function cucumberSearchFrameLinks() { $('#features_list_link').click(function() { toggleSearchFrame(this, relpath + 'feature_list.html'); }); $('#tags_list_link').click(function() { toggleSearchFrame(this, relpath + 'tag_list.html'); }); } $(cucumberSearchFrameLinks); $(function() { // // Feature Page - Scenarios // $('.scenario div.title').click(function(eventObject) { if (typeof eventObject.currentTarget !== "undefined") { toggleScenario( $($(eventObject.currentTarget).parent()) ); } }); // // Developer View // Click + Developer View = toggle the expansion of all tags, location, and comments // $('#view').click(function(eventObject) { if (typeof eventObject.currentTarget !== "undefined") { var view = eventObject.currentTarget; if (view.innerHTML === '[More Detail]') { $('.developer').show(500); view.innerHTML = '[Less Detail]'; } else { $('.developer').hide(500); // Already hidden elements with .developer sub-elements were not getting message $('.developer').each(function() { $(this).css('display','none'); }); view.innerHTML = '[More Detail]'; } } }); // // Expand/Collapse All // $('#expand').click(function(eventObject) { if (typeof eventObject.currentTarget !== "undefined") { if (eventObject.currentTarget.innerHTML === '[Expand All]') { eventObject.currentTarget.innerHTML = '[Collapse All]'; $('div.scenario > div.details:hidden').each(function() { toggleScenario( $($(this).parent()) ); }); } else { eventObject.currentTarget.innerHTML = '[Expand All]'; $('div.scenario > div.details:visible').each(function() { toggleScenario( $($(this).parent()) ); }); } } }); // // Expand/Collapse All // $('#stepdefinition,#steptransform').click(function(eventObject) { if (typeof eventObject.currentTarget !== "undefined") { if (eventObject.currentTarget.innerHTML === '[Expand All]') { eventObject.currentTarget.innerHTML = '[Collapse All]'; $('div.' + + ' > div.details:hidden').each(function() { $(this).show(200); }); } else { eventObject.currentTarget.innerHTML = '[Expand All]'; $('div.' + + ' > div.details:visible').each(function() { $(this).hide(200); }); } } }); // // Scenario Outlines - Toggle Examples // $('.outline table tr').click(function(eventObject) { if (typeof eventObject.currentTarget !== "undefined") { var exampleRow = $(eventObject.currentTarget); var exampleClass = eventObject.currentTarget.className.match(/example\d+/)[0]; var example = exampleRow.closest('div.details').find('.' + exampleClass); var currentExample = null; $('.outline table tr').each(function() { $(this).removeClass('selected'); }); if ( example[0].style.display == 'none' ) { currentExample = example[0]; exampleRow.addClass('selected'); } else { currentExample = exampleRow.closest('div.details').find('.steps')[0]; } // hide everything exampleRow.closest('div.details').find('.steps').each(function() { $(this).hide(); }); // show the selected $(currentExample).show(); } }); }); function toggleScenario(scenario) { var state = scenario.find(".attributes input[name='collapsed']")[0]; if (state.value === 'true') { scenario.find("div.details").each(function() { $(this).show(500); }); state.value = "false"; scenario.find('a.toggle').each(function() { this.innerHTML = ' - '; }); } else { scenario.find("div.details").each(function() { $(this).hide(500); }); state.value = "true"; scenario.find('a.toggle').each(function() { this.innerHTML = ' + '; }); } } function updateTagFiltering(tagString) { var formulaTags = determineTagsUsedInFormula(tagString); displayExampleCommandLine(formulaTags); displayQualifyingFeaturesAndScenarios(formulaTags); hideEmptySections(); fixSectionRowAlternations(); } function determineTagsUsedInFormula(tagString) { tagString = tagString.replace(/^(\s+)|(\s+)$/,'').replace(/\s{2,}/,' '); var tagGroup = tagString.match(/@\w+(,@\w+)*/g); var returnTags = []; if (tagGroup) { tagGroup.forEach(function(tag, index, array) { //console.log("Tag Group: " + tag); var validTags = removeInvalidTags(tag) if (validTags != "") { returnTags.push(validTags); } }); } return returnTags; } function removeInvalidTags(tagGroup) { tagGroup.split(",").forEach(function(tag, index, array) { //console.log("Validating Tag: " + tag) if (tag_list.indexOf(tag) === -1) { //console.log("Removing Tag: " + tag); tagGroup = tagGroup.replace(new RegExp(',?' + tag + ',?'),"") } }); return tagGroup; } function displayExampleCommandLine(tags) { $("#command_example")[0].innerHTML = "cucumber "; if (tags.length > 0) { $("#command_example")[0].innerHTML += "--tags " + tags.join(" --tags "); } } function hideEmptySections() { ["feature","scenario"].forEach(function(section,index,sections) { if ( $("." + section + ":visible").length == 0 ) { $("#" + section + "s")[0].style.display = "none"; } else { $("#" + section + "s")[0].style.display = "block"; } }); } function fixSectionRowAlternations() { ["feature","scenario"].forEach(function(section,index,sections) { $("." + section + ":visible") $("." + section + ":visible").each(function(index) { $(this).removeClass("r1 r2").addClass("r" + ((index % 2) + 1)); }); }); } function displayQualifyingFeaturesAndScenarios(tags) { if (tags.length > 0) { $(".feature,.scenario").each(function(feature){ = "none"; }); var tagSelectors = generateCssSelectorFromTags(tags); tagSelectors.forEach(function(selector,selectorIndex,selectorArray) { $(".feature." + selector.replace(/@/g,"\\@").replace(/\s/,".") + ",.scenario." + selector.replace(/@/g,"\\@").replace(/\s/,".")).each(function(matchItem) { = "block"; }); }); } else { $(".feature,.scenario").each(function(feature){ = "block"; }); } } function generateCssSelectorFromTags(tagGroups) { var tagSelectors = [ "" ]; tagGroups.forEach(function(tagGroup,index,array) { var newTagSelectors = []; tagSelectors.forEach(function(selector,selectorIndex,selectorArray) { tagGroup.split(",").forEach(function(tag,tagIndex,tagArray) { //console.log("selector: " + (selector + " " + tag).trim()); newTagSelectors.push((selector + " " + tag).trim()); }); }); tagSelectors = newTagSelectors; }); return tagSelectors; }