# [](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer) Glimmer DSL for LibUI 0.4.1 ## Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/glimmer-dsl-libui.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/glimmer-dsl-libui) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/AndyObtiva/glimmer](https://badges.gitter.im/AndyObtiva/glimmer.svg)](https://gitter.im/AndyObtiva/glimmer?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [Glimmer](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer) DSL for [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) is a prerequisite-free Ruby desktop development GUI library. No need to pre-install any prerequisites. Just install the gem and have platform-independent native GUI that just works! Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-control-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-control-gallery.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-control-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-control-gallery.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-control-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-control-gallery.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) is a thin [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/) wrapper around [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui), a relatively new C GUI library that renders native controls on every platform (similar to [SWT](https://www.eclipse.org/swt/), but without the heavy weight of the [Java Virtual Machine](https://www.java.com/en/)). The main trade-off in using [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) as opposed to [Glimmer DSL for SWT](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt) or [Glimmer DSL for Tk](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk) is the fact that [SWT](https://www.eclipse.org/swt/) and [Tk](https://www.tcl.tk/) are more mature than mid-alpha [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) as GUI toolkits. Still, if there is only a need to build a small simple application, [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) could be a good convenient choice due to having zero prerequisites beyond the dependencies included in the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui). Also, just like [Glimmer DSL for Tk](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk), its apps start instantly and have a small memory footprint. [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) is a promising new GUI toolkit that might prove quite worthy in the future. [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) aims to provide a DSL similar to the [Glimmer DSL for SWT](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt) to enable more productive desktop development in Ruby with: - Declarative DSL syntax that visually maps to the GUI control hierarchy - Convention over configuration via smart defaults and automation of low-level details - Requiring the least amount of syntax possible to build GUI - Custom Keyword support - Bidirectional Data-Binding to declaratively wire and automatically synchronize GUI with Business Models - [Far Future Plan] Scaffolding for new custom controls, apps, and gems - [Far Future Plan] Native-Executable packaging on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Hello, World! ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('hello world').show ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-window.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-window.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-window.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-window.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-window.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-window.png) Basic Table Progress Bar ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer data = [ ['task 1', 0], ['task 2', 15], ['task 3', 100], ['task 4', 75], ['task 5', -1], ] window('Task Progress', 300, 200) { vertical_box { table { text_column('Task') progress_bar_column('Progress') cell_rows data # implicit data-binding } button('Mark All As Done') { stretchy false on_clicked do data.each_with_index do |row_data, row| data[row][1] = 100 # automatically updates table due to implicit data-binding end end } } }.show ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-progress-bar.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-progress-bar.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-progress-bar.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-progress-bar.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-progress-bar.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-progress-bar.png) Area Gallery ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Area Gallery', 400, 400) { area { path { # declarative stable path (explicit path syntax for multiple shapes sharing attributes) square(0, 0, 100) square(100, 100, 400) fill r: 102, g: 102, b: 204 } path { # declarative stable path (explicit path syntax for multiple shapes sharing attributes) rectangle(0, 100, 100, 400) rectangle(100, 0, 400, 100) # linear gradient (has x0, y0, x1, y1, and stops) fill x0: 10, y0: 10, x1: 350, y1: 350, stops: [{pos: 0.25, r: 204, g: 102, b: 204}, {pos: 0.75, r: 102, g: 102, b: 204}] } polygon(100, 100, 100, 400, 400, 100, 400, 400) { # declarative stable path (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 104, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } polybezier(0, 0, 200, 100, 100, 200, 400, 100, 300, 100, 100, 300, 100, 400, 100, 300, 300, 100, 400, 400) { # declarative stable path (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2, dashes: [50, 10, 10, 10], dash_phase: -50.0 } polyline(100, 100, 400, 100, 100, 400, 400, 400, 0, 0) { # declarative stable path (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2 } arc(404, 216, 190, 90, 90, false) { # declarative stable path (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) # radial gradient (has an outer_radius in addition to x0, y0, x1, y1, and stops) fill outer_radius: 90, x0: 0, y0: 0, x1: 500, y1: 500, stops: [{pos: 0.25, r: 102, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5}, {pos: 0.75, r: 204, g: 102, b: 204}] stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2, dashes: [50, 10, 10, 10], dash_phase: -50.0 } circle(200, 200, 90) { # declarative stable path (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2 } text(161, 40, 100) { # declarative stable text string('Area Gallery') { font family: 'Arial', size: (OS.mac? ? 14 : 11) color :black } } on_mouse_event do |area_mouse_event| p area_mouse_event end on_mouse_moved do |area_mouse_event| puts 'moved' end on_mouse_down do |area_mouse_event| puts 'mouse down' end on_mouse_up do |area_mouse_event| puts 'mouse up' end on_mouse_drag_started do |area_mouse_event| puts 'drag started' end on_mouse_dragged do |area_mouse_event| puts 'dragged' end on_mouse_dropped do |area_mouse_event| puts 'dropped' end on_mouse_entered do puts 'entered' end on_mouse_exited do puts 'exited' end on_key_event do |area_key_event| p area_key_event end on_key_up do |area_key_event| puts 'key up' end on_key_down do |area_key_event| puts 'key down' end } }.show ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-area-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-area-gallery.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-area-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-area-gallery.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-area-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-area-gallery.png) [Check Out Many More Examples Over Here!](#examples) Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tetris.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tetris.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tetris.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tetris.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tetris.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tetris.png) NOTE: [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) is feature-complete and in beta mode (though the C [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) is still mid-alpha). Please help make better by contributing, adopting for small or low risk projects, and providing feedback. The more feedback and issues you report the better. Other [Glimmer](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer) DSL gems you might be interested in: - [glimmer-dsl-swt](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt): Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development GUI Framework) - [glimmer-dsl-opal](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-opal): Glimmer DSL for Opal (Pure Ruby Web GUI and Auto-Webifier of Desktop Apps) - [glimmer-dsl-tk](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk): Glimmer DSL for Tk (MRI Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library) - [glimmer-dsl-gtk](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-gtk): Glimmer DSL for GTK (Ruby-GNOME Desktop Development GUI Library) - [glimmer-dsl-xml](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-xml): Glimmer DSL for XML (& HTML) - [glimmer-dsl-css](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-css): Glimmer DSL for CSS ## Table of Contents - [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](#) - [Glimmer GUI DSL Concepts](#glimmer-gui-dsl-concepts) - [Usage](#usage) - [Girb (Glimmer IRB)](#girb-glimmer-irb) - [API](#api) - [Supported Keywords](#supported-keywords) - [Common Control Properties](#common-control-properties) - [Common Control Operations](#common-control-operations) - [LibUI Operations](#libui-operations) - [Extra Dialogs](#extra-dialogs) - [Extra Operations](#extra-operations) - [Table API](#table-api) - [Area API](#area-api) - [Scrolling Area](#scrolling-area) - [Area Path Shapes](#area-path-shapes) - [Area Text](#area-text) - [Area Image](#area-image) - [Colors](#colors) - [Area Draw Params](#area-draw-params) - [Area Listeners](#area-listeners) - [Area Methods/Attributes](#area-methods-attributes) - [Area Transform Matrix](#area-transform-matrix) - [Smart Defaults and Conventions](#smart-defaults-and-conventions) - [Custom Keywords](#custom-keywords) - [Observer Pattern](#observer-pattern) - [Data-Binding](#data-binding) - [API Gotchas](#api-gotchas) - [Original API](#original-api) - [Packaging](#packaging) - [Glimmer Style Guide](#glimmer-style-guide) - [Examples](#examples) - [Basic Examples](#basic-examples) - [Basic Window](#basic-window) - [Basic Button](#basic-button) - [Basic Entry](#basic-entry) - [Simple Notepad](#simple-notepad) - [Font Button](#font-button) - [Color Button](#color-button) - [Date Time Picker](#date-time-picker) - [Form](#form) - [Basic Table](#basic-table) - [Basic Table Image](#basic-table-image) - [Basic Table Image Text](#basic-table-image-text) - [Basic Table Button](#basic-table-button) - [Basic Table Checkbox](#basic-table-checkbox) - [Basic Table Checkbox Text](#basic-table-checkbox-text) - [Basic Table Progress Bar](#basic-table-progress-bar) - [Basic Table Color](#basic-table-color) - [Basic Area](#basic-area) - [Basic Scrolling Area](#basic-scrolling-area) - [Basic Image](#basic-image) - [Basic Transform](#basic-transform) - [Basic Draw Text](#basic-draw-text) - [Advanced Examples](#advanced-examples) - [Area Gallery](#area-gallery) - [Color The Circles](#color-the-circles) - [Control Gallery](#control-gallery) - [Custom Draw Text](#custom-draw-text) - [Dynamic Area](#dynamic-area) - [Editable Column Table](#editable-column-table) - [Editable Table](#editable-table) - [Form Table](#form-table) - [Grid](#grid) - [Histogram](#histogram) - [Login](#login) - [Method-Based Custom Keyword](#method-based-custom-keyword) - [Midi Player](#midi-player) - [Snake](#snake) - [Tetris](#tetris) - [Tic Tac Toe](#tic-tac-toe) - [Timer](#timer) - [Applications](#applications) - [Manga2PDF](#manga2pdf) - [Befunge98 GUI](#befunge98-gui) - [i3off Gtk Ruby](#i3off-gtk-ruby) - [Process](#process) - [Resources](#resources) - [Help](#help) - [Issues](#issues) - [Chat](#chat) - [Planned Features and Feature Suggestions](#planned-features-and-feature-suggestions) - [Change Log](#change-log) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Contributors](#contributors) - [License](#license) ## Glimmer GUI DSL Concepts The Glimmer GUI DSL provides object-oriented declarative hierarchical syntax for [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) that: - Supports smart defaults (e.g. automatic `on_closing` listener that quits `window`) - Automates wiring of controls (e.g. `button` is automatically set as child of `window`) - Hides lower-level details (e.g. `LibUI.main` loop is started automatically when triggering `show` on `window`) - Nests controls according to their visual hierarchy - Requires the minimum amount of syntax needed to describe an app's GUI The Glimmer GUI DSL follows these simple concepts in mapping from [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) syntax: - **Keyword(args)**: [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) controls may be declared by lower-case underscored name (aka keyword) (e.g. `window` or `button`). Behind the scenes, they are represented by keyword methods that map to corresponding `LibUI.new_keyword` methods receiving args (e.g. `window('hello world', 300, 200, true)`). - **Content Block** (Properties/Listeners/Controls): Any keyword may be optionally followed by a Ruby curly-brace multi-line content block containing properties (attributes), listeners, and/or nested controls (e.g. `window {title 'hello world'; on_closing {puts 'Bye'}; button('greet')}`). Content block optionally receives one arg representing the control (e.g. `button('greet') {|b| on_clicked { puts b.text}}`) - **Property**: Control properties may be declared inside keyword blocks with lower-case underscored name followed by property value args (e.g. `title "hello world"` inside `group`). Behind the scenes, properties correspond to `LibUI.control_set_property` methods. - **Listener**: Control listeners may be declared inside keyword blocks with listener lower-case underscored name beginning with `on_` and receiving required block handler (e.g. `on_clicked {puts 'clicked'}` inside `button`). Optionally, the listener block can receive an arg representing the control (e.g. `on_clicked {|btn| puts btn.text}`). Behind the scenes, listeners correspond to `LibUI.control_on_event` methods. Example of an app written in [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI)'s procedural imperative syntax: ```ruby require 'libui' UI = LibUI UI.init main_window = UI.new_window('hello world', 300, 200, 1) button = UI.new_button('Button') UI.button_on_clicked(button) do UI.msg_box(main_window, 'Information', 'You clicked the button') end UI.window_on_closing(main_window) do puts 'Bye Bye' UI.control_destroy(main_window) UI.quit 0 end UI.window_set_child(main_window, button) UI.control_show(main_window) UI.main UI.quit ``` Example of the same app written in [Glimmer](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer) object-oriented declarative hierarchical syntax: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('hello world', 300, 200) { button('Button') { on_clicked do msg_box('Information', 'You clicked the button') end } on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end }.show ``` ## Usage Install [glimmer-dsl-libui](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) gem directly: ``` gem install glimmer-dsl-libui ``` Or install via Bundler `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'glimmer-dsl-libui', '~> 0.4.1' ``` Add `require 'glimmer-dsl-libui'` at the top, and then `include Glimmer` into the top-level main object for testing or into an actual class for serious usage. Example (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' class Application include Glimmer def launch window('hello world', 300, 200) { button('Button') { on_clicked do puts 'Button Clicked' end } }.show end end Application.new.launch ``` If you are new to [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui), check out [Girb](#girb-glimmer-irb) and [Examples](#examples) to quickly learn through copy/paste. You may refer to the [API](#api) later on once you have gotten your feet wet with [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) and need more detailed reference information. ## Girb (Glimmer IRB) You can run the `girb` command (`bin/girb` if you cloned the project locally) to do some quick and dirty experimentation and learning: ``` girb ``` This gives you `irb` with the `glimmer-dsl-libui` gem loaded and the `Glimmer` module mixed into the main object for easy experimentation with GUI. ![glimmer-dsl-libui-girb.