require "text/metaphone" class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessor :cloud_band, :cloud_size belongs_to :created_by, :class_name => 'User' belongs_to :updated_by, :class_name => 'User' belongs_to :page has_many :taggings, :dependent => :destroy before_save :calculate_metaphone has_site if respond_to? :has_site # returns the subset of tags meant for public display and selection named_scope :visible, { :conditions => ['visible = 1'] } # returns the set of hidden editorial tags used for linking and labelling but # not meant for public display. named_scope :hidden, { :conditions => ['visible = 0'] } # returns the subset of structural tags (ie, those that are page links) named_scope :structural, { :conditions => ['page_id IS NOT NULL'] } # returns the subset of tags without page links named_scope :descriptive, { :conditions => ['page_id IS NULL'] } # this is useful when we need to go back and add popularity to an already defined list of tags named_scope :in_this_list, lambda { |tags| { :conditions => [" IN (#{{'?'}.join(',')})", *{|t| t.is_a?(Tag) ? : t}] } } # this is normally used to exclude current tags from a cloud or list named_scope :except, lambda { |tags| if tags.any? { :conditions => [" NOT IN (#{{'?'}.join(',')})", *{|t| t.is_a?(Tag) ? : t}] } end } # NB unused tags are omitted named_scope :with_count, { :select => "tags.*, count( AS use_count", :joins => "INNER JOIN taggings as tt ON tt.tag_id =", :group => "", :order => 'title ASC' } named_scope :most_popular, lambda { |count| { :select => "tags.*, count( AS use_count", :joins => "INNER JOIN taggings as tt ON tt.tag_id =", :group => "", :limit => count, :order => 'use_count DESC' } } # this takes a list and returns all the tags attached to any item in that list # NB. won't work with a heterogeneous group: all items must be of the same class named_scope :attached_to, lambda { |these| klass = these.first.is_a?(Page) ? Page : these.first.class { :joins => "INNER JOIN taggings as tt ON tt.tag_id =", :conditions => ["tt.tagged_type = '#{klass}' and tt.tagged_id IN (#{{'?'}.join(',')})", *], } } # this takes a class name and returns all the tags attached to any object of that class named_scope :attached_to_a, lambda { |klass| klass = klass.to_s.titleize { :joins => "INNER JOIN taggings as tt ON tt.tag_id =", :conditions => "tt.tagged_type = '#{klass}'", } } # this should probably be sorted better but I want to keep it as quick an operation as possible # so only the one query is allowed named_scope :suggested_by, lambda { |term| metaphone = Text::Metaphone.metaphone(term) { :conditions => ["tags.title LIKE ? OR tags.metaphone LIKE ?", "%#{term}%", "&#{metaphone}%"] } } # returns all the tags that have been applied alongside any of these tags: that is, the # set of tags that if applied will reduce further a set of tagged objects. named_scope :coincident_with, lambda { |tags| tag_ids =',') { :select => "your_tags.*, COUNT( AS use_count", :joins => %{ INNER JOIN taggings AS my_taggings ON my_taggings.tag_id = INNER JOIN taggings AS your_taggings ON my_taggings.tagged_type = your_taggings.tagged_type AND my_taggings.tagged_id = your_taggings.tagged_id INNER JOIN tags AS your_tags ON your_taggings.tag_id = }, :conditions => " IN (#{tag_ids}) AND NOT IN (#{tag_ids})", :group => "" } } def <=>(othertag) String.natcmp(self.title, othertag.title) # natural sort method defined in lib/natcomp.rb end def to_s title end # returns true if this tag points to a page def structural !page_id.nil? end alias :structural? :structural # Standardises formatting of tag name in urls def clean_title Rack::Utils.escape(title) end # Returns a list of all the objects tagged with this tag. We can't do this in SQL because it's polymorphic (and has_many_polymorphs makes my skin itch) def tagged {|t| t.tagged} end # Returns a list of all the pages tagged with this tag. def pages Page.from_tags([self]) end # Returns a list of all the assets tagged with this tag. def assets Asset.from_tags([self]) end # Returns a list of all the assets of a particular type tagged with this tag. Asset.known_types.each do |type| define_method type.to_s.pluralize.intern do Asset.send("#{type.to_s.pluralize}".intern).from_tags([self]) end end # Returns a list of all the tags that have been applied alongside this one. def coincident_tags self.class.coincident_with(self) end # returns true if tags are site-scoped def self.sited? !reflect_on_association(:site).nil? end # turns an array or comma-separated string of tag titles into a list of tag objects, creating if specified def self.from_list(list=[], or_create=true) list = list.split(/[,;]\s*/) if String === list {|t| self.for(t, or_create) }.select{|t| !t.nil? } if list && list.any? end def self.to_list(tags=[])',') end # finds or creates a tag with the supplied title def self.for(title, or_create=true) if or_create self.sited? ? self.find_or_create_by_title_and_site_id(title, : self.find_or_create_by_title(title) else self.sited? ? self.find_by_title_and_site_id(title, : self.find_by_title(title) end end # applies the usual cloud-banding algorithm to a set of tags with use_count def self.banded(tags=Tag.most_popular(100), bands=6) if tags count ={|t| t.use_count.to_i} if count.any? # urgh. dodging named_scope count bug max_use = count.max min_use = count.min divisor = ((max_use - min_use) / bands) + 1 tags.each do |tag| tag.cloud_band = (tag.use_count.to_i - min_use) / divisor end tags end end end # applies a more sophisticated logarithmic weighting algorithm to a set of tags. # derived from here: # def self.sized(tags=Tag.most_popular(100), threshold=0, biggest=1.0, smallest=0.4) if tags counts ={|t| t.use_count.to_i} if counts.any? max = counts.max min = counts.min if max == min tags.each do |tag| tag.cloud_size = sprintf("%.2f", biggest/2 + smallest/2) end else steepness = Math.log(max - (min-1))/(biggest - smallest) tags.each do |tag| offset = Math.log(tag.use_count.to_i - (min-1))/steepness tag.cloud_size = sprintf("%.2f", smallest + offset) end end tags end end end # takes a list of tags and reaquires it from the database, this time with incidence. # cheap call because it returns immediately if the list is already cloudable. def self.for_cloud(tags) return tags if tags.empty? || tags.first.cloud_size sized(in_this_list(tags).with_count) end def self.cloud_from(these) for_cloud(attached_to(these)) end # adds retrieval methods for a taggable class to this class and to Tagging. def self.define_retrieval_methods(classname) define_method "#{classname.downcase}_taggings".to_sym do self.taggings.of_a(classname) end define_method classname.downcase.pluralize.to_sym do classname.constantize.send :from_tag, self end end protected def calculate_metaphone self.metaphone = Text::Metaphone.metaphone(self.title) if self.respond_to? :metaphone= end end