require 'spec_helper' require 'ostruct' WebMock.enable! describe 'Intercom::Request', '#execute' do let(:uri) {""} let(:req) { Intercom::Request.get(uri, {}) } let(:default_body) { { data: "test" }.to_json } def execute! req.execute(uri, username: 'ted', secret: '') end it 'should call sleep for rate limit error three times and raise a rate limit error otherwise' do stub_request(:any, uri).to_return( status: [429, "Too Many Requests"], headers: { 'X-RateLimit-Reset' => ( + 10).to_i.to_s }, body: default_body ) req.handle_rate_limit=true req.expects(:sleep).times(3).with(any_parameters) expect { execute! }.must_raise(Intercom::RateLimitExceeded) end it 'should not call sleep for rate limit error' do stub_request(:any, uri).to_return( status: [200, "OK"], headers: { 'X-RateLimit-Reset' => + 10 }, body: default_body ) req.handle_rate_limit=true req.expects(:sleep).never.with(any_parameters) execute! end it 'should call sleep for rate limit error just once' do stub_request(:any, uri).to_return( status: [429, "Too Many Requests"], headers: { 'X-RateLimit-Reset' => ( + 10).to_i.to_s }, ).then.to_return(status: [200, "OK"], body: default_body) req.handle_rate_limit=true req.expects(:sleep).with(any_parameters) execute! end it 'should not sleep if rate limit reset time has passed' do stub_request(:any, uri).to_return( status: [429, "Too Many Requests"], headers: { 'X-RateLimit-Reset' => Time.parse("February 25 2010").utc.to_i.to_s }, body: default_body ).then.to_return(status: [200, "OK"], body: default_body) req.handle_rate_limit=true req.expects(:sleep).never.with(any_parameters) execute! end it 'handles an empty body gracefully' do stub_request(:any, uri).to_return( status: 200, body: nil ) assert_nil(execute!) end describe 'HTTP error handling' do it 'raises an error when the response is successful but the body is not JSON' do stub_request(:any, uri).to_return( status: 200, body: 'something' ) expect { execute! }.must_raise(Intercom::UnexpectedResponseError) end it 'raises an error when an html error page rendered' do stub_request(:any, uri).to_return( status: 500, body: 'something' ) expect { execute! }.must_raise(Intercom::ServerError) end it 'raises an error if the decoded_body is "null"' do stub_request(:any, uri).to_return( status: 500, body: 'null' ) expect { execute! }.must_raise(Intercom::ServerError) end it 'raises a RateLimitExceeded error when the response code is 429' do stub_request(:any, uri).to_return( status: 429, body: 'null' ) expect { execute! }.must_raise(Intercom::RateLimitExceeded) end it 'raises a GatewayTimeoutError error when the response code is 504' do stub_request(:any, uri).to_return( status: 504, body: '