# URBANopt REopt Gem ## Version 0.3.0.pre1 05/18/20 Updating to support OpenStudio 3.0 and Ruby 2.5 ## Version 0.2.1 * Corrects code checking PV size that fails on multi PV * Corrects parsing of site energy at timesteps other than 1 per hour ## Version 0.2.0 * Handles multiple PV systems in the REopt Lite assumptions * Changes REoptPostProcessor run_scenario and run_scenario_features methods to save feature and scenario reports with custom names * Parses date from timeseries CSV when creating load profile for REopt job and when parsing optimized results * Renames REopt timeseries CSV columns to include 'REopt' and units ## Version 0.1.0 * Initial release of URBANopt REopt Gem.