require 'vedeu/dsl/components/all'
require 'vedeu/repositories/model'

require 'vedeu/geometry/area'
require 'vedeu/geometry/dimension'
require 'vedeu/support/terminal'

module Vedeu

  # @todo Consider storing the Terminal size at the time of first creation,
  # this allows us to return the interface to its original dimensions if
  # the terminal resizes back to normal size.
  # Calculates and provides interface geometry determined by both the client's
  # requirements and the terminal's current viewing area.
  # Geometry for Vedeu, as the same for ANSI terminals, has the origin at
  # top-left, y = 1, x = 1. The 'y' coordinate is deliberately first.
  #       x    north    xn           # north:  y - 1
  #     y +--------------+           # top:    y
  #       |     top      |           # west:   x - 1
  #       |              |           # left:   x
  #  west | left   right | east      # right:  xn
  #       |              |           # east:   xn + 1
  #       |    bottom    |           # bottom: yn
  #    yn +--------------+           # south:  yn + 1
  #            south
  class Geometry

    extend Forwardable
    include Vedeu::Model

    def_delegators :area,

    # @!attribute [rw] centred
    # @return [Boolean]
    attr_accessor :centred

    # @!attribute [rw] name
    # @return [String]
    attr_accessor :name

    # @!attribute [r] attributes
    # @return [Hash]
    attr_reader :attributes

    # @!attribute [w] height
    # @return [Fixnum]
    attr_writer :height

    # @!attribute [w] width
    # @return [Fixnum]
    attr_writer :width

    # @!attribute [w] x
    # @return [Fixnum]
    attr_writer :x

    # @!attribute [w] xn
    # @return [Fixnum]
    attr_writer :xn

    # @!attribute [w] y
    # @return [Fixnum]
    attr_writer :y

    # @!attribute [w] yn
    # @return [Fixnum]
    attr_writer :yn

    # Returns a new instance of Vedeu::Geometry.
    # @param attributes [Hash]
    # @option attributes centred [Boolean]
    # @option attributes height [Fixnum]
    # @option attributes name [String]
    # @option attributes repository [Vedeu::Geometries]
    # @option attributes width [Fixnum]
    # @option attributes x [Fixnum]
    # @option attributes xn [Fixnum]
    # @option attributes y [Fixnum]
    # @option attributes yn [Fixnum]
    # @return [Vedeu::Geometry]
    def initialize(attributes = {})
      @attributes = defaults.merge!(attributes)

      @attributes.each do |key, value|
        instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)


    # @return [Vedeu::Area]
    def area
      @area ||= Vedeu::Area.from_dimensions(y_yn: y_yn, x_xn: x_xn)

    # @return [Array<Fixnum>]
    def x_xn
      @x_xn ||= Vedeu::Dimension.pair(d:        _x,
                                      dn:      _xn,
                                      d_dn:    @width,
                                      default: Vedeu::Terminal.width,
                                      options: { centred: centred })

    # @return [Array<Fixnum>]
    def y_yn
      @y_yn ||= Vedeu::Dimension.pair(d:       _y,
                                      dn:      _yn,
                                      d_dn:    @height,
                                      default: Vedeu::Terminal.height,
                                      options: { centred: centred })

    # Returns the row/line start position for the interface.
    # @return [Fixnum]
    def _y
      @y.is_a?(Proc) ? : @y

    # Returns the row/line end position for the interface.
    # @return [Fixnum]
    def _yn
      @yn.is_a?(Proc) ? : @yn

    # Returns the column/character start position for the interface.
    # @return [Fixnum]
    def _x
      @x.is_a?(Proc) ? : @x

    # Returns the column/character end position for the interface.
    # @return [Fixnum]
    def _xn
      @xn.is_a?(Proc) ? : @xn

    # @return [Hash]
    def defaults
        centred:    nil,
        height:     nil,
        name:       nil,
        repository: Vedeu.geometries,
        width:      nil,
        x:          nil,
        xn:         nil,
        y:          nil,
        yn:         nil,

  end # Geometry

end # Vedeu