require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '../../../spec/applications/calculator') include Autogui::Input After('@calculator') do if @calculator @calculator.close(:wait_for_close => true) if @calculator.running? @calculator.should_not be_running end end Given /^a GUI application named calculator$/ do @calculator = @calculator.should be_running end When /^I type in "([^"]*)"$/ do |string| @calculator.set_focus type_in(string) end # "the window text should match" allows regex in the partial_output, if # you don't need regex, use "the output should contain" instead since # that way, you don't have to escape regex characters that # appear naturally in the output Then /^the edit window text should match \/([^\/]*)\/$/ do |partial_output| @calculator.edit_window.text.should =~ /#{partial_output}/ end Then /^the edit window text should contain exactly "([^"]*)"$/ do |exact_output| @calculator.edit_window.text.should == unescape(exact_output) end Then /^the edit window text should contain exactly:$/ do |exact_output| @calculator.edit_window.text.should == exact_output end