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-girb.png) For a more advanced code editing tool, check out the [Meta-Example (The Example of Examples)](#examples). Gotcha: On the Mac, when you close a window opened in `girb`, it remains open until you enter `exit` or open another GUI window. ## API Any control returned by a [Glimmer GUI DSL](#glimmer-gui-dsl-concepts) keyword declaration can be introspected for its properties and updated via object-oriented attributes (standard Ruby `attr`/`attr=` or `set_attr`). Example (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): ```ruby w = window('hello world') puts w.title # => hello world w.title = 'howdy' puts w.title # => howdy w.set_title 'aloha' puts w.title # => aloha ``` Controls are wrapped as Ruby proxy objects, having a `#libui` method to obtain the wrapped [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Fiddle pointer object. Ruby proxy objects rely on composition (via [Proxy Design Pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_pattern)) instead of inheritance to shield consumers from having to deal with lower-level details unless absolutely needed. Example (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): ```ruby w = window('hello world') # => # # ``` ### Supported Keywords These are all the supported keywords. Note that some keywords do not represent controls. For example, some keywords produce objects that are used as the property values of controls (e.g. `image` can be used as a control under `area` or alternatively build objects to use in `cell_rows` for a `table` with an `image_column`) Keyword(Args) | Properties | Listeners ------------- | ---------- | --------- `about_menu_item` | None | `on_clicked` `area` | `auto_draw_enabled` | `on_draw(area_draw_params)`, `on_mouse_event(area_mouse_event)`, `on_mouse_down(area_mouse_event)`, `on_mouse_up(area_mouse_event)`, `on_mouse_drag_started(area_mouse_event)`, `on_mouse_dragged(area_mouse_event)`, `on_mouse_dropped(area_mouse_event)`, `on_mouse_entered`, `on_mouse_exited`, `on_key_event(area_key_event)`, `on_key_down(area_key_event)`, `on_key_up(area_key_event)` `arc(x_center as Numeric, y_center as Numeric, radius as Numeric, start_angle as Numeric, sweep as Numeric, is_negative as Boolean)` | `x_center` (`Numeric`), `y_center` (`Numeric`), `radius` (`Numeric`), `start_angle` (`Numeric`), `sweep` (`Numeric`), `is_negative` (Boolean) | None `background_color_column(name as String)` | None | None `bezier(c1_x as Numeric, c1_y as Numeric, c2_x as Numeric, c2_y as Numeric, end_x as Numeric, end_y as Numeric)` | `c1_x` (`Numeric`), `c1_y` (`Numeric`), `c2_x` (`Numeric`), `c2_y` (`Numeric`), `end_x` (`Numeric`), `end_y` (`Numeric`) | None `button(text as String)` | `text` (`String`) | `on_clicked` `button_column(name as String)` | `enabled` (Boolean) | None `checkbox(text as String)` | `checked` (Boolean), `text` (`String`) | `on_toggled` `checkbox_column(name as String)` | `editable` (Boolean) | None `checkbox_text_column(name as String)` | `editable` (Boolean), `editable_checkbox` (Boolean), `editable_text` (Boolean) | None `checkbox_text_color_column(name as String)` | `editable` (Boolean), `editable_checkbox` (Boolean), `editable_text` (Boolean) | None `check_menu_item(text as String)` | `checked` (Boolean) | `on_clicked` `combobox` | `items` (`Array` of `String`), `selected` (`Integer`) | `on_selected` `color_button` | `color` (Array of `red` as `Float`, `green` as `Float`, `blue` as `Float`, `alpha` as `Float`), `red` as `Float`, `green` as `Float`, `blue` as `Float`, `alpha` as `Float` | `on_changed` `date_picker` | `time` (`Hash` of keys: `sec` as `Integer`, `min` as `Integer`, `hour` as `Integer`, `mday` as `Integer`, `mon` as `Integer`, `year` as `Integer`, `wday` as `Integer`, `yday` as `Integer`, `dst` as Boolean) | `on_changed` `date_time_picker` | `time` (`Hash` of keys: `sec` as `Integer`, `min` as `Integer`, `hour` as `Integer`, `mday` as `Integer`, `mon` as `Integer`, `year` as `Integer`, `wday` as `Integer`, `yday` as `Integer`, `dst` as Boolean) | `on_changed` `editable_combobox` | `items` (`Array` of `String`), `text` (`String`) | `on_changed` `entry` | `read_only` (Boolean), `text` (`String`) | `on_changed` `figure(x=nil as Numeric, y=nil as Numeric)` | `x` (`Numeric`), `y` (`Numeric`), `closed` (Boolean) | None `font_button` | `font` [read-only] (`Hash` of keys: `:family`, `:size`, `:weight`, `:italic`, `:stretch`), `family` as `String`, `size` as `Float`, `weight` as `Integer`, `italic` as `Integer`, `stretch` as `Integer` | `on_changed` `form` | `padded` (Boolean) | None `grid` | `padded` (Boolean) | None `group(text as String)` | `margined` (Boolean), `title` (`String`) | None `horizontal_box` | `padded` (Boolean) | None `horizontal_separator` | None | None `image(file as String = nil, width as Numeric = nil, height as Numeric = nil)` | `file` (`String` path or URL), `width`, `height` | None `image_part(pixels as String [encoded image rgba byte array], width as Numeric, height as Numeric, byte_stride as Numeric [usually width*4])` | None | None `image_column(name as String)` | None | None `image_text_column(name as String)` | None | None `image_text_color_column(name as String)` | None | None `label(text as String)` | `text` (`String`) | None `line(x as Numeric, y as Numeric)` | `x` (`Numeric`), `y` (`Numeric`) | None `matrix(m11 = nil as Numeric, m12 = nil as Numeric, m21 = nil as Numeric, m22 = nil as Numeric, m31 = nil as Numeric, m32 = nil as Numeric)` | `m11` (`Numeric`), `m12` (`Numeric`), `m21` (`Numeric`), `m22` (`Numeric`), `m31` (`Numeric`), `m32` (`Numeric`) | None `menu(text as String)` | None | None `menu_item(text as String)` | None | `on_clicked` `message_box` (alias for `msg_box`; see for arguments) | None | None `message_box_error` (alias for `msg_box_error`; see for arguments) | None | None `multiline_entry` | `read_only` (Boolean), `text` (`String`) | `on_changed` `msg_box(window = main_window as Glimmer::LibUI::WindowProxy, title as String, description as String)` | None | None `msg_box_error(window = main_window as Glimmer::LibUI::WindowProxy, title as String, description as String)` | None | None `non_wrapping_multiline_entry` | `read_only` (Boolean), `text` (`String`) | `on_changed` `observe(model, property = nil)` | None | None `password_entry` | `read_only` (Boolean), `text` (`String`) | `on_changed` `path(draw_fill_mode = :winding)` | `fill` (`Hash` of `:r` as `0`-`255`, `:g` as `0`-`255`, `:b` as `0`-`255`, `:a` as `0.0`-`1.0`, hex, or [X11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) color), `stroke` (`Hash` of `:r` as `0`-`255`, `:g` as `0`-`255`, `:b` as `0`-`255`, `:a` as `0.0`-`1.0`, hex, or [X11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) color), `:cap` as (`:round`, `:square`, `:flat`), `:join` as (`:miter`, `:round`, `:bevel`), `:thickness` as `Numeric`, `:miter_limit` as `Numeric`, `:dashes` as `Array` of `Numeric` ) | None `polygon(point_array as Array of Arrays of Numeric or Array of Numeric)` | `point_array` (`Array of Arrays of Numeric or Array of Numeric`) | None `polyline(point_array as Array of Arrays of Numeric or Array of Numeric)` | `point_array` (`Array of Arrays of Numeric or Array of Numeric`) | None `polybezier(point_array as Array of Arrays of Numeric or Array of Numeric)` | `point_array` (`Array of Arrays of Numeric or Array of Numeric`) | None `preferences_menu_item` | None | `on_clicked` `progress_bar` | `value` (`Numeric`) | None `progress_bar_column(name as String)` | None | None `quit_menu_item` | None | `on_clicked` `radio_buttons` | `selected` (`Integer`) | `on_selected` `rectangle(x as Numeric, y as Numeric, width as Numeric, height as Numeric)` | `x` (`Numeric`), `y` (`Numeric`), `width` (`Numeric`), `height` (`Numeric`) | None `scrolling_area(width = main_window.width, height = main_window.height)` | `auto_draw_enabled` (Boolean), `size` (`Array` of `width` (`Numeric`) and `height` (`Numeric`)), `width` (`Numeric`), `height` (`Numeric`) | `on_draw(area_draw_params)`, `on_mouse_event(area_mouse_event)`, `on_mouse_down(area_mouse_event)`, `on_mouse_up(area_mouse_event)`, `on_mouse_drag_started(area_mouse_event)`, `on_mouse_dragged(area_mouse_event)`, `on_mouse_dropped(area_mouse_event)`, `on_mouse_entered`, `on_mouse_exited`, `on_key_event(area_key_event)`, `on_key_down(area_key_event)`, `on_key_up(area_key_event)` `search_entry` | `read_only` (Boolean), `text` (`String`) | `on_changed` `separator_menu_item` | None | None `slider(min as Numeric, max as Numeric)` | `value` (`Numeric`) | `on_changed` `spinbox(min as Numeric, max as Numeric)` | `value` (`Numeric`) | `on_changed` `square(x as Numeric, y as Numeric, length as Numeric)` | `x` (`Numeric`), `y` (`Numeric`), `length` (`Numeric`) | None `string(string = '')` | `font`, `color` (`Hash` of `:r` as `0`-`255`, `:g` as `0`-`255`, `:b` as `0`-`255`, `:a` as `0.0`-`1.0`, hex, or [X11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) color), `background` (`Hash` of `:r` as `0`-`255`, `:g` as `0`-`255`, `:b` as `0`-`255`, `:a` as `0.0`-`1.0`, hex, or [X11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) color), `underline`, `underline_color` (`Hash` of `:r` as `0`-`255`, `:g` as `0`-`255`, `:b` as `0`-`255`, `:a` as `0.0`-`1.0`, hex, or [X11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) color), `open_type_features`, `string` (`String`) | None `tab` | `margined` (Boolean), `num_pages` (`Integer`) | None `tab_item(name as String)` | `index` [read-only] (`Integer`), `margined` (Boolean), `name` [read-only] (`String`) | None `table` | `cell_rows` (`Array` (rows) of `Arrays` (row columns) of cell values (e.g. `String` values for `text_column` cells or `Array` of `image`/`String` for `image_text_column`)), `editable` as Boolean | `on_changed {|row, type, row_data| ...}`, `on_edited {|row, row_data| ...}` `text(x = 0 as Numeric, y = 0 as Numeric, width = area_width as Numeric)` | `align`, `default_font` | None `text_column(name as String)` | `editable` (Boolean) | None `text_color_column(name as String)` | `editable` (Boolean) | None `time_picker` | `time` (`Hash` of keys: `sec` as `Integer`, `min` as `Integer`, `hour` as `Integer`) | `on_changed` `vertical_box` | `padded` (Boolean) | None `vertical_separator` | None | None `window(title as String, width as Integer, height as Integer, has_menubar as Boolean)` | `borderless` (Boolean), `content_size` (width `Numeric`, height `Numeric`), `width` (`Numeric`), `height` (`Numeric`), `fullscreen` (Boolean), `margined` (Boolean), `title` (`String`), `resizable` (Boolean) | `on_closing`, `on_content_size_changed`, `on_destroy` ### Common Control Properties - `enabled` (Boolean) - `libui` (`Fiddle::Pointer`): returns wrapped [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) object - `parent_proxy` (`Glimmer::LibUI::ControlProxy` or subclass) - `parent` (`Fiddle::Pointer`) - `toplevel` [read-only] (Boolean) - `visible` (Boolean) - `stretchy` [dsl-only] (Boolean) [default=`true`]: available in [Glimmer GUI DSL](#glimmer-gui-dsl-concepts) when nested under `horizontal_box`, `vertical_box`, or `form` - `left` [dsl-only] (`Integer`) [default=`0`]: available in [Glimmer GUI DSL](#glimmer-gui-dsl-concepts) when nested under `grid` - `top` [dsl-only] (`Integer`) [default=`0`]: available in [Glimmer GUI DSL](#glimmer-gui-dsl-concepts) when nested under `grid` - `xspan` [dsl-only] (`Integer`) [default=`1`]: available in [Glimmer GUI DSL](#glimmer-gui-dsl-concepts) when nested under `grid` - `yspan` [dsl-only] (`Integer`) [default=`1`]: available in [Glimmer GUI DSL](#glimmer-gui-dsl-concepts) when nested under `grid` - `hexpand` [dsl-only] (Boolean) [default=`false`]: available in [Glimmer GUI DSL](#glimmer-gui-dsl-concepts) when nested under `grid` - `halign` [dsl-only] (`:fill`, `:start`, `:center`, or `:end`) [default=`:fill`]: available in [Glimmer GUI DSL](#glimmer-gui-dsl-concepts) when nested under `grid` - `vexpand` [dsl-only] (Boolean) [default=`false`]: available in [Glimmer GUI DSL](#glimmer-gui-dsl-concepts) when nested under `grid` - `valign` [dsl-only] (`:fill`, `:start`, `:center`, or `:end`) [default=`:fill`]: available in [Glimmer GUI DSL](#glimmer-gui-dsl-concepts) when nested under `grid` ### Common Control Operations - `destroy` - `disable` - `enable` - `hide` - `show` ### LibUI Operations All operations that could normally be called on `LibUI` can also be called on `Glimmer::LibUI`, but some have enhancements as detailed below. - `Glimmer::LibUI::queue_main(&block)`: queues an operation to be run on the main event loop at the earliest opportunity possible - `Glimmer::LibUI::timer(time_in_seconds=0.1, repeat: true, &block)`: calls block after time_in_seconds has elapsed, repeating indefinitely unless repeat is `false` or an `Integer` for finite number of repeats. Block can return `false` or `true` to override next repetition. There are additional useful `Glimmer::LibUI` operations that are not found in `LibUI`, which mostly help if you would like to do advanced lower level [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) programming: - `Glimmer::LibUI::integer_to_boolean(int, allow_nil: true)` - `Glimmer::LibUI::boolean_to_integer(int, allow_nil: true)` - `Glimmer::LibUI::degrees_to_radians(degrees)` - `Glimmer::LibUI::interpret_color(value)`: interprets a color in any form like `String`, `Symbol`, or hex into an rgb `Hash` (including `0x1f3b5d`, `'0x1f3b5d'`, `'#1f3b5d'`, and 3-char hex-shorthand variations) - `Glimmer::LibUI::hex_to_rgb(value)`: converts a hex color to an rgb `Hash` (including `0x1f3b5d`, `'0x1f3b5d'`, `'#1f3b5d'`, and 3-char hex-shorthand variations) - `Glimmer::LibUI::enum_names`: provides all possible enum names to use with `Glimmer::LibUI::enum_symbols(enum_name)` - `Glimmer::LibUI::enum_symbols(enum_name)`: returns all possible values for an enum. `enum_name` can be: - `:draw_brush_type`: `[:solid, :linear_gradient, :radial_gradient, :image]` - `:draw_line_cap`: `[:flat, :round, :square]` - `:draw_line_join`: `[:miter, :round, :bevel]` - `:draw_fill_mode`: `[:winding, :alternate]` - `:attribute_type`: attributes for attributed `string`s: `[:family, :size, weight, :italic, :stretch, :color, :background, :underline, :underline_color, :features]` - `:text_weight`: `[:minimum, :thin, :ultra_light, :light, :book, :normal, :medium, :semi_bold, :bold, :ultra_bold, :heavy, :ultra_heavy, :maximum]` - `:text_italic`: `[:normal, :oblique, :italic]` - `:text_stretch`: `[:ultra_condensed, :extra_condensed, :condensed, :semi_condensed, :normal, :semi_expanded, :expanded, :extra_expanded, :ultra_expanded]` - `:underline`: `[:none, :single, :double, :suggestion, :color_custom, :color_spelling, :color_grammar, :color_auxiliary]` - `:underline_color`: `[:custom, :spelling, :grammar, :auxiliary]` - `:draw_text_align`: `[:left, :center, :right]` - `:modifier`: `[:ctrl, :alt, :shift, :super]` - `:ext_key`: `[:escape, :insert, :delete, :home, :end, :page_up, :page_down, :up, :down, :left, :right, :f1, :f2, :f3, :f4, :f5, :f6, :f7, :f8, :f9, :f10, :f11, :f12, :n0, :n1, :n2, :n3, :n4, :n5, :n6, :n7, :n8, :n9, :n_dot, :n_enter, :n_add, :n_subtract, :n_multiply, :n_divide]` - `:at`: for inserting `grid` controls: `[:leading, :top, :trailing, :bottom]` - `:align`: `[:fill, :start, :center, :end]` - `:table_value_type`: `[:string, :image, :int, :color]` - `:table_model_column`: `[:never_editable, :always_editable]` - `Glimmer::LibUI::enum_symbol_to_value(enum_name, enum_symbol, default_symbol: nil, default_index: 0)` - `Glimmer::LibUI::enum_value_to_symbol(enum_name, enum_value)` - `Glimmer::LibUI::x11_colors`: returns all [X11 colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names): `[:alice_blue, :antique_white, :aqua, :aquamarine, :azure, :beige, :bisque, :rebecca_purple, :becca_purple, :blanched_almond, :blue, :blue_violet, :brown, :burly_wood, :burlywood, :cadet_blue, :carnation, :cayenne, :chartreuse, :chocolate, :coral, :cornflower_blue, :cornsilk, :crimson, :cyan, :dark_blue, :dark_cyan, :dark_golden_rod, :dark_goldenrod, :dark_gray, :dark_grey, :dark_green, :dark_khaki, :dark_magenta, :dark_olive_green, :darkolive_green, :dark_orange, :dark_orchid, :dark_red, :dark_salmon, :darksalmon, :dark_sea_green, :dark_slate_blue, :dark_slate_gray, :dark_slate_grey, :dark_turquoise, :dark_violet, :darkorange, :deep_pink, :deep_sky_blue, :dim_gray, :dim_grey, :dodger_blue, :feldspar, :fire_brick, :firebrick, :floral_white, :forest_green, :fuchsia, :gainsboro, :ghost_white, :gold, :golden_rod, :goldenrod, :gray, :grey, :gray10, :grey10, :gray20, :grey20, :gray30, :grey30, :gray40, :grey40, :gray50, :grey50, :gray60, :grey60, :gray70, :grey70, :gray80, :grey80, :gray90, :grey90, :green, :green_yellow, :honey_dew, :honeydew, :hot_pink, :indian_red, :indigo, :ivory, :khaki, :lavender, :lavender_blush, :lawn_green, :lemon_chiffon, :light_blue, :light_coral, :light_cyan, :light_golden_rod_yellow, :light_goldenrod_yellow, :light_gray, :light_grey, :light_green, :light_pink, :light_salmon, :lightsalmon, :light_sea_green, :light_sky_blue, :light_slate_blue, :light_slate_gray, :light_slate_grey, :light_steel_blue, :lightsteel_blue, :light_yellow, :lime, :lime_green, :linen, :magenta, :maroon, :medium_aqua_marine, :medium_aquamarine, :medium_blue, :medium_orchid, :medium_purple, :medium_sea_green, :medium_slate_blue, :medium_spring_green, :medium_turquoise, :medium_violet_red, :midnight_blue, :mint_cream, :misty_rose, :moccasin, :navajo_white, :navy, :old_lace, :olive, :olive_drab, :olivedrab, :orange, :orange_red, :orchid, :pale_golden_rod, :pale_goldenrod, :pale_green, :pale_turquoise, :pale_violet_red, :papaya_whip, :peach_puff, :peachpuff, :peru, :pink, :plum, :powder_blue, :purple, :red, :rosy_brown, :royal_blue, :saddle_brown, :salmon, :sandy_brown, :sea_green, :sea_shell, :seashell, :sienna, :silver, :sky_blue, :slate_blue, :slate_gray, :slate_grey, :snow, :spring_green, :steel_blue, :tan, :teal, :thistle, :tomato, :turquoise, :violet, :violet_red, :wheat, :white_smoke, :yellow, :yellow_green, :metallic, :white, :black, :gray_scale, :grey_scale]` ### Extra Dialogs - `open_file(window as Glimmer::LibUI::WindowProxy = ControlProxy::main_window_proxy)`: returns selected file (`String`) or `nil` if cancelled - `save_file(window as Glimmer::LibUI::WindowProxy = ControlProxy::main_window_proxy)`: returns selected file (`String`) or `nil` if cancelled ### Extra Operations - `ControlProxy::control_proxies`: returns all instantiated control proxies in the application - `ControlProxy::menu_proxies`: returns all instantiated `menu` proxies in the application - `ControlProxy::image_proxies`: returns all instantiated `image` proxies in the application - `ControlProxy::main_window_proxy`: returns the first window proxy instantiated in the application - `ControlProxy#window_proxy`: returns the window proxy parent for a control - `ControlProxy#content {...}`: re-opens control's content to add more nested controls or properties ### Table API The `table` control must first declare its columns via one of these column keywords (mentioned in [Supported Keywords](#supported-keywords)): - `background_color_column`: expects color cell values - `button_column`: expects `String` cell values - `checkbox_column`: expects Boolean cell values - `checkbox_text_column`: expects dual-element `Array` of Boolean and `String` cell values - `checkbox_text_color_column`: expects triple-element `Array` of Boolean, `String`, and color cell values - `image_column`: expects `image` cell values (produced by `image` and `image_part` keywords as per [Supported Keywords](#supported-keywords)) - `image_text_column`: expects dual-element `Array` of `image` and `String` cell values - `image_text_color_column`: expects triple-element `Array` of `image`, `String`, and color cell values - `text_column`: expects `String` cell values - `text_color_column`: expects dual-element `Array` of `String` and color cell values - `progress_bar_column`: expects `Integer` cell values Afterwards, it must declare its `cell_rows` array (`Array` of `Array`s of column cell values) and whether it is `editable` (Boolean) for all its columns. Note that the `cell_rows` property declaration results in "implicit data-binding" between the `table` control and `Array` of `Arrays` (a new innovation) to provide convenience automatic support for: - Deleting cell rows: Calling `Array#delete`, `Array#delete_at`, `Array#delete_if`, or any filtering/deletion `Array` method automatically deletes rows in actual `table` control - Inserting cell rows: Calling `Array#<<`, `Array#push`, `Array#prepend`, or any insertion/addition `Array` method automatically inserts rows in actual `table` control - Changing cell rows: Calling `Array#[]=`, `Array#map!