Please note: The main Blacklight website is =Installing Blacklight == Some background information Blacklight is open source discovery software. Libraries (or anyone else) can use Blacklight to enable searching and browsing of their collections online. Blacklight uses the Apache SOLR ( ) search engine to index and search full text and/or metadata, and Blacklight has a highly configurable Ruby on Rails front-end. Blacklight was originally developed at the University of Virginia Library and is made public under an Apache 2.0 license. == Install & Use (With Devise) Create a new rails 3 application $ rails new my_app Add blacklight to your gem file /my_app/Gemfile ... gem 'blackight' Install blacklight $ rails generate blacklight --devise Run your database migrations $ rake db:migrate Start up your application $ rails server Visit the catalog at: http://localhost/catalog == Install and Use (with a custom user authentication system) Blacklight 3 requires Rails 3.0 or greater. Add the blacklight gem to your ./Gemfile gem 'blacklight' $ bundle install If you have a user model already, the Blacklight generator will connect to it automatically during installation. However, you will need to make sure the following named routes are included in your /config/routes.rb file: match 'new_user_session', :to => 'Your User Session Controller # Log in action' match 'destroy_user_session', :to => 'Your User Session Controller # Log Out action' And you will need to make sure the following helper methods are available: current_user - Which should return a user object that include Blacklight::User user_session - Which should return a user session Once these are in place, you can run the Blacklight Installation Generator: rails generate blacklight Execute your migrations, and you should be good to go. rake db:migrate Start up your application $ rails server Visit the catalog at: http://localhost/catalog == Setting up a development environment Checkout the code: $ git clone blacklight $ cd blacklight (While the rails3 branch is still a seperate branch called 'rails3':) $ git checkout -t origin/rails3 Now create a test bed application inside of Blacklight that will allow you to include Blacklight as a gem. The test_app directory already exists, and contains a .gitignore file that will mean all of the generated code is ingored. - There are a few directories already in palce in test_app that WILL be included in the git repository. These include: * test_app/features - which contains cucumber tests for blacklight * test_app/spec - rspec tests * test_app/jetty - The blacklight Jetty module (discussed later) * test_app/data - Another remote module. To create the rails application: $ rails new test_app --skip-test-unit --skip-git Or if you are using Jruby: $ jruby -S rails new test_app -m --skip-test-unit --skip-git Add gem 'blacklight' to the test applications Gemfile: gem 'blacklight', :path => '../' Run bundle install in the test app $ bundle install Install and configure blacklight (with devise setting) $ rails generate blacklight --devise Remove index.html - which will allow the routes to take you directly to the catalog page. $ rm public/index.html (allow us to redirect to catalog) Migrate your database $ rake db:migrate Get Solr running somewhere. If you don't have Solr installed, blacklight comes with a default setup. $ cd blacklight $ git submodule init $ git submodule update $ cd test_app $ rake solr:marc:index_test_data RAILS_ENV=test $ cd jetty $ java -jar start.jar Start up your Server, and take a test run. (from blacklight/test_app) $ rails server Now go check it out, should be running. == Running the tests You will need to add some gems to your test_app's Gemfile group :development, :test do gem "rspec" gem "rspec-rails", "~>2.5.0" gem "cucumber-rails" gem "database_cleaner" gem "capybara" gem "webrat" gem "aruba" end Run bundle install $ bundle install Install cucumber $ rails generate cucumber:install If you haven't yet done this to load the bundled jetty/solr environment and test data in your blacklight checkout, from the blacklight checkout dir: git submodule init git submodule update Load in the test data $ rake solr:marc:index_test_data RAILS_ENV=test Run the tests $ rake solr:spec $ rake solr:features ==Pre-requisites Whichever method you choose for installation, be sure you have all the pre-requisites in place. You can find these detailed in {PRE-REQUISITES}[] ==Running solr You'll also want some information about how Blacklight expects Apache SOLR ( ) to run, which you can find in {README_SOLR}[]