### 0.2.5 / 2010-07-02

* Added {Spidr::Page#meta_redirect}.
* Added {Spidr::Page#meta_redirect?}.
* Manage development dependencies with Bundler.
* Support following "old-school" meta-refresh redirects (thanks zapnap).
* Allow {Spidr::CookieJar} inherit cookies set by a parent domain.
* Fixed a constant lookup issue in {Spidr::Agent}.
* Use `yield` instead of `block.call` when necessary.

### 0.2.4 / 2010-05-05

* Added {Spidr::Filters#visit_urls}.
* Added {Spidr::Filters#visit_urls_like}.
* Added {Spidr::Filters#ignore_urls}.
* Added {Spidr::Filters#ignore_urls_like}.
* Added {Spidr::Page#is_content_type?}.
* Default {Spidr::Page#body} to an empty String.
* Default {Spidr::Page#content_type} to an empty String.
* Default {Spidr::Page#content_types} to an empty Array.
* Improved reliability of {Spidr::Page#is_redirect?}.
* Improved content type detection in {Spidr::Page} to handle `Content-Type`
  headers containing charsets (thanks Josh Lindsey).

### 0.2.3 / 2010-02-27

* Migrated to Jeweler, for the packaging and releasing RubyGems.
* Switched to MarkDown formatted YARD documentation.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_link}.
* Added {Spidr::SessionCache#active?}.
* Added specs for {Spidr::SessionCache}.

### 0.2.2 / 2010-01-06

* Require Web Spider Obstacle Course (WSOC) >= 0.1.1.
* Integrated the new WSOC into the specs.
* Removed the built-in Web Spider Obstacle Course.
* Added {Spidr::Page#content_types}.
* Added {Spidr::Page#cookie}.
* Added {Spidr::Page#cookies}.
* Added {Spidr::Page#cookie_params}.
* Added {Spidr::Sanitizers}.
* Added {Spidr::SessionCache}.
* Added {Spidr::CookieJar} (thanks Nick Plante).
* Added {Spidr::AuthStore} (thanks Nick Plante).
* Added {Spidr::Agent#post_page} (thanks Nick Plante).
* Renamed `Spidr::Agent#get_session` to {Spidr::SessionCache#[]}.
* Renamed `Spidr::Agent#kill_session` to {Spidr::SessionCache#kill!}.

### 0.2.1 / 2009-11-25

* Added {Spidr::Events#every_ok_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_redirect_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_timedout_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_bad_request_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_unauthorized_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_forbidden_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_missing_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_internal_server_error_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_txt_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_html_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_xml_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_xsl_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_doc}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_html_doc}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_xml_doc}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_xsl_doc}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_rss_doc}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_atom_doc}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_javascript_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_css_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_rss_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_atom_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_ms_word_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_pdf_page}.
* Added {Spidr::Events#every_zip_page}.
* Fixed a bug where {Spidr::Agent#delay} was not being used to delay
  requesting pages.
* Spider `link` and `script` tags in HTML pages (thanks Nick Plante).

### 0.2.0 / 2009-10-10

* Added {URI.expand_path}.
* Added {Spidr::Page#search}.
* Added {Spidr::Page#at}.
* Added {Spidr::Page#title}.
* Added {Spidr::Agent#failures=}.
* Added a HTTP session cache to {Spidr::Agent}, per suggestion of falter.
  * Added `Spidr::Agent#get_session`.
  * Added `Spidr::Agent#kill_session`.
* Added {Spidr.proxy=}.
* Added {Spidr.disable_proxy!}.
* Aliased `Spidr::Page#txt?` to {Spidr::Page#plain_text?}.
* Aliased `Spidr::Page#ok?` to {Spidr::Page#is_ok?}.
* Aliased `Spidr::Page#redirect?` to {Spidr::Page#is_redirect?}.
* Aliased `Spidr::Page#unauthorized?` to {Spidr::Page#is_unauthorized?}.
* Aliased `Spidr::Page#forbidden?` to {Spidr::Page#is_forbidden?}.
* Aliased `Spidr::Page#missing?` to {Spidr::Page#is_missing?}.
* Split URL filtering code out of {Spidr::Agent} and into
* Split URL / Page event code out of {Spidr::Agent} and into
* Split pause! / continue! / skip_link! / skip_page! methods out of
  {Spidr::Agent} and into {Spidr::Actions}.
* Fixed a bug in {Spidr::Page#code}, where it was not returning an Integer.
* Make sure {Spidr::Page#doc} returns `Nokogiri::XML::Document` objects for
  RSS/RDF/Atom pages as well.
* Fixed the handling of the Location header in {Spidr::Page#links}
  (thanks falter).
* Fixed a bug in {Spidr::Page#to_absolute} where trailing `/` characters on
  URI paths were not being preserved (thanks falter).
* Fixed a bug where the URI query was not being sent with the request
  in {Spidr::Agent#get_page} (thanks Damian Steer).
* Fixed a bug where SSL sessions were not being properly setup
  (thanks falter).
* Switched {Spidr::Agent#history} to be a Set, to improve search-time
  of the history (thanks falter).
* Switched {Spidr::Agent#failures} to a Set.
* Allow a block to be passed to {Spidr::Agent#run}, which will receive all
  pages visited.
* Allow `Spidr::Agent#start_at` and `Spidr::Agent#continue!` to pass blocks
  to {Spidr::Agent#run}.
* Made {Spidr::Agent#visit_page} public.
* Moved to YARD based documentation.

