module OldApiResource module Associations class AssociationProxy cattr_accessor :remote_path_element; self.remote_path_element = :service_uri cattr_accessor :include_class_scopes; self.include_class_scopes = true attr_accessor :loaded, :klass, :internal_object, :remote_path, :scopes, :times_loaded def initialize(klass_name, contents) raise "Cannot create an association proxy to the unknown object #{klass_name}" unless defined?(klass_name.to_s.classify) # A simple attr_accessor for testing purposes self.times_loaded = 0 self.klass = klass_name.to_s.classify.constantize self.load(contents) self.loaded = {}.with_indifferent_access if self.class.include_class_scopes self.scopes = self.scopes.reverse_merge(self.klass.scopes) end # Now that we have set up all the scopes with the load method we need to create methods self.scopes.each do |key, _| self.instance_eval <<-EOE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{key}(opts = {}), :#{key}, opts) end EOE end end def serializable_hash(options = {}) raise "Not Implemented: This method must be implemented in a subclass" end def scopes @scopes ||= {}.with_indifferent_access end def scope?(scp) self.scopes.keys.include?(scp.to_s) end def internal_object @internal_object ||= self.load_scope_with_options(:all, {}) end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) self.internal_object.send(method, *args, &block) end def reload(scope = nil, opts = {}) if scope.nil? self.loaded.clear self.times_loaded = 0 # Remove the loaded object to force it to reload remove_instance_variable(:@internal_object) else # Delete this key from the loaded hash which will cause it to be reloaded self.loaded.delete(self.loaded_hash_key(scope, opts)) end self end def to_s self.internal_object.to_s end def inspect self.internal_object.inspect end protected # This method loads a particular scope with a set of options from the remote server def load_scope_with_options(scope, options) raise "Not Implemented: This method must be implemented in a subclass" end # This method is a helper to initialize for loading the data passed in to create this object def load(contents) raise "Not Implemented: This method must be implemented in a subclass" end # This method create the key for the loaded hash, it ensures that a unique set of scopes # with a unique set of options is only loaded once def loaded_hash_key(scope, options) options.to_a.sort.inject(scope) {|accum,(k,v)| accum << "_#{k}_#{v}"} end end end end