Feature: Browse comments As a Redditor I want to quickly be able to list another Redditor's comments In order to see what they like to talk about Scenario: List all comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ wikipedia http://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/142t4w/z/c79peed Heisenbug: a software bug that seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one over 3 years ago Yep. My first experience with a Heisenbug occurred in a C++ program, and disappeared when I tried to print a variable with printf (only to reappear when that call was removed). nyc http://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/141zqc/z/c79dxg6 NYC taxi roof lights get overhaul - A light simply will mean the cab is availab over 3 years ago It has a fare when the lights are *off.* worldnews http://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/140mra/z/c797jq4 Palestinians win upgraded UN status by wide margin over 3 years ago The Judgment of Solomon Accords. """ Scenario: List all comments for a user that does not exist Given the Reddit service does not have a user "testuser" When I run `usaidwat testuser` Then it should fail with: """ No such user: testuser """ Scenario: List all comments when user has no comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "blank" When I run `usaidwat blank` Then it should pass with: """ blank has no comments. """ Scenario: Tally comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat -t mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ apple 6 AskReddit 61 battlefield3 2 books 2 django 1 Games 1 nyc 1 personalfinance 1 photography 1 programming 20 redditcasual 1 wikipedia 1 worldnews 2 """ Scenario: Sort comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat -T mipadi` Then it should pass with: """ AskReddit 61 programming 20 apple 6 battlefield3 2 books 2 worldnews 2 django 1 Games 1 nyc 1 personalfinance 1 photography 1 redditcasual 1 wikipedia 1 """ Scenario: Tally comments when user has no comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "blank" When I run `usaidwat -t blank` Then it should pass with: """ blank has no comments. """ Scenario: Sort comments when user has no comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "blank" When I run `usaidwat -T blank` Then it should pass with: """ blank has no comments. """ Scenario: List comments for a particular subreddit Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat mipadi AskReddit` Then it should pass with: """ AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/141kt9/z/c795rwz Do colleges actually teach students how to think critically? Or even to think/qu over 3 years ago I think it depends on where you go and what you study, but yes, I think they do teach you to think critically, especially in humanities courses and seminars. Maybe it's just because I went to a small, private liberal arts college rather than a huge school, but critical thinking was definitely a part of my education. AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/140t5c/z/c795nw3 I'm from Tennessee and most of our jokes are geared toward Mississippi and Alaba over 3 years ago You're from New Jersey? Which exit? AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/140h3z/z/c795muo Today I was going 80mph in a 55 when an unmarked police car pulled up next to me over 3 years ago You didn't slow down for very long though, did you? """ Scenario: List comments for a particular subreddit specified with the wrong case Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" And time is frozen at Jun 24, 2015 11:05 AM When I run `usaidwat mipadi askreddit` Then it should pass with: """ AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/141kt9/z/c795rwz Do colleges actually teach students how to think critically? Or even to think/qu over 3 years ago I think it depends on where you go and what you study, but yes, I think they do teach you to think critically, especially in humanities courses and seminars. Maybe it's just because I went to a small, private liberal arts college rather than a huge school, but critical thinking was definitely a part of my education. AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/140t5c/z/c795nw3 I'm from Tennessee and most of our jokes are geared toward Mississippi and Alaba over 3 years ago You're from New Jersey? Which exit? AskReddit http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/140h3z/z/c795muo Today I was going 80mph in a 55 when an unmarked police car pulled up next to me over 3 years ago You didn't slow down for very long though, did you? """ Scenario: List comments for a subreddit with no comments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat mipadi nsfw` Then it should pass with: """ No comments by mipadi for nsfw. """ Scenario: Tally comments with subreddit Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat -t mipadi AskReddit` Then it should fail with: """ Usage: usaidwat [-t | -T] [] """ Scenario: Sort comments with subreddit Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat -T mipadi AskReddit` Then it should fail with: """ Usage: usaidwat [-t | -T] [] """ Scenario: Pass no arguments Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat` Then it should fail with: """ Usage: usaidwat [-t | -T] [] """ Scenario: Pass no arguments when tallying Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat -t` Then it should fail with: """ Usage: usaidwat [-t | -T] [] """ Scenario: Pass no arguments when sorting Given the Reddit service returns comments for the user "mipadi" When I run `usaidwat -T` Then it should fail with: """ Usage: usaidwat [-t | -T] [] """