### 0.1.9 / 2009-06-13

* Upgraded to Hoe 2.0.0.
  * Use Hoe.spec instead of Hoe.new.
  * Use the Hoe signing task for signed gems.
* Added the `Spidr::Agent#schemes` and `Spidr::Agent#schemes=` methods.
* Added a warning message if 'net/https' cannot be loaded.
* Allow the list of acceptable URL schemes to be passed into
* Allow history and queue information to be passed into
* {Spidr::Agent#start_at} no longer clears the history or the queue.
* Fixed a bug in the sanitization of semi-escaped URLs.
* Fixed a bug where https URLs would be followed even if 'net/https'
  could not be loaded.
* Removed Spidr::Agent::SCHEMES.

### 0.1.8 / 2009-05-27

* Added the `Spidr::Agent#pause!` and `Spidr::Agent#continue!` methods.
* Added the `Spidr::Agent#running?` and `Spidr::Agent#paused?` methods.
* Added an alias for pending_urls to the queue methods.
* Added {Spidr::Agent#queue} to provide read access to the queue.
* Added {Spidr::Agent#queue=} and {Spidr::Agent#history=} for setting the
  queue and history.
* Added {Spidr::Agent#to_hash} which returns a Hash of the agents queue and
* Made {Spidr::Agent#enqueue} and {Spidr::Agent#queued?} public.
* Added more specs.

### 0.1.7 / 2009-04-24

* Added `Spidr::Agent#all_headers`.
* Fixed a bug where {Spidr::Page#headers} was always `nil`.
* {Spidr::Spidr::Agent} will now follow the Location header in HTTP 300,
  301, 302, 303 and 307 Redirects.
* {Spidr::Agent} will now follow iframe and frame tags.

### 0.1.6 / 2009-04-14

* Added {Spidr::Agent#failures}, a list of URLs which could not be visited.
* Added {Spidr::Agent#failed?}.
* Added `Spidr::Agent#every_failed_url`.
* Added {Spidr::Agent#clear}, which clears the history and failures URL
* Improved fault tolerance in {Spidr::Agent#get_page}.
  * If a Network or HTTP error is encountered, the URL will be added to
    the failures list and the next URL will be visited.
* Fixed a typo in `Spidr::Agent#ignore_exts_like`.
* Updated the Web Spider Obstacle Course with links that always fail to be

### 0.1.5 / 2009-03-22

* Catch malformed URIs in {Spidr::Page#to_absolute} and return `nil`.
* Filter out `nil` URIs in {Spidr::Page#urls}.

### 0.1.4 / 2009-01-15

* Use Nokogiri for HTML and XML parsing.

### 0.1.3 / 2009-01-10

* Added the `:host` options to {Spidr::Agent#initialize}.
* Added the Web Spider Obstacle Course files to the Manifest.
* Aliased {Spidr::Agent#visited_urls} to {Spidr::Agent#history}.

### 0.1.2 / 2008-11-06

* Fixed a bug in {Spidr::Page#to_absolute} where URLs with no path were not
  receiving a default path of `/`.
* Fixed a bug in {Spidr::Page#to_absolute} where URL paths were not being
  expanded, in order to remove `..` and `.` directories.
* Fixed a bug where absolute URLs could have a blank path, thus causing
  {Spidr::Agent#get_page} to crash when it performed the HTTP request.
* Added RSpec spec tests.
* Created a Web-Spider Obstacle Course
  (http://spidr.rubyforge.org/course/start.html) which is used in the spec

### 0.1.1 / 2008-10-04

* Added a reader method for the response instance variable in Page.
* Fixed a bug in {Spidr::Page#method_missing}.

### 0.1.0 / 2008-05-23

* Initial release.
  * Black-list or white-list URLs based upon:
    * Host name
    * Port number
    * Full link
    * URL extension
  * Provides call-backs for:
    * Every visited Page.
    * Every visited URL.
    * Every visited URL that matches a specified pattern.