`, or any update `Array` method automatically updates rows in actual `table` control Example (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer data = [ ['Lisa Sky', 'lisa@sky.com', '720-523-4329', 'Denver', 'CO', '80014'], ['Jordan Biggins', 'jordan@biggins.com', '617-528-5399', 'Boston', 'MA', '02101'], ['Mary Glass', 'mary@glass.com', '847-589-8788', 'Elk Grove Village', 'IL', '60007'], ['Darren McGrath', 'darren@mcgrath.com', '206-539-9283', 'Seattle', 'WA', '98101'], ['Melody Hanheimer', 'melody@hanheimer.com', '213-493-8274', 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90001'], ] window('Contacts', 600, 600) { |w| margined true vertical_box { form { stretchy false @name_entry = entry { label 'Name' } @email_entry = entry { label 'Email' } @phone_entry = entry { label 'Phone' } @city_entry = entry { label 'City' } @state_entry = entry { label 'State' } } button('Save Contact') { stretchy false on_clicked do new_row = [@name_entry.text, @email_entry.text, @phone_entry.text, @city_entry.text, @state_entry.text] if new_row.include?('') msg_box_error(w, 'Validation Error!', 'All fields are required! Please make sure to enter a value for all fields.') else data << new_row # automatically inserts a row into the table due to implicit data-binding @unfiltered_data = data.dup @name_entry.text = '' @email_entry.text = '' @phone_entry.text = '' @city_entry.text = '' @state_entry.text = '' end end } search_entry { |se| stretchy false on_changed do filter_value = se.text @unfiltered_data ||= data.dup # Unfilter first to remove any previous filters data.replace(@unfiltered_data) # affects table indirectly through implicit data-binding # Now, apply filter if entered unless filter_value.empty? data.filter! do |row_data| # affects table indirectly through implicit data-binding row_data.any? do |cell| cell.to_s.downcase.include?(filter_value.downcase) end end end end } table { text_column('Name') text_column('Email') text_column('Phone') text_column('City') text_column('State') cell_rows data # implicit data-binding on_changed do |row, type, row_data| puts "Row #{row} #{type}: #{row_data}" end } } }.show ``` ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-form-table.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-form-table.png) Learn more by checking out [examples](#examples). ### Area API The `area` control is a canvas-like control for drawing paths that can be used in one of two ways: - Declaratively via stable paths: useful for stable paths that will not change often later on. Simply nest `path` and figures like `rectangle` and all drawing logic is generated automatically. Path proxy objects are preserved across redraws assuming there would be relatively few stable paths (mostly for decorative reasons). - Semi-declaratively via on_draw listener dynamic paths: useful for more dynamic paths that will definitely change very often. Open an `on_draw` listener block that receives an [`area_draw_params`](#area-draw-params) argument and nest `path` and figures like `rectangle` and all drawing logic is generated automatically. Path proxy objects are destroyed (thrown-away) at the end of drawing, thus having less memory overhead for drawing thousands of dynamic paths. Note that when nesting an `area` directly underneath `window` (without a layout control like `vertical_box`), it is automatically reparented with `vertical_box` in between the `window` and `area` since it would not show up on Linux otherwise. Here is an example of a declarative `area` with a stable path (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Area', 400, 400) { margined true vertical_box { area { path { # a stable path is added declaratively rectangle(0, 0, 400, 400) fill r: 102, g: 102, b: 204, a: 1.0 } } } }.show ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-area.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-area.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-area.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-area.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-area.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-area.png) Here is the same example using a semi-declarative `area` with `on_draw` listener that receives a [`area_draw_params`](#area-draw-params) argument and a dynamic path (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Area', 400, 400) { margined true vertical_box { area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| path { # a dynamic path is added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block rectangle(0, 0, 400, 400) fill r: 102, g: 102, b: 204, a: 1.0 } end } } }.show ``` Check [examples/dynamic_area.rb](#dynamic-area) for a more detailed semi-declarative example. #### Scrolling Area `scrolling_area(width as Numeric = main_window.width, height as Numeric = main_window.height)` is similar to `area`, but has the following additional methods: - `scroll_to(x as Numeric, y as Numeric, width as Numeric = main_window.width, height as Numeric = main_window.height)`: scrolls to `x`/`y` location with `width` and `height` viewport size. - `set_size(width as Numeric, height as Numeric)`: set size of scrolling area, which must must exceed that of visible viewport in order for scrolling to be enabled. Mac | ----| ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-dynamic-area.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-scrolling-area.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-dynamic-area-updated.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-scrolling-area-scrolled.png) Check [examples/basic_scrolling_area.rb](#basic-scrolling-area) for a more detailed example. #### Area Path Shapes `path` can receive a `draw_fill_mode` argument that can accept values `:winding` or `:alternate` and defaults to `:winding`. Available nested `path` shapes: - `rectangle(x as Numeric, y as Numeric, width as Numeric, height as Numeric)` - `square(x as Numeric, y as Numeric, length as Numeric)` - `arc(x_center as Numeric, y_center as Numeric, radius as Numeric, start_angle as Numeric, sweep as Numeric, is_negative as Boolean)` - `circle(x_center as Numeric, y_center as Numeric, radius as Numeric)` - `line(x as Numeric, y as Numeric)`: must be placed in a figure (check `polyline`/`polygon` alternatives that do not require a `figure`) - `bezier(c1_x as Numeric, c1_y as Numeric, c2_x as Numeric, c2_y as Numeric, end_x as Numeric, end_y as Numeric)`: must be placed in a figure (check `polybezier` alternative that does not require a `figure`) - `polygon(point_array as Array of Arrays of Numeric or Array of Numeric)`: shortcut for a closed figure of lines; can receive points as [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...] or [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...] - `polyline(point_array as Array of Arrays of Numeric or Array of Numeric)`: shortcut for an open figure of lines; can receive points as [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...] or [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...] - `polybezier(point_array as Array of Arrays of Numeric or Array of Numeric)`: shortcut for an open figure of beziers; can receive points as [[start_x1, start_y1], [c1_x2, c1_y2, c2_x2, c2_y2, end_x2, end_y2], [c1_x3, c1_y3, c2_x3, c2_y3, end_x3, end_y3], ...] or [start_x1, start_y1, c1_x2, c1_y2, c2_x2, c2_y2, end_x2, end_y2, c1_x3, c1_y3, c2_x3, c2_y3, end_x3, end_y3, ...] - `figure(x=nil as Numeric, y=nil as Numeric)` (composite that can contain other shapes) (can set `closed true` to connect last point to first point automatically) Check [examples/area_gallery.rb](#area-gallery) for an overiew of all `path` shapes. Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-area-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-area-gallery.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-area-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-area-gallery.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-area-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-area-gallery.png) #### Area Text To draw `text` in an `area`, you simply nest a `text(x, y, width)` control directly under `area` or inside a `on_draw` listener, and then nest attributed `string {[attributes]; string_value}` controls underneath it returning an actual `String` (think of them as the `` or `

` element in html, which contains a string of text). Alternatively, you can nest attributed `string(string_value) {[attributes]}` if `string_value` is a short single-line string. An attributed `string` value can be changed dynamically via its `string` property. `text` has the following properties: - `default_font`: - `align`: `:left` (default), `:center`, or `:right` (`align` currently seems not to work on the Mac) - `x`: x coordinate in relation to parent `area` top-left corner - `y`: y coordinate in relation to parent `area` top-left corner - `width` (default: area width - x*2): width of text to display `string` has the following properties: - `font`: font descriptor hash consisting of `:family`, `:size`, `:weight` (`[:minimum, :thin, :ultra_light, :light, :book, :normal, :medium, :semi_bold, :bold, :ultra_bold, :heavy, :ultra_heavy, :maximum]`), `:italic` (`[:normal, :oblique, :italic]`), and `:stretch` (`[:ultra_condensed, :extra_condensed, :condensed, :semi_condensed, :normal, :semi_expanded, :expanded, :extra_expanded, :ultra_expanded]`) key values - `color`: rgba, hex, or [X11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) color - `background`: rgba, hex, or [X11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) color - `underline`: one of `:none`, `:single`, `:double`, `:suggestion`, `:color_custom`, `:color_spelling`, `:color_grammar`, `:color_auxiliary` - `underline_color`: one of `:spelling`, `:grammar`, `:auxiliary`, rgba, hex, or [X11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) color - `open_type_features`: Open Type Features (https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/featuretags.htm) consist of `open_type_tag`s nested in content block, which accept (`a`, `b`, `c`, `d`, `Integer`) arguments. - `string`: string value (`String`) Example (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): ```ruby window('area text drawing') { area { text { default_font family: 'Helvetica', size: 12, weight: :normal, italic: :normal, stretch: :normal string { font family: 'Georgia', size: 13, weight: :medium, italic: :normal, stretch: :normal color r: 230, g: 100, b: 50, a: 0.5 background r: 230, g: 200, b: 250, a: 0.8 underline :single underline_color :spelling open_type_features { open_type_tag 'l', 'i', 'g', 'a', 0 open_type_tag 'l', 'i', 'g', 'a', 1 } "This is a demonstration\n" \ "of a very long\n" \ "attributed string\n" \ "spanning multiple lines\n\n" } string('This is a short unattributed string') } } }.show ``` You may checkout [examples/basic_draw_text.rb](#basic-draw-text) and [examples/custom_draw_text.rb](#custom-draw-text) for examples of using `text` inside `area`. Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-custom-draw-text-changed.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-custom-draw-text-changed.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-custom-draw-text-changed.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-custom-draw-text-changed.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-custom-draw-text-changed.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-custom-draw-text-changed.png) #### Area Image **(ALPHA FEATURE)** [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) does not support `image` rendering outside of `table` yet. However, [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) adds a special `image(file as String path or web URL, width as Numeric, height as Numeric)` custom control that renders an image unto an `area` pixel by pixel (and when possible to optimize, line by line). Given that it is very new and is not a [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui)-native control, please keep these notes in mind: - It only supports the `.png` file format. - [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) pixel-by-pixel rendering performance is slow. - Including an `image` inside an `area` `on_draw` listener improves performance due to not retaining pixel/line data in memory. - Supplying `width` and `height` (2nd and 3rd arguments) greatly improves performance when shrinking image. Currently, it is recommended to use `image` with very small `width` and `height` values only. Setting a [`transform` `matrix`](#area-transform-matrix) is supported under `image` just like it is under `path` and `text` inside `area`. Example of using `image` declaratively (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-image.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-image.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-image.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-image.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-image.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-image.png) ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Image', 96, 96) { area { image(File.expand_path('icons/glimmer.png', __dir__), 96, 96) } }.show ``` Example of better performance via `on_draw` (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Image', 96, 96) { area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| image(File.expand_path('icons/glimmer.png', __dir__), 96, 96) end } }.show ``` Example of using `image` declaratively with explicit properties (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Image', 96, 96) { area { image { file File.expand_path('icons/glimmer.png', __dir__) width 96 height 96 } } }.show ``` Example of better performance via `on_draw` with explicit properties (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Image', 96, 96) { area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| image { file File.expand_path('icons/glimmer.png', __dir__) width 96 height 96 } end } }.show ``` If you need to render an image pixel by pixel (e.g. to support a format other than `.png`) for very exceptional scenarios, you may use this example as a guide, including a line-merge optimization for neighboring horizontal pixels with the same color: ```ruby # This is the manual way of rendering an image unto an area control. # It could come in handy in special situations. # Otherwise, it is recommended to simply utilize the `image` control that # can be nested under area or area on_draw listener to automate all this work. require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' require 'chunky_png' include Glimmer puts 'Parsing image...'; $stdout.flush f = File.open(File.expand_path('icons/glimmer.png', __dir__)) canvas = ChunkyPNG::Canvas.from_io(f) f.close canvas.resample_nearest_neighbor!(96, 96) data = canvas.to_rgba_stream width = canvas.width height = canvas.height puts "Image width: #{width}" puts "Image height: #{height}" puts 'Parsing colors...'; $stdout.flush color_maps = height.times.map do |y| width.times.map do |x| r = data[(y*width + x)*4].ord g = data[(y*width + x)*4 + 1].ord b = data[(y*width + x)*4 + 2].ord a = data[(y*width + x)*4 + 3].ord {x: x, y: y, color: {r: r, g: g, b: b, a: a}} end end.flatten puts "#{color_maps.size} pixels to render..."; $stdout.flush puts 'Parsing shapes...'; $stdout.flush shape_maps = [] original_color_maps = color_maps.dup indexed_original_color_maps = Hash[original_color_maps.each_with_index.to_a] color_maps.each do |color_map| index = indexed_original_color_maps[color_map] @rectangle_start_x ||= color_map[:x] @rectangle_width ||= 1 if color_map[:x] < width - 1 && color_map[:color] == original_color_maps[index + 1][:color] @rectangle_width += 1 else if color_map[:x] > 0 && color_map[:color] == original_color_maps[index - 1][:color] shape_maps << {x: @rectangle_start_x, y: color_map[:y], width: @rectangle_width, height: 1, color: color_map[:color]} else shape_maps << {x: color_map[:x], y: color_map[:y], width: 1, height: 1, color: color_map[:color]} end @rectangle_width = 1 @rectangle_start_x = color_map[:x] == width - 1 ? 0 : color_map[:x] + 1 end end puts "#{shape_maps.size} shapes to render..."; $stdout.flush puts 'Rendering image...'; $stdout.flush window('Basic Image', 96, 96) { area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| shape_maps.each do |shape_map| path { rectangle(shape_map[:x], shape_map[:y], shape_map[:width], shape_map[:height]) fill shape_map[:color] } end end } }.show ``` One final note is that in Linux, table images grow and shrink with the image size unlike on the Mac where table row heights are constant regardless of image sizes. As such, you may be able to repurpose a table with a single image column and a single row as an image control with more native libui rendering if you are only targeting Linux with your app. Check out [examples/basic_image.rb](#basic-image) (all versions) for examples of using `image` Glimmer custom control. #### Colors `fill` and `stroke` accept [X11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) color `Symbol`s/`String`s like `:skyblue` and `'sandybrown'` or 6-char hex or 3-char hex-shorthand (as `Integer` or `String` with or without `0x` prefix) Available [X11 colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) can be obtained through `Glimmer::LibUI.x11_colors` method. Check [Basic Transform](#basic-transform) example for use of [X11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) colors. Check [Histogram](#histogram) example for use of hex colors. #### Area Draw Params The `area_draw_params` `Hash` argument for `on_draw` block is a hash consisting of the following keys: - `:context`: the drawing context object - `:area_width`: area width - `:area_height`: area height - `:clip_x`: clip region top-left x coordinate - `:clip_y`: clip region top-left y coordinate - `:clip_width`: clip region width - `:clip_height`: clip region height In general, it is recommended to use declarative stable paths whenever feasible since they require less code and simpler maintenance. But, in more advanced cases, semi-declarative dynamic paths could be used instead, especially if there are thousands of dynamic paths that need maximum performance and low memory footprint. #### Area Listeners `area` supported listeners are: - `on_key_event {|area_key_event| ...}`: general catch-all key event (recommend using fine-grained key events below instead) - `on_key_down {|area_key_event| ...}` - `on_key_up {|area_key_event| ...}` - `on_mouse_event {|area_mouse_event| ...}`: general catch-all mouse event (recommend using fine-grained mouse events below instead) - `on_mouse_down {|area_mouse_event| ...}` - `on_mouse_up {|area_mouse_event| ...}` - `on_mouse_drag_started {|area_mouse_event| ...