  @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h2-size !important; }

/* Set the font size to 18px */
.h3 {
  // stylelint-disable-next-line primer/typography
  font-size: $h3-size-mobile !important;

  @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h3-size !important; }

/* Set the font size to #{$h4-size} */
.h4 {
  font-size: $h4-size !important;

/* Set the font size to #{$h5-size} */
.h5 { font-size: $h5-size !important; }

// Does not include color property like typography base
// styles, color should be applied with color utilities.
/* Set the font size to #{$h6-size} */
.h6 { font-size: $h6-size !important; }

// Heading utilities
.h6 { font-weight: $font-weight-bold !important; }

// Type utilities that match type sale
/* Set the font size to 26px */
.f1 {
  // stylelint-disable-next-line primer/typography
  font-size: $h1-size-mobile !important;

  @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h1-size !important; }

/* Set the font size to 22px */
.f2 {
  // stylelint-disable-next-line primer/typography
  font-size: $h2-size-mobile !important;

  @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h2-size !important; }

/* Set the font size to 18px */
.f3 {
  // stylelint-disable-next-line primer/typography
  font-size: $h3-size-mobile !important;

  @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h3-size !important; }

/* Set the font size to #{$h4-size} */
.f4 {
  font-size: $h4-size !important;

  @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h4-size !important; }

/* Set the font size to #{$h5-size} */
.f5 { font-size: $h5-size !important; }
/* Set the font size to #{$h6-size} */
.f6 { font-size: $h6-size !important; }

// Type utils with light weight that match type scale
/* Set the font size to 40px and weight to light */
.f00-light {
  // stylelint-disable-next-line primer/typography
  font-size: $h00-size-mobile !important;
  font-weight: $font-weight-light !important;

  @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h00-size !important; }

/* Set the font size to 32px and weight to light */
.f0-light {
  // stylelint-disable-next-line primer/typography
  font-size: $h0-size-mobile !important;
  font-weight: $font-weight-light !important;

  @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h0-size !important; }

/* Set the font size to 26px and weight to light */
.f1-light {
  // stylelint-disable-next-line primer/typography
  font-size: $h1-size-mobile !important;
  font-weight: $font-weight-light !important;

  @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h1-size !important; }

/* Set the font size to 22px and weight to light */
.f2-light {
  // stylelint-disable-next-line primer/typography
  font-size: $h2-size-mobile !important;
  font-weight: $font-weight-light !important;

  @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h2-size !important; }

// Same size and weight as .lead but without color property
/* Set the font size to 18px and weight to light */
.f3-light {
  // stylelint-disable-next-line primer/typography
  font-size: $h3-size-mobile !important;
  font-weight: $font-weight-light !important;

  @include breakpoint(md) { font-size: $h3-size !important; }

// Smallest text size
/* Set the font size to ${#h6-size} */
.text-small { font-size: $h6-size !important; } // 12px

/* Large leading paragraphs */
.lead {
  // stylelint-disable-next-line primer/spacing
  margin-bottom: 30px;
  font-size: $h3-size;
  font-weight: $font-weight-light;

// Line-height variations
// Close to commonly used line-heights. Most line-heights
// combined with type size equate to whole pixels.
// Will be improved with future typography scale updates.
// Responsive line-height
@each $breakpoint, $variant in $responsive-variants {
  @include breakpoint($breakpoint) {
    /* Set the line height to ultra condensed */
    .lh#{$variant}-condensed-ultra { line-height: $lh-condensed-ultra !important; }
    /* Set the line height to condensed */
    .lh#{$variant}-condensed { line-height: $lh-condensed !important; }
    /* Set the line height to default */
    .lh#{$variant}-default { line-height: $lh-default !important; }
    /* Set the line height to zero */
    .lh#{$variant}-0 { line-height: 0 !important; }

// Text alignments
// Responsive text alignment
@each $breakpoint, $variant in $responsive-variants {
  @include breakpoint($breakpoint) {
    /* Text align to the right */
    .text#{$variant}-right { text-align: right !important; }
    /* Text align to the left */
    .text#{$variant}-left { text-align: left !important; }
    /* Text align to the center */
    .text#{$variant}-center { text-align: center !important; }

// Text styles
/* Set the font weight to normal */
.text-normal { font-weight: $font-weight-normal !important; }
/* Set the font weight to bold */
.text-bold { font-weight: $font-weight-bold !important; }
.text-semibold { font-weight: $font-weight-semibold !important; }
.text-light { font-weight: $font-weight-light !important; }
/* Set the font to italic */
.text-italic { font-style: italic !important; }
/* Make text uppercase */
.text-uppercase { text-transform: uppercase !important; }
/* Underline text */
.text-underline { text-decoration: underline !important; }
/* Don't underline text */
.no-underline { text-decoration: none !important; }
/* Don't wrap white space */
.no-wrap { white-space: nowrap !important; }
/* Normal white space */
.ws-normal { white-space: normal !important; }

/* Force long "words" to wrap if they exceed the width of the container */
.break-word {
  word-break: break-word !important;
  // this is for backwards compatibility with browsers that don't respect overflow-wrap
  word-wrap: break-word !important;
  overflow-wrap: break-word !important;

 * Specifically apply word-break: break-all; per MDN:
 * > Note: In contrast to `word-break: break-word` and `overflow-wrap: break-word`,
 * > `word-break: break-all` will create a break at the exact place where text would
 * > otherwise overflow its container (even if putting an entire word on its own line
 * > would negate the need for a break).
 * see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/word-break#Values
.wb-break-all { word-break: break-all !important; }

.text-emphasized {
  font-weight: $font-weight-bold;

// List styles
.list-style-none { list-style: none !important; }

/* Set to monospace font */
.text-mono {
  font-family: $mono-font !important;

/* Disallow user from selecting text */
.user-select-none {
  user-select: none !important;