require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' # Example used for testing is from # # Although that example itself has some bugs as of 12 may 09 doh. # it's output isn't actually valid. # class AwsProductSignTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @example_params = { "Service" => "AWSECommerceService", "Operation"=>"ItemLookup", "ItemId"=>"0679722769", "ResponseGroup"=>"ItemAttributes,Offers,Images,Reviews", "Version" => "2009-01-06", "Timestamp" => "2009-05-13T10:43:28-04:00" # fixed timestamp so we can test output } @access_key = "00000000000000000000" @secret_key = "1234567890" @test_obj = => @secret_key, :access_key => @access_key) end def test_url_encoding # Make sure it doesn't encode what it shouldn't. reserved_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_.~" assert_equal(reserved_chars, @test_obj.url_encode(reserved_chars), "Reserved chars are not encoded") # Space better be %20 not plus. assert_equal("%20", @test_obj.url_encode(" "), "Space is encoded as %20") # Try a sample UTF-8 char, e acute. assert_equal("%C3%A9", @test_obj.url_encode("\xC3\xA9"), "Encodes a UTF-8 char properly") # Make sure it does escape a few other sample chars, although we won't # try every possible char! chars_to_escape = "%:,/+=" # that last one is a utf-8 e acute. assert_equal( "%25%3A%2C%2F%2B%3D", @test_obj.url_encode(chars_to_escape), "Some other chars are encoded properly") end def test_canonical_query_order ordered_keys = @test_obj.canonical_querystring(@example_params).split("&").collect { |kv| kv.split("=")[0] } # should be sorted byte-ordered assert_equal(ordered_keys, ["ItemId", "Operation", "ResponseGroup", "Service", "Timestamp", "Version"]) end def test_add_signature new_params = @test_obj.add_signature( @example_params ) assert_not_nil( new_params["Timestamp"], "Adds timestamp" ) assert_equal( @access_key, new_params["AWSAccessKeyId"], "Adds access key") assert_equal("F3xmBlY91rML36hkQTZn/N2Bk3ABIVB8NI+e/JCYpDQ=" , new_params["Signature"], "Adds correct signature") assert( @example_params != new_params, "Does not mutate input") end def test_add_signature_mutate params = Hash[@example_params] @test_obj.add_signature!(params) assert_not_nil( params["Signature"], "Mutates input") end def test_query_string require 'cgi' params = @test_obj.add_signature(@example_params) query_string = @test_obj.query_with_signature(params) re_parsed = CGI.parse(query_string) # cgi puts everything in an array, flatten it please. re_parsed.each {|k,v| re_parsed[k] = v.first} assert_equal( params, re_parsed, "query string generated" ) end end