}` - `on_mouse_dragged {|area_mouse_event| ...}` - `on_mouse_dropped {|area_mouse_event| ...}` - `on_mouse_entered {...}` - `on_mouse_exited {...}` - `on_mouse_crossed {|left| ...}` (NOT RECOMMENDED; it does what `on_mouse_entered` and `on_mouse_exited` do by returning a `left` argument indicating if mouse left `area`) - `on_drag_broken {...}` (NOT RECOMMENDED; varies per platforms; use `on_mouse_dropped` instead) The `area_mouse_event` `Hash` argument for mouse events that receive it (e.g. `on_mouse_up`, `on_mouse_dragged`) consist of the following hash keys: - `:x`: mouse x location in relation to area's top-left-corner - `:y`: mouse y location in relation to area's top-left-corner - `:area_width`: area current width - `:area_height`: area current height - `:down`: mouse pressed button (e.g. `1` is left button, `3` is right button) - `:up`: mouse depressed button (e.g. `1` is left button, `3` is right button) - `:count`: count of mouse clicks (e.g. `2` for double-click, `1` for single-click) - `:modifers`: `Array` of `Symbol`s from one of the following: `[:command, :shift, :alt, :control]` - `:held`: mouse held button during dragging (e.g. `1` is left button, `4` is right button) The `area_key_event` `Hash` argument for keyboard events that receive it (e.g. `on_key_up`, `on_key_down`) consist of the following hash keys: - `:key`: key character (`String`) - `:key_value` (alias: `:key_code`): key code value (`Integer`). Useful in rare cases for numeric processing of keys instead of dealing with as `:key` character `String` - `:ext_key`: non-character extra key (`Symbol`) from `Glimmer::LibUI.enum_symbols(:ext_key)` such as `:left`, `:right`, `:escape`, `:insert` - `:ext_key_value`: non-character extra key value (`Integer`). Useful in rare cases for numeric processing of extra keys instead of dealing with as `:ext_key` `Symbol` - `:modifier`: modifier key pressed alone (e.g. `:shift` or `:control`) - `:modifiers`: modifier keys pressed simultaneously with `:key`, `:ext_key`, or `:modifier` - `:up`: indicates if key has been released or not (Boolean) #### Area Methods/Attributes To redraw an `area`, you may call the `#queue_redraw_all` method, or simply `#redraw`. `area` has the following Glimmer-added API methods/attributes: - `request_auto_redraw`: requests auto redraw upon changes to nested stable `path` or shapes - `pause_auto_redraw`: pause auto redraw upon changes to nested stable `path` or shapes (useful to avoid too many micro-change redraws, to group all redraws as one after many micro-changes) - `resume_auto_redraw`: resume auto redraw upon changes to nested stable `path` or shapes - `auto_redraw_enabled`/`auto_redraw_enabled?`/`auto_redraw_enabled=`: an attribute to disable/enable auto redraw on an `area` upon changes to nested stable `path` or shapes #### Area Transform Matrix A transform `matrix` can be set on a path by building a `matrix(m11 = nil, m12 = nil, m21 = nil, m22 = nil, m31 = nil, m32 = nil) {operations}` proxy object and then setting via `transform` property, or alternatively by building and setting the matrix in one call to `transform(m11 = nil, m12 = nil, m21 = nil, m22 = nil, m31 = nil, m32 = nil) {operations}` passing it the matrix arguments and/or content operations. When instantiating a `matrix` object, it always starts with identity matrix. Here are the following operations that can be performed in a `matrix` body: - `identity` [alias: `set_identity`]: resets matrix to identity matrix - `translate(x as Numeric, y as Numeric)` - `scale(x_center = 0 as Numeric, y_center = 0 as Numeric, x as Numeric, y as Numeric)` - `skew(x = 0 as Numeric, y = 0 as Numeric, x_amount as Numeric, y_amount as Numeric)` - `rotate(x = 0 as Numeric, y = 0 as Numeric, degrees as Numeric)` Example of using transform matrix (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Transform', 350, 350) { area { path { square(0, 0, 350) fill r: 255, g: 255, b: 0 } 40.times do |n| path { square(0, 0, 100) fill r: [255 - n*5, 0].max, g: [n*5, 255].min, b: 0, a: 0.5 stroke :black, thickness: 2 transform { skew 0.15, 0.15 translate 50, 50 rotate 100, 100, -9 * n scale 1.1, 1.1 } } end } }.show ``` Keep in mind that this part could be written differently when there is a need to reuse the matrix: ```ruby transform { translate 100, 100 rotate 100, 100, -9 * n } ``` Alternatively: ```ruby m1 = matrix { translate 100, 100 rotate 100, 100, -9 * n } transform m1 # and then reuse m1 elsewhere too ``` You can set a `matrix`/`transform` on `area` directly to conveniently apply to all nested `path`s too. Note that `area`, `path`, and nested shapes are all truly declarative, meaning they do not care about the ordering of calls to `fill`, `stroke`, and `transform`. Furthermore, any transform that is applied is reversed at the end of the block, so you never have to worry about the ordering of `transform` calls among different paths. You simply set a transform on the `path`s that need it and it is guaranteed to be called before all its content is drawn, and then undone afterwards to avoid affecting later paths. Matrix `transform` can be set on an entire `area` too, applying to all nested `path`s. ### Smart Defaults and Conventions - `horizontal_box`, `vertical_box`, `grid`, and `form` controls have `padded` as `true` upon instantiation to ensure more user-friendly GUI by default - `group` controls have `margined` as `true` upon instantiation to ensure more user-friendly GUI by default - All controls nested under a `horizontal_box`, `vertical_box`, and `form` have `stretchy` property (fill maximum space) as `true` by default (passed to `box_append`/`form_append` method) - `window` instatiation args can be left off, having the following defaults when unspecified: `title` as `''`, `width` as `190`, `height` as `150`, and `has_menubar` as `true`) - `window` has an `on_closing` listener by default that quits application upon hitting the close button (can be overridden with a manual `on_closing` implementation that returns integer `0` for success) - `group` has `title` property default to `''` if not specified in instantiation args, so it can be instantiated without args with `title` property specified in nested block (e.g. `group {title 'Address'; ...}`) - `button`, `checkbox`, and `label` have `text` default to `''` if not specified in instantiation args, so they can be instantiated without args with `text` property specified in nested block (e.g. `button {text 'Greet'; on_clicked {puts 'Hello'}}`) - `quit_menu_item` has an `on_clicked` listener by default that quits application upon selecting the quit menu item (can be overridden with a manual `on_clicked` implementation that returns integer `0` for success) - If an `on_closing` listener was defined on `window` and it does not return an integer, default exit behavior is assumed (`window.destroy` is called followed by `LibUI.quit`, returning `0`). - If an `on_clicked` listener was defined on `quit_menu_item` and it does not return an integer, default exit behavior is assumed (`main_window.destroy` is called followed by `LibUI.quit`, returning `0`). - All boolean property readers return `true` or `false` in Ruby instead of the [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) original `0` or `1` in C. - All boolean property writers accept `true`/`false` in addition to `1`/`0` in Ruby - All string property readers return a `String` object in Ruby instead of the [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) Fiddle pointer object. - Automatically allocate font descriptors upon instantiating `font_button` controls and free them when destorying `font_button` controls - Automatically allocate color value pointers upon instantiating `color_button` controls and free them when destorying `color_button` controls - On the Mac, if no `menu` items were added, an automatic `quit_menu_item` is added to enable quitting with CTRL+Q - When destroying a control nested under a `horizontal_box` or `vertical_box`, it is automatically deleted from the box's children - When destroying a control nested under a `form`, it is automatically deleted from the form's children - When destroying a control nested under a `window` or `group`, it is automatically unset as their child to allow successful destruction - For `date_time_picker`, `date_picker`, and `time_picker`, make sure `time` hash values for `mon`, `wday`, and `yday` are 1-based instead of [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) original 0-based values, and return `dst` as Boolean instead of `isdst` as `1`/`0` - Smart defaults for `grid` child properties are `left` (`0`), `top` (`0`), `xspan` (`1`), `yspan` (`1`), `hexpand` (`false`), `halign` (`:fill`), `vexpand` (`false`), and `valign` (`:fill`) - The `table` control automatically constructs required `TableModelHandler`, `TableModel`, and `TableParams`, calculating all their arguments from `cell_rows` and `editable` properties (e.g. `NumRows`) as well as nested columns (e.g. `text_column`) - Table model instances are automatically freed from memory after `window` is destroyed. - Table `cell_rows` data has implicit data-binding to table cell values for deletion, insertion, and change (done by diffing `cell_rows` value before and after change and auto-informing `table` of deletions [`LibUI.table_model_row_deleted`], insertions [`LibUI.table_model_row_deleted`], and changes [`LibUI.table_model_row_changed`]). When deleting data rows from `cell_rows` array, then actual rows from the `table` are automatically deleted. When inserting data rows into `cell_rows` array, then actual `table` rows are automatically inserted. When updating data rows in `cell_rows` array, then actual `table` rows are automatically updated. - `image` instances are automatically freed from memory after `window` is destroyed. - `image` `width` and `height` can be left off if it has one `image_part` only as they default to the same `width` and `height` of the `image_part` - Automatically provide shifted `:key` characters in `area_key_event` provided in `area` key listeners `on_key_event`, `on_key_down`, and `on_key_up` - `scrolling_area` `width` and `height` default to main window width and height if not specified. - `scrolling_area` `#scroll_to` 3rd and 4th arguments (`width` and `height`) default to main window width and height if not specified. - `area` paths are specified declaratively with figures underneath (e.g. `rectangle`) and `area` draw listener is automatically generated - Observe figure properties (e.g. `rectangle` `width`) for changes and automatically redraw containing area accordingly - Observe `path` `fill` and `stroke` hashes for changes and automatically redraw containing area accordingly - Observe `text` and `string` properties for changes and automatically redraw containing area accordingly - All controls are protected from garbage collection until no longer needed (explicitly destroyed), so there is no need to worry about surprises. - All resources are freed automatically once no longer needed or left to garbage collection. - When nesting an `area` directly underneath `window` (without a layout control like `vertical_box`), it is automatically reparented with `vertical_box` in between the `window` and `area` since it would not show up on Linux otherwise. - Colors may be passed in as a hash of `:r`, `:g`, `:b`, `:a`, or `:red`, `:green`, `:blue`, `:alpha`, or [X11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) color like `:skyblue`, or 6-char hex or 3-char hex (as `Integer` or `String` with or without `0x` prefix) - Color alpha value defaults to `1.0` when not specified. ### Custom Keywords To define custom keywords, simply define a method representing the custom control you want. To make reusable, you can define in modules and simply include the modules in the view classes that need them. Example that defines `form_field`, `address_form`, `label_pair`, and `address` keywords (you may copy/paste in [`girb`](#girb-glimmer-irb)): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' require 'facets' include Glimmer Address = Struct.new(:street, :p_o_box, :city, :state, :zip_code) def form_field(model, property) property = property.to_s entry { |e| label property.underscore.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ') text model.send(property).to_s on_changed do model.send("#{property}=", e.text) end } end def address_form(address) form { form_field(address, :street) form_field(address, :p_o_box) form_field(address, :city) form_field(address, :state) form_field(address, :zip_code) } end def label_pair(model, attribute, value) name_label = nil value_label = nil horizontal_box { name_label = label(attribute.to_s.underscore.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')) value_label = label(value.to_s) } Glimmer::DataBinding::Observer.proc do value_label.text = model.send(attribute) end.observe(model, attribute) end def address(address) vertical_box { address.each_pair do |attribute, value| label_pair(address, attribute, value) end } end address1 = Address.new('123 Main St', '23923', 'Denver', 'Colorado', '80014') address2 = Address.new('2038 Park Ave', '83272', 'Boston', 'Massachusetts', '02101') window('Method-Based Custom Keyword') { margined true horizontal_box { vertical_box { label('Address 1') { stretchy false } address_form(address1) horizontal_separator { stretchy false } label('Address 1 (Saved)') { stretchy false } address(address1) } vertical_separator { stretchy false } vertical_box { label('Address 2') { stretchy false } address_form(address2) horizontal_separator { stretchy false } label('Address 2 (Saved)') { stretchy false } address(address2) } } }.show ``` ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-method-based-custom-keyword.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-method-based-custom-keyword.png) ### Observer Pattern The [Observer Design Pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_pattern) (a.k.a. Observer Pattern) is fundamental to building GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) following the [MVC (Model View Controller) Architectural Pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller) or any of its variations like [MVP (Model View Presenter)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93presenter). In the original Smalltalk-MVC, the View observes the Model for changes and updates itself accordingly. ![MVC - Model View Controller](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Danny-Weyns/publication/269303611/figure/fig2/AS:858133056462866@1581606272800/Smalltalk80-MVC-pattern-View-and-Controller-work-as-a-pair-allowing-the-user-to-interact.ppm) [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) supports the [Observer Design Pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_pattern) via the `observe(model, attribute=nil)` keyword, which can observe `Object` models with attributes, `Hash`es, and `Array`s. It automatically enhances objects as needed to support automatically notifying observers of changes via `observable#notify_observers(attribute)` method: - `Object` becomes `Glimmer::DataBinding::ObservableModel`, which supports observing specified `Object` model attributes. - `Hash` becomes `Glimmer::DataBinding::ObservableHash`, which supports observing all `Hash` keys or a specific `Hash` key - `Array` becomes `Glimmer::DataBinding::ObservableArray`, which supports observing `Array` changes like those done with `push`, `<<`, `delete`, and `map!` methods (all mutation methods). Example: ```ruby observe(person, :name) do |new_name| @name_label.text = new_name end ``` That observes a person's name attribute for changes and updates the name `label` `text` property accordingly. [Learn about Glimmer's Observer Pattern capabilities and options in more detail at the Glimmer project page.](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer#data-binding-library) See examples of the `observe` keyword at [Color The Circles](#color-the-circles), [Method-Based Custom Keyword](#method-based-custom-keyword), [Snake](#snake), and [Tetris](#tetris). ### Data-Binding [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) supports unidirectional (one-way) data-binding of any control/shape/attributed-string property via the `<=` symbol (indicating data is moving from the right side, which is the model, to the left side, which is the GUI view object). The data-binding API is more precisely: `view_property <= [model, attribute, *options]` This is also known as the [Glimmer Shine](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-swt/blob/master/docs/reference/GLIMMER_GUI_DSL_SYNTAX.md#shine) syntax for data-binding, a [Glimmer](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer)-only unique innovation. Example: ```ruby square(0, 0, CELL_SIZE) { fill <= [@grid.cells[row][column], :color] } ``` That is data-binding a grid cell color to a `square` shape's `fill` property. That means if the `color` attribute of the grid cell is updated, the `fill` property of the `square` shape is automatically updated accordingly. Another Example: ```ruby window { title <= [@game, :score, on_read: -> (score) {"Glimmer Snake (Score: #{@game.score})"}] } ``` That is data-binding the `window` `title` property to the `score` attribute of a `@game`, but converting on read from the Model to a `String`. Data-binding enables writing very expressive, terse, and declarative code to synchronize View properties with Model attributes instead of pages of imperative code doing the same thing. Options include: - `before_read {|value| ...}`: performs an operation before reading data from Model to update the View. - `on_read {|value| ...}`: converts value read from Model to update the View. - `after_read {|converted_value| ...