module OM::XML::Accessors module ClassMethods attr_accessor :accessors def accessor(accessor_name, opts={}) @accessors ||= {} insert_accessor(accessor_name, opts) end def insert_accessor(accessor_name, accessor_opts, parent_names=[]) unless accessor_opts.has_key?(:relative_xpath) accessor_opts[:relative_xpath] = "oxns:#{accessor_name}" end destination = @accessors parent_names.each do |parent_name| destination = destination[parent_name][:children] end destination[accessor_name] = accessor_opts # Recursively call insert_accessor for any children if accessor_opts.has_key?(:children) children_array = accessor_opts[:children].dup accessor_opts[:children] = {} children_array.each do |child| if child.kind_of?(Hash) child_name = child.keys.first child_opts = child.values.first else child_name = child child_opts = {} end insert_accessor(child_name, child_opts, parent_names+[accessor_name] ) end end end # Returns the configuration info for the selected accessor. # Ingores any integers in the array (ie. nodeset indices intended for use in other accessor convenience methods) def accessor_info(*pointers) info = @accessors # flatten the pointers array, excluding node indices pointers = pointers_to_flat_array(pointers, false) pointers.each do |pointer| unless pointers.index(pointer) == 0 info = info.fetch(:children, nil) if info.nil? return nil end end info = info.fetch(pointer, nil) if info.nil? return nil end end return info end def accessor_xpath(*pointers) keys = [] xpath = "//" pointers.each do |pointer| if pointer.kind_of?(Hash) k = pointer.keys.first index = pointer[k] else k = pointer index = nil end keys << k # key_index = keys.index(k) pointer_index = pointers.index(pointer) # accessor_info = accessor_info(*keys[0..key_index]) accessor_info = accessor_info(*keys) relative_path = accessor_info[:relative_xpath] if relative_path.kind_of?(Hash) if relative_path.has_key?(:attribute) relative_path = "@"+relative_path[:attribute] end else # if indices[key_index] # add_position_predicate!(relative_path, indices[key_index]) # end unless index.nil? add_position_predicate!(relative_path, index) end if accessor_info.has_key?(:default_content_path) relative_path << "/"+accessor_info[:default_content_path] end end if pointer_index > 0 relative_path.insert(0, "/") end xpath << relative_path end return xpath end def add_position_predicate!(xpath_query, array_index_value) position_function = "position()=#{array_index_value + 1}" if xpath_query.include?("]") xpath_query.insert(xpath_query.rindex("]"), " and #{position_function}") else xpath_query << "[#{position_function}]" end end def accessor_generic_name(*pointers) pointers_to_flat_array(pointers, false).join("_") end def accessor_hierarchical_name(*pointers) pointers_to_flat_array(pointers, true).join("_") end # @pointers pointers array that you would pass into other Accessor methods # @include_indices (default: true) if set to false, parent indices will be excluded from the array # Converts an array of accessor pointers into a flat array. # ie. [{:conference=>0}, {:role=>1}, :text] becomes [:conference, 0, :role, 1, :text] # if include_indices is set to false, # [{:conference=>0}, {:role=>1}, :text] becomes [:conference, :role, :text] def pointers_to_flat_array(pointers, include_indices=true) flat_array = [] pointers.each do |pointer| if pointer.kind_of?(Hash) flat_array << pointer.keys.first if include_indices flat_array << pointer.values.first end else flat_array << pointer end end return flat_array end end # Instance Methods -- These methods will be available on instances of OM classes (ie. the actual xml documents) def self.included(klass) klass.extend(ClassMethods) end # *pointers Variable length array of values in format [:accessor_name, :accessor_name ...] or [{:accessor_name=>index}, :accessor_name ...] # example: [:person, 1, :first_name] # Currently, indexes must be integers. def retrieve(*pointers) xpath = self.class.accessor_xpath(*pointers) ng_xml.xpath(xpath, "oxns"=>"") end end