en: activerecord: models: event_category: Event category event: Event event_import_file: Event import file event_import_result: Event Import Result participate: Participate event_export_file: Event export attributes: event_category: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position event: name: Name note: Note start_at: Start at end_at: End at deleted_at: Deleted at all_day: All day display_name: Display name event_import_file: event_import_file_name: Filename event_import_content_type: Content type event_import_file_size: Size event_import_fingerprint: File hash note: Note executed_at: Executed at event_import_updated_at: Updated at state: State edit_mode: Edit mode error_message: Error message user_encoding: Encoding default_library_id: Default library default_event_category_id: Default event category event_import_result: body: Body lineno: Line event_export_file: event_export_file_name: Filename event_export_file_size: Size state: State event: library_group_event: "Events at %{library_group_name}" all_libraries: "All libraries" import_event: "Import events" all: "All events" past: "Past events" upcoming: "Upcoming events" calendar: calendar: "Calendar" library_calendar: "Calendar of events at %{library_name}" event_import_file: default_library: If "library" column is not set in the TSV file, this library is set to the new event. default_event_category: If "event_category" column is not set in the TSV file, this event category is set to the new event. event_import_mailer: completed: subject: 'Import completed' failed: subject: 'Import failed' event_export_mailer: completed: subject: 'Export completed' failed: subject: 'Export failed'