}`: performs an operation after read from Model and updating the View. Learn more from data-binding usage in [Snake](#snake) and [Tic Tac Toe](#tic_tac_toe) examples. ### API Gotchas - There is no proper way to destroy `grid` children due to [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) not offering any API for deleting them from `grid` (no `grid_delete` similar to `box_delete` for `horizontal_box` and `vertical_box`). - `table` `checkbox_column` checkbox editing only works on Linux and Windows (not Mac) due to a current limitation in [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/ui/issues/357). - `table` `checkbox_text_column` checkbox editing only works on Linux (not Mac or Windows) due to a current limitation in [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/ui/issues/357). - `text` `align` property seems not to work on the Mac ([libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) has an [issue](https://github.com/andlabs/libui/pull/407) about it) - `text` `string` `background` does not work on Windows due to an [issue in libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui/issues/347). - `table` controls on Windows intentionally get an extra empty row at the end because if any row were to be deleted for the first time, double-deletion happens due to an issue in [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) on Windows. - `table` `progress_bar` column on Windows cannot be updated with a positive value if it started initially with `-1` (it ignores update to avoid crashing due to an issue in [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) on Windows. - It seems that [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) does not support nesting multiple `area` controls under a `grid` as only the first one shows up in that scenario. To workaround that limitation, use a `vertical_box` with nested `horizontal_box`s instead to include multiple `area`s in a GUI. - As per the code of [examples/basic_transform.rb](#basic-transform), Windows requires different ordering of transforms than Mac and Linux. ### Original API To learn more about the [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) API exposed through [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): - Check out [LibUI ffi.rb](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI/blob/main/lib/libui/ffi.rb) - Check out the [libui C Headers](https://github.com/andlabs/libui/blob/master/ui.h) - Check out the [Go UI (Golang LibUI) API Documentation](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/andlabs/ui) for an alternative well-documented [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) reference. ## Packaging I am documenting options for packaging, which I have not tried myself, but figured they would still be useful to add to the README.md until I can expand further effort into supporting packaging. For Windows, the [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) project recommends [OCRA](https://github.com/larsch/ocra) (One-Click Ruby Application), which builds Windows executables from Ruby source. For Mac, consider [Platypus](https://github.com/sveinbjornt/Platypus) (builds a native Mac app from a Ruby script) For Linux, simply package your app as a [Ruby Gem](https://guides.rubygems.org/what-is-a-gem/) and [build rpm package from Ruby Gem](https://www.redpill-linpro.com/sysadvent/2015/12/07/building-rpms-from-gems.html) or [build deb package from Ruby Gem](https://openpreservation.org/blogs/building-debian-package-ruby-program/). ## Glimmer Style Guide **1 - Control arguments are always wrapped by parentheses.** Example: ```ruby label('Name') ``` **2 - Control blocks are always declared with curly braces to clearly visualize hierarchical view code and separate from logic code.** Example: ```ruby group('Basic Controls') { vertical_box { button('Button') { } } } ``` **3 - Control property declarations always have arguments that are not wrapped inside parentheses and typically do not take a block.** Example: ```ruby stretchy false value 42 ``` **4 - Control listeners are always declared starting with on_ prefix and affixing listener event method name afterwards in underscored lowercase form. Their multi-line blocks have a `do; end` style.** Example: ```ruby button('Click') { on_clicked do msg_box('Information', 'You clicked the button') end } ``` **5 - Iterator multi-line blocks always have `do; end` style to clearly separate logic code from view code.** Example: ```ruby @field_hash.keys.each do |field| label(field) { stretchy false } entry { on_changed do |control| @field_hash[field] = control.text end } end ``` **6 - In a widget's content block, attributes are declared first, with layout management attributes on top (e.g. `stretchy false`); an empty line separates attributes from nested widgets and listeners following afterwards.** Example: ```ruby group('Numbers') { stretchy false vertical_box { spinbox(0, 100) { stretchy false value 42 on_changed do |s| puts "New Spinbox value: #{s.value}" $stdout.flush # for Windows end } } } ``` **7 - Unlike attributes, nested widgets with a content block and listeners are always separated from each other by an empty line to make readability easier except where it helps to group two widgets together (e.g. label and described entry).** Example: ```ruby area { path { # needs an empty line afterwards square(0, 0, 100) # does not have a content block, so no empty line is needed square(100, 100, 400) # does not have a content block, so no empty line is needed fill r: 102, g: 102, b: 204 } path { # needs an empty line afterwards rectangle(0, 100, 100, 400) # does not have a content block, so no empty line is needed rectangle(100, 0, 400, 100) # does not have a content block, so no empty line is needed fill x0: 10, y0: 10, x1: 350, y1: 350, stops: [{pos: 0.25, r: 204, g: 102, b: 204}, {pos: 0.75, r: 102, g: 102, b: 204}] } polygon(100, 100, 100, 400, 400, 100, 400, 400) { # needs an empty line afterwards fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 104, a: 0.5 # attributes do not need an empty line separator stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 # attributes do not need an empty line separator } on_mouse_up do |area_mouse_event| # needs an empty line afterwards puts 'mouse up' end on_key_up do |area_key_event| # needs an empty line afterwards puts 'key up' end } ``` ## Examples The following examples include reimplementions of the examples in the [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) project utilizing the [Glimmer GUI DSL](#glimmer-gui-dsl-concepts) as well as brand new examples. To browse all examples, simply launch the [Meta-Example](examples/meta_example.rb), which lists all examples and displays each example's code when selected. It also enables code editing to facilitate experimentation and learning. [examples/meta_example.rb](examples/meta_example.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/meta_example.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/meta_example'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-meta-example.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-meta-example.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-meta-example.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-meta-example.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-meta-example.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-meta-example.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' require 'facets' class MetaExample include Glimmer def initialize @selected_example_index = 0 end def examples if @examples.nil? example_files = Dir.glob(File.join(File.expand_path('.', __dir__), '**', '*.rb')) example_file_names = example_files.map { |f| File.basename(f, '.rb') } example_file_names = example_file_names.reject { |f| f == 'meta_example' || f.match(/\d$/) } @examples = example_file_names.map { |f| f.underscore.titlecase } end @examples end def examples_with_versions examples.map do |example| version_count_for(example) > 1 ? "#{example} (#{version_count_for(example)} versions)" : example end end def file_path_for(example) File.join(File.expand_path('.', __dir__), "#{example.underscore}.rb") end def version_count_for(example) Dir.glob(File.join(File.expand_path('.', __dir__), "#{example.underscore}*.rb")).select {|file| file.match(/\d\.rb$/)}.count + 1 end def glimmer_dsl_libui_file File.expand_path('../lib/glimmer-dsl-libui', __dir__) end def selected_example examples[@selected_example_index] end def run_example(example) Thread.new do command = "#{RbConfig.ruby} -r #{glimmer_dsl_libui_file} #{example} 2>&1" result = '' IO.popen(command) do |f| sleep(0.0001) # yield to main thread f.each_line do |line| result << line puts line $stdout.flush # for Windows sleep(0.0001) # yield to main thread end end Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main { msg_box('Error Running Example', result) } if result.downcase.include?('error') end end def launch window('Meta-Example', 700, 500) { margined true horizontal_box { vertical_box { stretchy false @example_radio_buttons = radio_buttons { stretchy false items examples_with_versions selected @selected_example_index on_selected do @selected_example_index = @example_radio_buttons.selected example = selected_example @code_entry.text = File.read(file_path_for(example)) @version_spinbox.value = 1 end } horizontal_box { label('Version') { stretchy false } @version_spinbox = spinbox(1, 100) { value 1 on_changed do example = selected_example if @version_spinbox.value > version_count_for(example) @version_spinbox.value -= 1 else version_number = @version_spinbox.value == 1 ? '' : @version_spinbox.value example = "#{selected_example}#{version_number}" @code_entry.text = File.read(file_path_for(example)) end end } } horizontal_box { stretchy false button('Launch') { on_clicked do begin meta_example_file = File.join(Dir.home, '.meta_example.rb') File.write(meta_example_file, @code_entry.text) run_example(meta_example_file) rescue => e puts e.full_message puts 'Unable to write code changes! Running original example...' run_example(file_path_for(selected_example)) end end } button('Reset') { on_clicked do @code_entry.text = File.read(file_path_for(selected_example)) end } } } @code_entry = non_wrapping_multiline_entry { text File.read(file_path_for(selected_example)) } } }.show end end MetaExample.new.launch ``` ### Basic Examples #### Basic Window [examples/basic_window.rb](examples/basic_window.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_window.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_window'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-window.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-window.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-window.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-window.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-window.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-window.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby require 'libui' UI = LibUI UI.init main_window = UI.new_window('hello world', 300, 200, 1) UI.control_show(main_window) UI.window_on_closing(main_window) do puts 'Bye Bye' UI.control_destroy(main_window) UI.quit 0 end UI.main UI.quit ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('hello world', 300, 200, true) { on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end }.show ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 2 (setting `window` properties instead of arguments): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window { # first 3 args can be set via properties with 4th arg has_menubar=true by default title 'hello world' content_size 300, 200 on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end }.show ``` #### Basic Button [examples/basic_button.rb](examples/basic_button.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_button.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_button'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-button.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-button.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-button-msg-box.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-button-msg-box.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-button.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-button.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-button-msg-box.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-button-msg-box.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-button.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-button.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-button-msg-box.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-button-msg-box.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby require 'libui' UI = LibUI UI.init main_window = UI.new_window('hello world', 300, 200, 1) button = UI.new_button('Button') UI.button_on_clicked(button) do UI.msg_box(main_window, 'Information', 'You clicked the button') end UI.window_on_closing(main_window) do puts 'Bye Bye' UI.control_destroy(main_window) UI.quit 0 end UI.window_set_child(main_window, button) UI.control_show(main_window) UI.main UI.quit ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('hello world', 300, 200) { button('Button') { on_clicked do msg_box('Information', 'You clicked the button') end } on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end }.show ``` #### Basic Entry [examples/basic_entry.rb](examples/basic_entry.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_entry.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_entry'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-entry.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-entry.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-entry-msg-box.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-entry-msg-box.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-entry.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-entry.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-entry-msg-box.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-entry-msg-box.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-entry.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-entry.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-entry-msg-box.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-entry-msg-box.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby require 'libui' UI = LibUI UI.init main_window = UI.new_window('Basic Entry', 300, 50, 1) UI.window_on_closing(main_window) do puts 'Bye Bye' UI.control_destroy(main_window) UI.quit 0 end hbox = UI.new_horizontal_box UI.window_set_child(main_window, hbox) entry = UI.new_entry UI.entry_on_changed(entry) do puts UI.entry_text(entry).to_s $stdout.flush # For Windows end UI.box_append(hbox, entry, 1) button = UI.new_button('Button') UI.button_on_clicked(button) do text = UI.entry_text(entry).to_s UI.msg_box(main_window, 'You entered', text) 0 end UI.box_append(hbox, button, 0) UI.control_show(main_window) UI.main UI.quit ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Entry', 300, 50) { horizontal_box { e = entry { # stretchy true # Smart default option for appending to horizontal_box on_changed do puts e.text $stdout.flush # For Windows end } button('Button') { stretchy false # stretchy property is available when control is nested under horizontal_box on_clicked do text = e.text msg_box('You entered', text) end } } on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end }.show ``` #### Simple Notepad [examples/simple_notepad.rb](examples/simple_notepad.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/simple_notepad.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/simple_notepad'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-simple-notepad.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-simple-notepad.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-simple-notepad.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-simple-notepad.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-simple-notepad.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-simple-notepad.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby require 'libui' UI = LibUI UI.init main_window = UI.new_window('Notepad', 500, 300, 1) UI.window_on_closing(main_window) do puts 'Bye Bye' UI.control_destroy(main_window) UI.quit 0 end vbox = UI.new_vertical_box UI.window_set_child(main_window, vbox) entry = UI.new_non_wrapping_multiline_entry UI.box_append(vbox, entry, 1) UI.control_show(main_window) UI.main UI.quit ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Notepad', 500, 300) { on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end vertical_box { non_wrapping_multiline_entry } }.show ``` #### Font Button [examples/font_button.rb](examples/font_button.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/font_button.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/font_button'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-font-button.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-font-button.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-font-button-selection.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-font-button-selection.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-font-button.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-font-button.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-font-button-selection.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-font-button-selection.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-font-button.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-font-button.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-font-button-selection.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-font-button-selection.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby require 'libui' UI = LibUI UI.init main_window = UI.new_window('hello world', 300, 200, 1) font_button = UI.new_font_button font_descriptor = UI::FFI::FontDescriptor.malloc font_descriptor.to_ptr.free = Fiddle::RUBY_FREE UI.font_button_on_changed(font_button) do UI.font_button_font(font_button, font_descriptor) p family: font_descriptor.Family.to_s, size: font_descriptor.Size, weight: font_descriptor.Weight, italic: font_descriptor.Italic, stretch: font_descriptor.Stretch end UI.window_on_closing(main_window) do puts 'Bye Bye' UI.control_destroy(main_window) UI.quit 0 end UI.window_set_child(main_window, font_button) UI.control_show(main_window) UI.main UI.quit ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('hello world', 300, 200) { font_button { |fb| on_changed do font_descriptor = fb.font p font_descriptor end } on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end }.show ``` #### Color Button [examples/color_button.rb](examples/color_button.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/color_button.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/color_button'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-color-button.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-color-button.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-color-button-selection.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-color-button-selection.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-color-button.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-color-button.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-color-button-selection.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-color-button-selection.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-color-button.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-color-button.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-color-button-selection.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-color-button-selection.