# Contains the methods that instrument blocks of code. # # When a code block is wrapped inside #instrument(metric_name): # * The #instrument method pushes a StackItem onto Store#stack # * When a code block is finished, #instrument pops the last item off the stack and verifies it's the StackItem # we created earlier. # * Once verified, the metrics for the recording session are merged into the in-memory Store#metric_hash. The current scope # is also set for the metric (if Thread::current[:scout_scope_name] isn't nil). module ScoutRails::Tracer def self.included(klass) klass.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Use to trace a method call, possibly reporting slow transaction traces to Scout. def trace(metric_name, options = {}, &block) ScoutRails::Agent.instance.store.reset_transaction! instrument(metric_name, options) do Thread::current[:scout_scope_name] = metric_name yield Thread::current[:scout_scope_name] = nil end Thread::current[:scout_custom_attributes] = nil end # Options: # - :scope => If specified, sets the sub-scope for the metric. We allow additional scope level. This is used # when rendering the transaction tree in the UI. def instrument(metric_name, options={}, &block) # don't instrument if (1) NOT inside a transaction and (2) NOT a Controller metric. if !Thread::current[:scout_scope_name] and metric_name !~ /\AController\// return yield end if options.delete(:scope) Thread::current[:scout_sub_scope] = metric_name end stack_item = ScoutRails::Agent.instance.store.record(metric_name) begin yield ensure Thread::current[:scout_sub_scope] = nil if Thread::current[:scout_sub_scope] == metric_name ScoutRails::Agent.instance.store.stop_recording(stack_item,options) end end def instrument_method(method,options = {}) ScoutRails::Agent.instance.logger.info "Instrumenting #{method}" metric_name = options[:metric_name] || default_metric_name(method) return if !instrumentable?(method) or instrumented?(method,metric_name) class_eval instrumented_method_string(method, {:metric_name => metric_name, :scope => options[:scope]}), __FILE__, __LINE__ alias_method _uninstrumented_method_name(method, metric_name), method alias_method method, _instrumented_method_name(method, metric_name) end private def instrumented_method_string(method, options) klass = (self === Module) ? "self" : "self.class" "def #{_instrumented_method_name(method, options[:metric_name])}(*args, &block) result = #{klass}.instrument(\"#{options[:metric_name]}\",{:scope => #{options[:scope] || false}}) do #{_uninstrumented_method_name(method, options[:metric_name])}(*args, &block) end result end" end # The method must exist to be instrumented. def instrumentable?(method) exists = method_defined?(method) || private_method_defined?(method) ScoutRails::Agent.instance.logger.warn "The method [#{self.name}##{method}] does not exist and will not be instrumented" unless exists exists end # +True+ if the method is already instrumented. def instrumented?(method,metric_name) instrumented = method_defined?(_instrumented_method_name(method, metric_name)) ScoutRails::Agent.instance.logger.warn "The method [#{self.name}##{method}] has already been instrumented" if instrumented instrumented end def default_metric_name(method) "Custom/#{self.name}/#{method.to_s}" end # given a method and a metric, this method returns the # untraced alias of the method name def _uninstrumented_method_name(method, metric_name) "#{_sanitize_name(method)}_without_scout_instrument_#{_sanitize_name(metric_name)}" end # given a method and a metric, this method returns the traced # alias of the method name def _instrumented_method_name(method, metric_name) name = "#{_sanitize_name(method)}_with_scout_instrument_#{_sanitize_name(metric_name)}" end # Method names like +any?+ or +replace!+ contain a trailing character that would break when # eval'd as ? and ! aren't allowed inside method names. def _sanitize_name(name) name.to_s.tr_s('^a-zA-Z0-9', '_') end end # ClassMethods end # module Tracer