module Spree class Promotion < Spree::Activator MATCH_POLICIES = %w(all any) UNACTIVATABLE_ORDER_STATES = ["complete", "awaiting_return", "returned"] Activator.event_names << 'spree.checkout.coupon_code_added' Activator.event_names << 'spree.content.visited' has_many :promotion_rules, foreign_key: :activator_id, autosave: true, dependent: :destroy alias_method :rules, :promotion_rules has_many :promotion_actions, foreign_key: :activator_id, autosave: true, dependent: :destroy alias_method :actions, :promotion_actions accepts_nested_attributes_for :promotion_actions, :promotion_rules validates_associated :rules validates :name, presence: true validates :code, presence: true, if: lambda{|r| r.event_name == 'spree.checkout.coupon_code_added' } validates :path, presence: true, if: lambda{|r| r.event_name == 'spree.content.visited' } validates :usage_limit, numericality: { greater_than: 0, allow_nil: true } # TODO: This shouldn't be necessary with :autosave option but nested attribute updating of actions is broken without it after_save :save_rules_and_actions def save_rules_and_actions (rules + actions).each &:save end def self.advertised where(advertise: true) end def self.with_code where(event_name: 'spree.checkout.coupon_code_added') end def activate(payload) return unless order_activatable? payload[:order] # make sure code is always downcased (old databases might have mixed case codes) if code.present? event_code = payload[:coupon_code] return unless event_code == self.code.downcase.strip end if path.present? return unless path == payload[:path] end actions.each do |action| action.perform(payload) end end # called anytime order.update! happens def eligible?(order) return false if expired? || usage_limit_exceeded?(order) rules_are_eligible?(order, {}) end def rules_are_eligible?(order, options = {}) return true if rules.none? eligible = lambda { |r| r.eligible?(order, options) } if match_policy == 'all' rules.all?(&eligible) else rules.any?(&eligible) end end def order_activatable?(order) order && !UNACTIVATABLE_ORDER_STATES.include?(order.state) end # Products assigned to all product rules def products @products ||= self.rules.to_a.inject([]) do |products, rule| rule.respond_to?(:products) ? products << rule.products : products end.flatten.uniq end def usage_limit_exceeded?(order = nil) usage_limit.present? && usage_limit > 0 && adjusted_credits_count(order) >= usage_limit end def adjusted_credits_count(order) return credits_count if order.nil? credits_count - (order.promotion_credit_exists?(self) ? 1 : 0) end def credits Adjustment.promotion.where(originator_id: end def credits_count credits.count end def code=(coupon_code) write_attribute(:code, (coupon_code.downcase.strip rescue nil)) end end end