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('color button', 240) { color_button { |cb| color :blue on_changed do rgba = cb.color p rgba end } }.show ``` #### Date Time Picker [examples/date_time_picker.rb](examples/date_time_picker.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/date_time_picker.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/date_time_picker'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-date-time-picker.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-date-time-picker.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-date-time-picker.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-date-time-picker.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-date-time-picker.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-date-time-picker.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby require 'libui' UI = LibUI UI.init vbox = UI.new_vertical_box date_time_picker = UI.new_date_time_picker time = UI::FFI::TM.malloc UI.date_time_picker_on_changed(date_time_picker) do UI.date_time_picker_time(date_time_picker, time) p sec: time.tm_sec, min: time.tm_min, hour: time.tm_hour, mday: time.tm_mday, mon: time.tm_mon, year: time.tm_year, wday: time.tm_wday, yday: time.tm_yday, isdst: time.tm_isdst end UI.box_append(vbox, date_time_picker, 1) main_window = UI.new_window('Date Time Pickers', 300, 200, 1) UI.window_on_closing(main_window) do puts 'Bye Bye' UI.control_destroy(main_window) UI.quit 0 end UI.window_set_child(main_window, vbox) UI.control_show(main_window) UI.main UI.quit ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Date Time Pickers', 300, 200) { vertical_box { date_time_picker { |dtp| on_changed do time = dtp.time p time end } } on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end }.show ``` #### Form [examples/form.rb](examples/form.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/form.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/form'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-form.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-form.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-form-msg-box.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-form-msg-box.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-form.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-form.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-form-msg-box.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-form-msg-box.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-form.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-form.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-form-msg-box.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-form-msg-box.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Form') { margined true vertical_box { form { @first_name_entry = entry { label 'First Name' # label property is available when control is nested under form } @last_name_entry = entry { label 'Last Name' # label property is available when control is nested under form } @phone_entry = entry { label 'Phone' # label property is available when control is nested under form } @email_entry = entry { label 'Email' # label property is available when control is nested under form } } button('Display Info') { stretchy false on_clicked do msg_box('Info', "#{@first_name_entry.text} #{@last_name_entry.text} has phone #{@phone_entry.text} and email #{@email_entry.text}") end } } }.show ``` #### Basic Table [examples/basic_table.rb](examples/basic_table.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_table.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_table'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby require 'libui' UI = LibUI UI.init main_window = UI.new_window('Animal sounds', 300, 200, 1) hbox = UI.new_horizontal_box UI.window_set_child(main_window, hbox) data = [ %w[cat meow], %w[dog woof], %w[checken cock-a-doodle-doo], %w[horse neigh], %w[cow moo] ] # Protects BlockCaller objects from garbage collection. @blockcaller = [] def rbcallback(*args, &block) args << [0] if args.size == 1 # Argument types are ommited blockcaller = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(*args, &block) @blockcaller << blockcaller blockcaller end model_handler = UI::FFI::TableModelHandler.malloc model_handler.NumColumns = rbcallback(4) { 2 } model_handler.ColumnType = rbcallback(4) { 0 } model_handler.NumRows = rbcallback(4) { 5 } model_handler.CellValue = rbcallback(1, [1, 1, 4, 4]) do |_, _, row, column| UI.new_table_value_string(data[row][column]) end model_handler.SetCellValue = rbcallback(0, [0]) {} model = UI.new_table_model(model_handler) table_params = UI::FFI::TableParams.malloc table_params.Model = model table_params.RowBackgroundColorModelColumn = -1 table = UI.new_table(table_params) UI.table_append_text_column(table, 'Animal', 0, -1) UI.table_append_text_column(table, 'Description', 1, -1) UI.box_append(hbox, table, 1) UI.control_show(main_window) UI.window_on_closing(main_window) do puts 'Bye Bye' UI.control_destroy(main_window) UI.free_table_model(model) UI.quit 0 end UI.main UI.quit ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer data = [ %w[cat meow], %w[dog woof], %w[chicken cock-a-doodle-doo], %w[horse neigh], %w[cow moo] ] window('Animal sounds', 300, 200) { horizontal_box { table { text_column('Animal') text_column('Description') cell_rows data } } on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end }.show ``` #### Basic Table Image Note that behavior varies per platform (i.e. how `table` chooses to size images by default). [examples/basic_table_image.rb](examples/basic_table_image.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_table_image.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_table_image'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-image.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-image.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-image.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-image.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-image.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-image.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby # NOTE: # This example displays images that can be freely downloaded from the Studio Ghibli website. require 'libui' require 'chunky_png' require 'open-uri' UI = LibUI UI.init main_window = UI.new_window('The Red Turtle', 310, 350, 0) hbox = UI.new_horizontal_box UI.window_set_child(main_window, hbox) IMAGES = [] 50.times do |i| url = format('https://www.ghibli.jp/gallery/thumb-redturtle%03d.png', (i + 1)) puts "Processing Image: #{url}" f = URI.open(url) canvas = ChunkyPNG::Canvas.from_io(f) f.close data = canvas.to_rgba_stream width = canvas.width height = canvas.height image = UI.new_image(width, height) UI.image_append(image, data, width, height, width * 4) IMAGES << image rescue StandardError => e warn url, e.message end # Protects BlockCaller objects from garbage collection. @blockcaller = [] def rbcallback(*args, &block) args << [0] if args.size == 1 # Argument types are ommited blockcaller = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(*args, &block) @blockcaller << blockcaller blockcaller end model_handler = UI::FFI::TableModelHandler.malloc model_handler.NumColumns = rbcallback(4) { 1 } model_handler.ColumnType = rbcallback(4) { 1 } # Image model_handler.NumRows = rbcallback(4) { IMAGES.size } model_handler.CellValue = rbcallback(1, [1, 1, 4, 4]) do |_, _, row, _column| UI.new_table_value_image(IMAGES[row]) end model_handler.SetCellValue = rbcallback(0, [0]) {} model = UI.new_table_model(model_handler) table_params = UI::FFI::TableParams.malloc table_params.Model = model table_params.RowBackgroundColorModelColumn = -1 table = UI.new_table(table_params) UI.table_append_image_column(table, 'www.ghibli.jp/works/red-turtle', 0) UI.box_append(hbox, table, 1) UI.control_show(main_window) UI.window_on_closing(main_window) do puts 'Bye Bye' UI.control_destroy(main_window) UI.free_table_model(model) IMAGES.each { |i| UI.free_image(i) } UI.quit 0 end UI.main UI.quit ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby # NOTE: # This example displays images that can be freely downloaded from the Studio Ghibli website. require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer IMAGE_ROWS = [] 50.times do |i| url = format('https://www.ghibli.jp/gallery/thumb-redturtle%03d.png', (i + 1)) puts "Processing Image: #{url}"; $stdout.flush # for Windows IMAGE_ROWS << [image(url)] # array of one column cell rescue StandardError => e warn url, e.message end window('The Red Turtle', 310, 350, false) { horizontal_box { table { image_column('www.ghibli.jp/works/red-turtle') cell_rows IMAGE_ROWS } } on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end }.show ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 2 (manual construction of `image` from `image_part`): ```ruby # NOTE: # This example displays images that can be freely downloaded from the Studio Ghibli website. require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' require 'chunky_png' require 'open-uri' include Glimmer IMAGE_ROWS = [] 50.times do |i| url = format('https://www.ghibli.jp/gallery/thumb-redturtle%03d.png', (i + 1)) puts "Processing Image: #{url}" f = URI.open(url) canvas = ChunkyPNG::Canvas.from_io(f) f.close data = canvas.to_rgba_stream width = canvas.width height = canvas.height img = image { image_part(data, width, height, width * 4) } IMAGE_ROWS << [img] # array of one column cell rescue StandardError => e warn url, e.message end window('The Red Turtle', 310, 350, false) { horizontal_box { table { image_column('www.ghibli.jp/works/red-turtle', 0) cell_rows IMAGE_ROWS } } on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end }.show ``` #### Basic Table Image Text Note that behavior varies per platform (i.e. how `table` chooses to size images by default). [examples/basic_table_image_text.rb](examples/basic_table_image_text.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_table_image_text.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_table_image_text'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-image-text.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-image-text.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-image-text.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-image-text.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-image-text.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-image-text.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby # NOTE: # This example displays images that can be freely downloaded from the Studio Ghibli website. require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer IMAGE_ROWS = [] 5.times do |i| url = format('https://www.ghibli.jp/gallery/thumb-redturtle%03d.png', (i + 1)) puts "Processing Image: #{url}"; $stdout.flush # for Windows text = url.sub('https://www.ghibli.jp/gallery/thumb-redturtle', '').sub('.png', '') img = image(url) IMAGE_ROWS << [[img, text], [img, text]] # cell values are dual-element arrays rescue StandardError => e warn url, e.message end window('The Red Turtle', 670, 350) { horizontal_box { table { image_text_column('image/number') image_text_column('image/number (editable)') { editable true } cell_rows IMAGE_ROWS } } }.show ``` New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 2 (manual construction of `image` from `image_part`): ```ruby # NOTE: # This example displays images that can be freely downloaded from the Studio Ghibli website. require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' require 'chunky_png' require 'open-uri' include Glimmer IMAGE_ROWS = [] 5.times do |i| url = format('https://www.ghibli.jp/gallery/thumb-redturtle%03d.png', (i + 1)) puts "Processing Image: #{url}" f = URI.open(url) canvas = ChunkyPNG::Canvas.from_io(f) f.close data = canvas.to_rgba_stream width = canvas.width height = canvas.height img = image { image_part(data, width, height, width * 4) } text = url.sub('https://www.ghibli.jp/gallery/thumb-redturtle', '').sub('.png', '') IMAGE_ROWS << [[img, text], [img, text]] # cell values are dual-element arrays rescue StandardError => e warn url, e.message end window('The Red Turtle', 670, 350) { horizontal_box { table { image_text_column('image/number') image_text_column('image/number (editable)') { editable true } cell_rows IMAGE_ROWS } } }.show ``` #### Basic Table Button [examples/basic_table_button.rb](examples/basic_table_button.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_table_button.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_table_button'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-button.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-button.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-button-deleted.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-button-deleted.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-button.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-button.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-button-deleted.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-button-deleted.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-button.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-button.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-button-deleted.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-button-deleted.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer data = [ %w[cat meow delete], %w[dog woof delete], %w[chicken cock-a-doodle-doo delete], %w[horse neigh delete], %w[cow moo delete] ] window('Animal sounds', 300, 200) { horizontal_box { table { text_column('Animal') text_column('Description') button_column('Action') { on_clicked do |row| data.delete_at(row) # automatically deletes actual table row due to implicit data-binding end } cell_rows data # implicit data-binding on_changed do |row, type, row_data| puts "Row #{row} #{type}: #{row_data}" end } } }.show ``` #### Basic Table Checkbox [examples/basic_table_checkbox.rb](examples/basic_table_checkbox.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_table_checkbox.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_table_checkbox'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-checkbox.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-checkbox.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-checkbox.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-checkbox.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-checkbox.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-checkbox.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer data = [ ['cat', 'meow', true], ['dog', 'woof', true], ['chicken', 'cock-a-doodle-doo', false], ['horse', 'neigh', true], ['cow', 'moo', true] ] window('Animal sounds', 300, 200) { horizontal_box { table { text_column('Animal') text_column('Description') checkbox_column('Mammal') cell_rows data } } }.show ``` #### Basic Table Checkbox Text [examples/basic_table_checkbox_text.rb](examples/basic_table_checkbox_text.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_table_checkbox_text.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_table_checkbox_text'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-checkbox-text.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-checkbox-text.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-checkbox-text.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-checkbox-text.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-checkbox-text.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-checkbox-text.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer data = [ ['cat', 'meow', [true, 'mammal']], ['dog', 'woof', [true, 'mammal']], ['chicken', 'cock-a-doodle-doo', [false, 'mammal']], ['horse', 'neigh', [true, 'mammal']], ['cow', 'moo', [true, 'mammal']] ] window('Animal sounds', 400, 200) { horizontal_box { table { text_column('Animal') text_column('Sound') checkbox_text_column('Description') cell_rows data } } }.show ``` #### Basic Table Progress Bar [examples/basic_table_progress_bar.rb](examples/basic_table_progress_bar.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_table_progress_bar.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_table_progress_bar'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-progress-bar.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-progress-bar.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-progress-bar.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-progress-bar.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-progress-bar.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-progress-bar.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer data = [ ['task 1', 0], ['task 2', 15], ['task 3', 100], ['task 4', 75], ['task 5', -1], ] window('Task Progress', 300, 200) { vertical_box { table { text_column('Task') progress_bar_column('Progress') cell_rows data # implicit data-binding } button('Mark All As Done') { stretchy false on_clicked do data.each_with_index do |row_data, row| data[row][1] = 100 # automatically updates table due to implicit data-binding end end } } }.show ``` #### Basic Table Color [examples/basic_table_color.rb](examples/basic_table_color.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_table_color.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_table_color'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-color.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-table-color.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-color.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-table-color.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-color.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-table-color.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer img = image(File.expand_path('../icons/glimmer.png', __dir__), 24, 24) data = [ [['cat', :red] , ['meow', :blue] , [true, 'mammal', :green], [img, 'Glimmer', :dark_blue], {r: 255, g: 120, b: 0, a: 0.5}], [['dog', :yellow] , ['woof', {r: 240, g: 32, b: 32}] , [true, 'mammal', :green], [img, 'Glimmer', :dark_blue], :skyblue], [['chicken', :beige], ['cock-a-doodle-doo', :blue] , [false, 'mammal', :red] , [img, 'Glimmer', :beige], {r: 5, g: 120, b: 110}], [['horse', :purple] , ['neigh', {r: 240, g: 32, b: 32}], [true, 'mammal', :green], [img, 'Glimmer', :dark_blue], '13a1fb'], [['cow', :gray] , ['moo', :blue] , [true, 'mammal', :green], [img, 'Glimmer', :brown], 0x12ff02] ] window('Animals', 500, 200) { horizontal_box { table { text_color_column('Animal') text_color_column('Sound') checkbox_text_color_column('Description') image_text_color_column('GUI') background_color_column('Mammal') cell_rows data } } }.show ``` New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 2 (manual construction of [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) `image` from `image_part`): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' require 'chunky_png' include Glimmer f = File.open(File.expand_path('../icons/glimmer.png', __dir__)) canvas = ChunkyPNG::Canvas.from_io(f) f.close canvas.resample_nearest_neighbor!