(function ($) { // Loads files referenced in track elements, and performs appropriate setup. // For example, captions and text descriptions. // This will be called whenever the player is recreated. // Added in v2.2.23: Also handles YouTube caption tracks AblePlayer.prototype.setupTracks = function() { var thisObj = this; var deferred = new $.Deferred(); var promise = deferred.promise(); this.$tracks = this.$media.find('track'); this.captions = []; this.captionLabels = []; this.descriptions = []; this.chapters = []; this.meta = []; var loadingPromises = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < this.$tracks.length; ii++) { var track = this.$tracks[ii]; var kind = track.getAttribute('kind'); var trackSrc = track.getAttribute('src'); var isDefaultTrack = track.getAttribute('default'); if (!trackSrc) { // Nothing to load! continue; } var loadingPromise = this.loadTextObject(trackSrc); loadingPromises.push(loadingPromise); loadingPromise.then((function (track, kind) { return function (trackSrc, trackText) { var cues = thisObj.parseWebVTT(trackSrc, trackText).cues; if (kind === 'captions' || kind === 'subtitles') { thisObj.setupCaptions(track, cues); } else if (kind === 'descriptions') { thisObj.setupDescriptions(track, cues); } else if (kind === 'chapters') { thisObj.setupChapters(track, cues); } else if (kind === 'metadata') { thisObj.setupMetadata(track, cues); } } })(track, kind)); } $.when.apply($, loadingPromises).then(function () { deferred.resolve(); }); return promise; }; AblePlayer.prototype.setupCaptions = function (track, cues) { this.hasCaptions = true; // srcLang should always be included with , but HTML5 spec doesn't require it // if not provided, assume track is the same language as the default player language var trackLang = track.getAttribute('srclang') || this.lang; var trackLabel = track.getAttribute('label') || this.getLanguageName(trackLang); if (typeof track.getAttribute('default') == 'string') { var isDefaultTrack = true; // Now remove 'default' attribute from // Otherwise, some browsers will display the track track.removeAttribute('default'); } else { var isDefaultTrack = false; } // caption cues from WebVTT are used to build a transcript for both audio and video // but captions are currently only supported for video if (this.mediaType === 'video') { // create a pair of nested divs for displaying captions // includes aria-hidden="true" because otherwise // captions being added and removed causes sporadic changes to focus in JAWS // (not a problem in NVDA or VoiceOver) if (!this.$captionsDiv) { this.$captionsDiv = $('
',{ 'class': 'able-captions', }); this.$captionsWrapper = $('
',{ 'class': 'able-captions-wrapper', 'aria-hidden': 'true' }); if (this.prefCaptionsPosition === 'below') { this.$captionsWrapper.addClass('able-captions-below'); } else { this.$captionsWrapper.addClass('able-captions-overlay'); } this.$captionsWrapper.append(this.$captionsDiv); this.$vidcapContainer.append(this.$captionsWrapper); } } this.currentCaption = -1; if (this.prefCaptions === 1) { // Captions default to on. this.captionsOn = true; } else { this.captionsOn = false; } if (this.transcriptType === 'external' || this.transcriptType === 'popup') { // Remove the "Unknown" option from the select box. if (this.$unknownTranscriptOption) { this.$unknownTranscriptOption.remove(); this.$unknownTranscriptOption = null; } var option = $('',{ value: trackLang, lang: trackLang }).text(trackLabel); } // alphabetize tracks by label if (this.transcriptType === 'external' || this.transcriptType === 'popup') { var options = this.$transcriptLanguageSelect.find('option'); } if (this.captions.length === 0) { // this is the first this.captions.push({ 'cues': cues, 'language': trackLang, 'label': trackLabel, 'def': isDefaultTrack }); if (this.transcriptType === 'external' || this.transcriptType === 'popup') { if (isDefaultTrack) { option.prop('selected', true); } this.$transcriptLanguageSelect.append(option); } this.captionLabels.push(trackLabel); } else { // there are already tracks in the array var inserted = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.captions.length; i++) { var capLabel = this.captionLabels[i]; if (trackLabel.toLowerCase() < this.captionLabels[i].toLowerCase()) { // insert before track i this.captions.splice(i,0,{ 'cues': cues, 'language': trackLang, 'label': trackLabel, 'def': isDefaultTrack }); if (this.transcriptType === 'external' || this.transcriptType === 'popup') { if (isDefaultTrack) { option.prop('selected', true); } option.insertBefore(options.eq(i)); } this.captionLabels.splice(i,0,trackLabel); inserted = true; break; } } if (!inserted) { // just add track to the end this.captions.push({ 'cues': cues, 'language': trackLang, 'label': trackLabel, 'def': isDefaultTrack }); if (this.transcriptType === 'external' || this.transcriptType === 'popup') { if (isDefaultTrack) { option.prop('selected', true); } this.$transcriptLanguageSelect.append(option); } this.captionLabels.push(trackLabel); } } if (this.transcriptType === 'external' || this.transcriptType === 'popup') { if (this.$transcriptLanguageSelect.find('option').length > 1) { // More than one option now, so enable the select. this.$transcriptLanguageSelect.prop('disabled', false); } } }; AblePlayer.prototype.setupDescriptions = function (track, cues) { // called via setupTracks() only if there is track with kind="descriptions" // prepares for delivery of text description , in case it's needed // whether and how it's delivered is controlled within description.js > initDescription() // srcLang should always be included with , but HTML5 spec doesn't require it // if not provided, assume track is the same language as the default player language var trackLang = track.getAttribute('srclang') || this.lang; this.hasClosedDesc = true; this.currentDescription = -1; this.descriptions.push({ cues: cues, language: trackLang }); }; AblePlayer.prototype.setupChapters = function (track, cues) { // NOTE: WebVTT supports nested timestamps (to form an outline) // This is not currently supported. // srcLang should always be included with , but HTML5 spec doesn't require it // if not provided, assume track is the same language as the default player language var trackLang = track.getAttribute('srclang') || this.lang; this.hasChapters = true; this.chapters.push({ cues: cues, language: trackLang }); }; AblePlayer.prototype.setupMetadata = function(track, cues) { if (this.metaType === 'text') { // Metadata is only supported if data-meta-div is provided // The player does not display metadata internally if (this.metaDiv) { if ($('#' + this.metaDiv)) { // container exists this.$metaDiv = $('#' + this.metaDiv); this.hasMeta = true; this.meta = cues; } } } else if (this.metaType === 'selector') { this.hasMeta = true; this.visibleSelectors = []; this.meta = cues; } }; AblePlayer.prototype.loadTextObject = function(src) { var deferred = new $.Deferred(); var promise = deferred.promise(); var thisObj = this; // create a temp div for holding data var $tempDiv = $('
',{ style: 'display:none' }); $tempDiv.load(src, function (trackText, status, req) { if (status === 'error') { if (thisObj.debug) { console.log ('error reading file ' + src + ': ' + status); } deferred.fail(); } else { deferred.resolve(src, trackText); } $tempDiv.remove(); }); return promise; }; AblePlayer.prototype.setupAltCaptions = function() { // setup captions from an alternative source (not elements) // only do this if no captions are provided // currently supports: YouTube var deferred = new $.Deferred(); var promise = deferred.promise(); if (this.captions.length === 0) { if (this.player === 'youtube' && typeof youTubeDataAPIKey !== 'undefined') { this.setupYouTubeCaptions().done(function() { deferred.resolve(); }); } else { // repeat for other alt sources once supported (e.g., Vimeo, DailyMotion) deferred.resolve(); } } else { // there are captions, so no need for alt source captions deferred.resolve(); } return promise; }; })(jQuery);