(24, 24) data = canvas.to_rgba_stream width = canvas.width height = canvas.height img = image { image_part(data, width, height, width * 4) } data = [ [['cat', :red] , ['meow', :blue] , [true, 'mammal', :green], [img, 'Glimmer', :dark_blue], {r: 255, g: 120, b: 0, a: 0.5}], [['dog', :yellow] , ['woof', {r: 240, g: 32, b: 32}] , [true, 'mammal', :green], [img, 'Glimmer', :dark_blue], :skyblue], [['chicken', :beige], ['cock-a-doodle-doo', :blue] , [false, 'mammal', :red] , [img, 'Glimmer', :beige], {r: 5, g: 120, b: 110}], [['horse', :purple] , ['neigh', {r: 240, g: 32, b: 32}], [true, 'mammal', :green], [img, 'Glimmer', :dark_blue], '13a1fb'], [['cow', :gray] , ['moo', :blue] , [true, 'mammal', :green], [img, 'Glimmer', :brown], 0x12ff02] ] window('Animals', 500, 200) { horizontal_box { table { text_color_column('Animal') text_color_column('Sound') checkbox_text_color_column('Description') image_text_color_column('GUI') background_color_column('Mammal') cell_rows data } } }.show ``` #### Basic Area [examples/basic_area.rb](examples/basic_area.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_area.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_area'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-area.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-area.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-area.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-area.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-area.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-area.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby require 'libui' UI = LibUI UI.init handler = UI::FFI::AreaHandler.malloc area = UI.new_area(handler) brush = UI::FFI::DrawBrush.malloc handler_draw_event = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [1, 1, 1]) do |_, _, area_draw_params| path = UI.draw_new_path(0) UI.draw_path_add_rectangle(path, 0, 0, 400, 400) UI.draw_path_end(path) brush.Type = 0 brush.R = 0.4 brush.G = 0.4 brush.B = 0.8 brush.A = 1.0 area_draw_params = UI::FFI::AreaDrawParams.new(area_draw_params) UI.draw_fill(area_draw_params.Context, path, brush.to_ptr) UI.draw_free_path(path) end handler.Draw = handler_draw_event handler.MouseEvent = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [0]) {} handler.MouseCrossed = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [0]) {} handler.DragBroken = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [0]) {} handler.KeyEvent = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [0]) {} box = UI.new_vertical_box UI.box_set_padded(box, 1) UI.box_append(box, area, 1) main_window = UI.new_window('Basic Area', 400, 400, 1) UI.window_set_margined(main_window, 1) UI.window_set_child(main_window, box) UI.window_on_closing(main_window) do UI.control_destroy(main_window) UI.quit 0 end UI.control_show(main_window) UI.main UI.quit ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Area', 400, 400) { margined true vertical_box { area { path { # a stable path is added declaratively rectangle(0, 0, 400, 400) fill r: 102, g: 102, b: 204, a: 1.0 } } } }.show ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 2 (semi-declarative `on_draw` dynamic `path` approach): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Area', 400, 400) { margined true vertical_box { area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| path { # a dynamic path is added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block rectangle(0, 0, 400, 400) fill r: 102, g: 102, b: 204, a: 1.0 } end } } }.show ``` #### Basic Scrolling Area [examples/basic_scrolling_area.rb](examples/basic_scrolling_area.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_scrolling_area.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_scrolling_area'" ``` Mac | ----| ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-dynamic-area.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-scrolling-area.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-dynamic-area-updated.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-scrolling-area-scrolled.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' class BasicScrollingArea include Glimmer SCROLLING_AREA_WIDTH = 800 SCROLLING_AREA_HEIGHT = 400 SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X = 20 SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y = 20 def initialize @x = SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X @y = SCROLLING_AREA_HEIGHT - SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y create_gui Glimmer::LibUI.timer(0.01) do @x += SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X @y = [[@y + rand(SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y*4)*(rand(2) == 0 ? -1 : 1), SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y].max, SCROLLING_AREA_HEIGHT - SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y].min @graph.content { # re-open @graph's content and add a line line(@x, @y) } # if there is a need to enlarge scrolling area, call `@scrolling_area.set_size(new_width, new_height)` @scrolling_area.scroll_to(@x - (SCROLLING_AREA_WIDTH/2), @y) # 3rd and 4th arguments for width and height are assumed as those of main window by default if not supplied # return false to stop timer once @x exceeds scrolling area width - padding false if @x >= (SCROLLING_AREA_WIDTH - SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X*2) end end def launch @main_window.show end def x_axis polyline(SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X, SCROLLING_AREA_HEIGHT - SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y, SCROLLING_AREA_WIDTH - SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X*2, SCROLLING_AREA_HEIGHT - SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y) { stroke :black, thickness: 3 } ((SCROLLING_AREA_WIDTH - SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X*4) / SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X).times do |x_multiplier| x = x_multiplier*SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X + SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X*2 y = SCROLLING_AREA_HEIGHT - SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y polyline(x, y, x, y + SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y/2) { stroke :black, thickness: 2 } end end def y_axis polyline(SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X, SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y, SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X, SCROLLING_AREA_HEIGHT - SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y) { stroke :black, thickness: 3 } ((SCROLLING_AREA_HEIGHT - SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y*3) / SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y).times do |y_multiplier| x = SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X y = y_multiplier*SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y + SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y*2 polyline(x, y, x - SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X/2, y) { stroke :black, thickness: 2 } end end def create_gui @main_window = window('Basic Scrolling Area', SCROLLING_AREA_WIDTH / 2, SCROLLING_AREA_HEIGHT) { resizable false @scrolling_area = scrolling_area(SCROLLING_AREA_WIDTH, SCROLLING_AREA_HEIGHT) { x_axis y_axis @graph = figure(SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_X, SCROLLING_AREA_HEIGHT - SCROLLING_AREA_PADDING_Y) { stroke :blue, thickness: 2 } } } end end BasicScrollingArea.new.launch ``` #### Basic Image [examples/basic_image.rb](examples/basic_image.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_image.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_image'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-image.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-image.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-image.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-image.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-image.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-image.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Image', 96, 96) { area { # image is not a real LibUI control. It is built in Glimmer as a custom control that renders # tiny pixels/lines as rectangle paths. As such, it does not have good performance, but can # be used in exceptional circumstances where an image control is really needed. # # Furthermore, adding image directly under area is even slower due to taking up more memory for every # image pixel rendered. Check basic_image2.rb for a faster alternative using on_draw manually. # # It is recommended to pass width/height args to shrink image and achieve faster performance. image(File.expand_path('../icons/glimmer.png', __dir__), 96, 96) } }.show ``` New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 2 (better performance via `on_draw`): ```ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Image', 96, 96) { area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| image(File.expand_path('../icons/glimmer.png', __dir__), 96, 96) end } }.show ``` New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 3 (explicit properties): ```ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Image', 96, 96) { area { # image is not a real LibUI control. It is built in Glimmer as a custom control that renders # tiny pixels/lines as rectangle paths. As such, it does not have good performance, but can # be used in exceptional circumstances where an image control is really needed. # # Furthermore, adding image directly under area is even slower due to taking up more memory for every # image pixel rendered. Check basic_image4.rb for a faster alternative using on_draw manually. # # It is recommended to pass width/height args to shrink image and achieve faster performance. image { file File.expand_path('../icons/glimmer.png', __dir__) width 96 height 96 } } }.show ``` New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 4 (better performance with `on_draw` when setting explicit properties): ```ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Image', 96, 96) { area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| image { file File.expand_path('../icons/glimmer.png', __dir__) width 96 height 96 } end } }.show ``` New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 5 (fully manual pixel-by-pixel rendering): ```ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # This is the manual way of rendering an image unto an area control. # It could come in handy in special situations. # Otherwise, it is recommended to simply utilize the `image` control that # can be nested under area or area on_draw listener to automate all this work. require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' require 'chunky_png' include Glimmer puts 'Parsing image...'; $stdout.flush f = File.open(File.expand_path('../icons/glimmer.png', __dir__)) canvas = ChunkyPNG::Canvas.from_io(f) f.close canvas.resample_nearest_neighbor!(96, 96) data = canvas.to_rgba_stream width = canvas.width height = canvas.height puts "Image width: #{width}" puts "Image height: #{height}" puts 'Parsing colors...'; $stdout.flush color_maps = height.times.map do |y| width.times.map do |x| r = data[(y*width + x)*4].ord g = data[(y*width + x)*4 + 1].ord b = data[(y*width + x)*4 + 2].ord a = data[(y*width + x)*4 + 3].ord {x: x, y: y, color: {r: r, g: g, b: b, a: a}} end end.flatten puts "#{color_maps.size} pixels to render..."; $stdout.flush puts 'Parsing shapes...'; $stdout.flush shape_maps = [] original_color_maps = color_maps.dup indexed_original_color_maps = Hash[original_color_maps.each_with_index.to_a] color_maps.each do |color_map| index = indexed_original_color_maps[color_map] @rectangle_start_x ||= color_map[:x] @rectangle_width ||= 1 if color_map[:x] < width - 1 && color_map[:color] == original_color_maps[index + 1][:color] @rectangle_width += 1 else if color_map[:x] > 0 && color_map[:color] == original_color_maps[index - 1][:color] shape_maps << {x: @rectangle_start_x, y: color_map[:y], width: @rectangle_width, height: 1, color: color_map[:color]} else shape_maps << {x: color_map[:x], y: color_map[:y], width: 1, height: 1, color: color_map[:color]} end @rectangle_width = 1 @rectangle_start_x = color_map[:x] == width - 1 ? 0 : color_map[:x] + 1 end end puts "#{shape_maps.size} shapes to render..."; $stdout.flush puts 'Rendering image...'; $stdout.flush window('Basic Image', 96, 96) { area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| shape_maps.each do |shape_map| path { rectangle(shape_map[:x], shape_map[:y], shape_map[:width], shape_map[:height]) fill shape_map[:color] } end end } }.show ``` #### Basic Transform [examples/basic_transform.rb](examples/basic_transform.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_transform.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_transform'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-transform.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-transform.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-transform.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-transform.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-transform.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-transform.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Transform', 350, 350) { area { square(0, 0, 350) { fill r: 255, g: 255, b: 0 } 40.times do |n| square(0, 0, 100) { fill r: [255 - n*5, 0].max, g: [n*5, 255].min, b: 0, a: 0.5 stroke :black, thickness: 2 transform { unless OS.windows? skew 0.15, 0.15 translate 50, 50 end rotate 100, 100, -9 * n scale 1.1, 1.1 if OS.windows? skew 0.15, 0.15 translate 50, 50 end } } end } }.show ``` New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 2: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Basic Transform', 350, 350) { area { path { square(0, 0, 350) fill r: 255, g: 255, b: 0 } 40.times do |n| path { square(0, 0, 100) fill r: [255 - n*5, 0].max, g: [n*5, 255].min, b: 0, a: 0.5 stroke :black, thickness: 2 transform { unless OS.windows? skew 0.15, 0.15 translate 50, 50 end rotate 100, 100, -9 * n scale 1.1, 1.1 if OS.windows? skew 0.15, 0.15 translate 50, 50 end } } end } }.show ``` #### Basic Draw Text [examples/basic_draw_text.rb](examples/basic_draw_text.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/basic_draw_text.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/basic_draw_text'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-draw-text.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-basic-draw-text.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-draw-text.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-basic-draw-text.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-draw-text.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-basic-draw-text.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby require 'libui' UI = LibUI UI.init handler = UI::FFI::AreaHandler.malloc area = UI.new_area(handler) # Michael Ende (1929-1995) # The Neverending Story is a fantasy novel by German writer Michael Ende, # The English version, translated by Ralph Manheim, was published in 1983. TITLE = 'Michael Ende (1929-1995) The Neverending Story' str1 = \ ' At last Ygramul sensed that something was coming toward ' \ 'her. With the speed of lightning, she turned about, confronting ' \ 'Atreyu with an enormous steel-blue face. Her single eye had a ' \ 'vertical pupil, which stared at Atreyu with inconceivable malignancy. ' str2 = \ ' A cry of fear escaped Bastian. ' str3 = \ ' A cry of terror passed through the ravine and echoed from ' \ 'side to side. Ygramul turned her eye to left and right, to see if ' \ 'someone else had arrived, for that sound could not have been ' \ 'made by the boy who stood there as though paralyzed with ' \ 'horror. ' str4 = \ ' Could she have heard my cry? Bastion wondered in alarm. ' \ "But that's not possible. " str5 = \ ' And then Atreyu heard Ygramuls voice. It was very high ' \ 'and slightly hoarse, not at all the right kind of voice for that ' \ 'enormous face. Her lips did not move as she spoke. It was the ' \ 'buzzing of a great swarm of hornets that shaped itself into ' \ 'words. ' str = '' attr_str = UI.new_attributed_string(str) def attr_str.append(what, color) case color when :red color_attribute = UI.new_color_attribute(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.7) when :green color_attribute = UI.new_color_attribute(0.5, 0.0, 0.25, 0.7) end start = UI.attributed_string_len(self) UI.attributed_string_append_unattributed(self, what) UI.attributed_string_set_attribute(self, color_attribute, start, start + what.size) UI.attributed_string_append_unattributed(self, "\n\n") end attr_str.append(str1, :green) attr_str.append(str2, :red) attr_str.append(str3, :green) attr_str.append(str4, :red) attr_str.append(str5, :green) Georgia = 'Georgia' handler_draw_event = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [1, 1, 1]) do |_, _, adp| area_draw_params = UI::FFI::AreaDrawParams.new(adp) default_font = UI::FFI::FontDescriptor.malloc default_font.Family = Georgia default_font.Size = 13 default_font.Weight = 500 default_font.Italic = 0 default_font.Stretch = 4 params = UI::FFI::DrawTextLayoutParams.malloc # UI.font_button_font(font_button, default_font) params.String = attr_str params.DefaultFont = default_font params.Width = area_draw_params.AreaWidth params.Align = 0 text_layout = UI.draw_new_text_layout(params) UI.draw_text(area_draw_params.Context, text_layout, 0, 0) UI.draw_free_text_layout(text_layout) end handler.Draw = handler_draw_event # Assigning to local variables # This is intended to protect Fiddle::Closure from garbage collection. handler.MouseEvent = (c1 = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [0]) {}) handler.MouseCrossed = (c2 = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [0]) {}) handler.DragBroken = (c3 = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [0]) {}) handler.KeyEvent = (c4 = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [0]) {}) box = UI.new_vertical_box UI.box_set_padded(box, 1) UI.box_append(box, area, 1) main_window = UI.new_window(TITLE, 600, 400, 1) UI.window_set_margined(main_window, 1) UI.window_set_child(main_window, box) UI.window_on_closing(main_window) do UI.control_destroy(main_window) UI.quit 0 end UI.control_show(main_window) UI.main UI.quit ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' # Michael Ende (1929-1995) # The Neverending Story is a fantasy novel by German writer Michael Ende, # The English version, translated by Ralph Manheim, was published in 1983. class BasicDrawText include Glimmer def alternating_color_string(initial: false, &block) @index = 0 if initial @index += 1 string { if @index.odd? color r: 0.5, g: 0, b: 0.25, a: 0.7 else color r: 0, g: 0.5, b: 0, a: 0.7 end block.call + "\n\n" } end def launch window('Michael Ende (1929-1995) The Neverending Story', 600, 400) { margined true area { text { # default arguments for x, y, and width are (0, 0, area_draw_params[:area_width]) # align :left # default alignment default_font family: 'Georgia', size: 13, weight: :medium, italic: :normal, stretch: :normal alternating_color_string(initial: true) { ' At last Ygramul sensed that something was coming toward ' \ 'her. With the speed of lightning, she turned about, confronting ' \ 'Atreyu with an enormous steel-blue face. Her single eye had a ' \ 'vertical pupil, which stared at Atreyu with inconceivable malignancy. ' } alternating_color_string { ' A cry of fear escaped Bastian. ' } alternating_color_string { ' A cry of terror passed through the ravine and echoed from ' \ 'side to side. Ygramul turned her eye to left and right, to see if ' \ 'someone else had arrived, for that sound could not have been ' \ 'made by the boy who stood there as though paralyzed with ' \ 'horror. ' } alternating_color_string { ' Could she have heard my cry? Bastion wondered in alarm. ' \ "But that's not possible. " } alternating_color_string { ' And then Atreyu heard Ygramuls voice. It was very high ' \ 'and slightly hoarse, not at all the right kind of voice for that ' \ 'enormous face. Her lips did not move as she spoke. It was the ' \ 'buzzing of a great swarm of hornets that shaped itself into ' \ 'words. ' } } } }.show end end BasicDrawText.new.launch ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 2: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' # Michael Ende (1929-1995) # The Neverending Story is a fantasy novel by German writer Michael Ende, # The English version, translated by Ralph Manheim, was published in 1983. class BasicDrawText include Glimmer def alternating_color_string(initial: false, &block) @index = 0 if initial @index += 1 string { if @index.odd? color r: 0.5, g: 0, b: 0.25, a: 0.7 else color r: 0, g: 0.5, b: 0, a: 0.7 end block.call + "\n\n" } end def launch window('Michael Ende (1929-1995) The Neverending Story', 600, 400) { margined true area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| text { # default arguments for x, y, and width are (0, 0, area_draw_params[:area_width]) # align :left # default alignment default_font family: 'Georgia', size: 13, weight: :medium, italic: :normal, stretch: :normal alternating_color_string(initial: true) { ' At last Ygramul sensed that something was coming toward ' \ 'her. With the speed of lightning, she turned about, confronting ' \ 'Atreyu with an enormous steel-blue face. Her single eye had a ' \ 'vertical pupil, which stared at Atreyu with inconceivable malignancy. ' } alternating_color_string { ' A cry of fear escaped Bastian. ' } alternating_color_string { ' A cry of terror passed through the ravine and echoed from ' \ 'side to side. Ygramul turned her eye to left and right, to see if ' \ 'someone else had arrived, for that sound could not have been ' \ 'made by the boy who stood there as though paralyzed with ' \ 'horror. ' } alternating_color_string { ' Could she have heard my cry? Bastion wondered in alarm. ' \ "But that's not possible. " } alternating_color_string { ' And then Atreyu heard Ygramuls voice. It was very high ' \ 'and slightly hoarse, not at all the right kind of voice for that ' \ 'enormous face. Her lips did not move as she spoke. It was the ' \ 'buzzing of a great swarm of hornets that shaped itself into ' \ 'words. ' } } end } }.show end end BasicDrawText.new.launch ``` ### Advanced Examples #### Area Gallery [examples/area_gallery.rb](examples/area_gallery.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/area_gallery.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/area_gallery'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-area-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-area-gallery.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-area-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-area-gallery.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-area-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-area-gallery.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Area Gallery', 400, 400) { area { path { # declarative stable path (explicit path syntax for multiple shapes sharing attributes) square(0, 0, 100) square(100, 100, 400) fill r: 102, g: 102, b: 204 } path { # declarative stable path (explicit path syntax for multiple shapes sharing attributes) rectangle(0, 100, 100, 400) rectangle(100, 0, 400, 100) # linear gradient (has x0, y0, x1, y1, and stops) fill x0: 10, y0: 10, x1: 350, y1: 350, stops: [{pos: 0.25, r: 204, g: 102, b: 204}, {pos: 0.75, r: 102, g: 102, b: 204}] } polygon(100, 100, 100, 400, 400, 100, 400, 400) { # declarative stable path (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 104, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } polybezier(0, 0, 200, 100, 100, 200, 400, 100, 300, 100, 100, 300, 100, 400, 100, 300, 300, 100, 400, 400) { # declarative stable path (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2, dashes: [50, 10, 10, 10], dash_phase: -50.0 } polyline(100, 100, 400, 100, 100, 400, 400, 400, 0, 0) { # declarative stable path (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2 } arc(404, 216, 190, 90, 90, false) { # declarative stable path (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) # radial gradient (has an outer_radius in addition to x0, y0, x1, y1, and stops) fill outer_radius: 90, x0: 0, y0: 0, x1: 500, y1: 500, stops: [{pos: 0.25, r: 102, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5}, {pos: 0.75, r: 204, g: 102, b: 204}] stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2, dashes: [50, 10, 10, 10], dash_phase: -50.0 } circle(200, 200, 90) { # declarative stable path (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2 } text(161, 40, 100) { # declarative stable text string('Area Gallery') { font family: 'Arial', size: (OS.mac? ? 14 : 11) color :black } } on_mouse_event do |area_mouse_event| p area_mouse_event end on_mouse_moved do |area_mouse_event| puts 'moved' end on_mouse_down do |area_mouse_event| puts 'mouse down' end on_mouse_up do |area_mouse_event| puts 'mouse up' end on_mouse_drag_started do |area_mouse_event| puts 'drag started' end on_mouse_dragged do |area_mouse_event| puts 'dragged' end on_mouse_dropped do |area_mouse_event| puts 'dropped' end on_mouse_entered do puts 'entered' end on_mouse_exited do puts 'exited' end on_key_event do |area_key_event| p area_key_event end on_key_up do |area_key_event| puts 'key up' end on_key_down do |area_key_event| puts 'key down' end } }.show ``` New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 2 (setting shape properties instead of arguments): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Area Gallery', 400, 400) { area { path { # declarative stable path with explicit attributes (explicit path syntax for multiple shapes sharing attributes) square { x 0 y 0 length 100 } square { x 100 y 100 length 400 } fill r: 102, g: 102, b: 204 } path { # declarative stable path with explicit attributes (explicit path syntax for multiple shapes sharing attributes) rectangle { x 0 y 100 width 100 height 400 } rectangle { x 100 y 0 width 400 height 100 } # linear gradient (has x0, y0, x1, y1, and stops) fill x0: 10, y0: 10, x1: 350, y1: 350, stops: [{pos: 0.25, r: 204, g: 102, b: 204}, {pos: 0.75, r: 102, g: 102, b: 204}] } figure { # declarative stable path with explicit attributes (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) x 100 y 100 line { x 100 y 400 } line { x 400 y 100 } line { x 400 y 400 } closed true # polygon figure is closed (last point forms a line with first point) fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 104, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } figure { # declarative stable path with explicit attributes (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) x 0 y 0 bezier { c1_x 200 c1_y 100 c2_x 100 c2_y 200 end_x 400 end_y 100 } bezier { c1_x 300 c1_y 100 c2_x 100 c2_y 300 end_x 100 end_y 400 } bezier { c1_x 100 c1_y 300 c2_x 300 c2_y 100 end_x 400 end_y 400 } fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2, dashes: [50, 10, 10, 10], dash_phase: -50.0 } figure { # declarative stable path with explicit attributes (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) x 100 y 100 line { x 400 y 100 } line { x 100 y 400 } line { x 400 y 400 } line { x 0 y 0 } stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2 } arc { # declarative stable path with explicit attributes (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) x_center 404 y_center 216 radius 190 start_angle 90 sweep 90 is_negative false # radial gradient (has an outer_radius in addition to x0, y0, x1, y1, and stops) fill outer_radius: 90, x0: 0, y0: 0, x1: 500, y1: 500, stops: [{pos: 0.25, r: 102, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5}, {pos: 0.75, r: 204, g: 102, b: 204}] stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2, dashes: [50, 10, 10, 10], dash_phase: -50.0 } circle { # declarative stable path with explicit attributes (implicit path syntax for a single shape nested directly under area) x_center 200 y_center 200 radius 90 fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2 } text { # declarative stable text with explicit attributes x 161 y 40 width 100 string { font family: 'Arial', size: (OS.mac? ? 14 : 11) color :black 'Area Gallery' } } on_mouse_event do |area_mouse_event| p area_mouse_event end on_mouse_moved do |area_mouse_event| puts 'moved' end on_mouse_down do |area_mouse_event| puts 'mouse down' end on_mouse_up do |area_mouse_event| puts 'mouse up' end on_mouse_drag_started do |area_mouse_event| puts 'drag started' end on_mouse_dragged do |area_mouse_event| puts 'dragged' end on_mouse_dropped do |area_mouse_event| puts 'dropped' end on_mouse_entered do puts 'entered' end on_mouse_exited do puts 'exited' end on_key_event do |area_key_event| p area_key_event end on_key_up do |area_key_event| puts 'key up' end on_key_down do |area_key_event| puts 'key down' end } }.show ``` New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 3 (semi-declarative `on_draw` dynamic `path` approach): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Area Gallery', 400, 400) { area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| path { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block square(0, 0, 100) square(100, 100, 400) fill r: 102, g: 102, b: 204 } path { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block rectangle(0, 100, 100, 400) rectangle(100, 0, 400, 100) # linear gradient (has x0, y0, x1, y1, and stops) fill x0: 10, y0: 10, x1: 350, y1: 350, stops: [{pos: 0.25, r: 204, g: 102, b: 204}, {pos: 0.75, r: 102, g: 102, b: 204}] } polygon(100, 100, 100, 400, 400, 100, 400, 400) { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 104, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } polybezier(0, 0, 200, 100, 100, 200, 400, 100, 300, 100, 100, 300, 100, 400, 100, 300, 300, 100, 400, 400) { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2, dashes: [50, 10, 10, 10], dash_phase: -50.0 } polyline(100, 100, 400, 100, 100, 400, 400, 400, 0, 0) { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2 } arc(404, 216, 190, 90, 90, false) { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block # radial gradient (has an outer_radius in addition to x0, y0, x1, y1, and stops) fill outer_radius: 90, x0: 0, y0: 0, x1: 500, y1: 500, stops: [{pos: 0.25, r: 102, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5}, {pos: 0.75, r: 204, g: 102, b: 204}] stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2, dashes: [50, 10, 10, 10], dash_phase: -50.0 } circle(200, 200, 90) { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2 } text(161, 40, 100) { # dynamic text added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block string('Area Gallery') { font family: 'Arial', size: (OS.mac? ? 14 : 11) color :black } } end on_mouse_event do |area_mouse_event| p area_mouse_event end on_mouse_moved do |area_mouse_event| puts 'moved' end on_mouse_down do |area_mouse_event| puts 'mouse down' end on_mouse_up do |area_mouse_event| puts 'mouse up' end on_mouse_drag_started do |area_mouse_event| puts 'drag started' end on_mouse_dragged do |area_mouse_event| puts 'dragged' end on_mouse_dropped do |area_mouse_event| puts 'dropped' end on_mouse_entered do puts 'entered' end on_mouse_exited do puts 'exited' end on_key_event do |area_key_event| p area_key_event end on_key_up do |area_key_event| puts 'key up' end on_key_down do |area_key_event| puts 'key down' end } }.show ``` New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 4 (setting shape properties instead of arguments with semi-declarative `on_draw` dynamic `path` approach): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Area Gallery', 400, 400) { area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| path { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block square { x 0 y 0 length 100 } square { x 100 y 100 length 400 } fill r: 102, g: 102, b: 204 } path { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block rectangle { x 0 y 100 width 100 height 400 } rectangle { x 100 y 0 width 400 height 100 } # linear gradient (has x0, y0, x1, y1, and stops) fill x0: 10, y0: 10, x1: 350, y1: 350, stops: [{pos: 0.25, r: 204, g: 102, b: 204}, {pos: 0.75, r: 102, g: 102, b: 204}] } figure { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block x 100 y 100 line { x 100 y 400 } line { x 400 y 100 } line { x 400 y 400 } closed true # polygon figure is closed (last point forms a line with first point) fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 104, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 } figure { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block x 0 y 0 bezier { c1_x 200 c1_y 100 c2_x 100 c2_y 200 end_x 400 end_y 100 } bezier { c1_x 300 c1_y 100 c2_x 100 c2_y 300 end_x 100 end_y 400 } bezier { c1_x 100 c1_y 300 c2_x 300 c2_y 100 end_x 400 end_y 400 } fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2, dashes: [50, 10, 10, 10], dash_phase: -50.0 } figure { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block x 100 y 100 line { x 400 y 100 } line { x 100 y 400 } line { x 400 y 400 } line { x 0 y 0 } stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2 } arc { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block x_center 404 y_center 216 radius 190 start_angle 90 sweep 90 is_negative false # radial gradient (has an outer_radius in addition to x0, y0, x1, y1, and stops) fill outer_radius: 90, x0: 0, y0: 0, x1: 500, y1: 500, stops: [{pos: 0.25, r: 102, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5}, {pos: 0.75, r: 204, g: 102, b: 204}] stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2, dashes: [50, 10, 10, 10], dash_phase: -50.0 } circle { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block x_center 200 y_center 200 radius 90 fill r: 202, g: 102, b: 204, a: 0.5 stroke r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, thickness: 2 } text { # dynamic path, added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block x 161 y 40 width 100 string { font family: 'Arial', size: (OS.mac? ? 14 : 11) color :black 'Area Gallery' } } end on_mouse_event do |area_mouse_event| p area_mouse_event end on_mouse_moved do |area_mouse_event| puts 'moved' end on_mouse_down do |area_mouse_event| puts 'mouse down' end on_mouse_up do |area_mouse_event| puts 'mouse up' end on_mouse_drag_started do |area_mouse_event| puts 'drag started' end on_mouse_dragged do |area_mouse_event| puts 'dragged' end on_mouse_dropped do |area_mouse_event| puts 'dropped' end on_mouse_entered do puts 'entered' end on_mouse_exited do puts 'exited' end on_key_event do |area_key_event| p area_key_event end on_key_up do |area_key_event| puts 'key up' end on_key_down do |area_key_event| puts 'key down' end } }.show ``` #### Color The Circles [examples/color_the_circles.rb](examples/color_the_circles.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/color_the_circles.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/color_the_circles'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-color-the-circles.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-color-the-circles.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-color-the-circles-lost.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-color-the-circles-lost.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-color-the-circles-won.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-color-the-circles-won.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-color-the-circles.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-color-the-circles.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-color-the-circles-lost.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-color-the-circles-lost.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-color-the-circles-won.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-color-the-circles-won.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-color-the-circles.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-color-the-circles.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-color-the-circles-lost.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-color-the-circles-lost.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-color-the-circles-won.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-color-the-circles-won.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' class ColorTheCircles include Glimmer WINDOW_WIDTH = 800 WINDOW_HEIGHT = 600 SHAPE_MIN_SIZE = 15 SHAPE_MAX_SIZE = 75 MARGIN_WIDTH = 55 MARGIN_HEIGHT = 155 TIME_MAX_EASY = 4 TIME_MAX_MEDIUM = 3 TIME_MAX_HARD = 2 TIME_MAX_INSANE = 1 attr_accessor :score def initialize @circles_data = [] @score = 0 @time_max = TIME_MAX_HARD @game_over = false register_observers setup_circle_factory end def register_observers # observe automatically enhances self to become Glimmer::DataBinding::ObservableModel and notify observer block of score attribute changes observe(self, :score) do |new_score| Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main do @score_label.text = new_score.to_s if new_score == -20 @game_over = true msg_box('You Lost!', 'Sorry! Your score reached -20') restart_game elsif new_score == 0 @game_over = true msg_box('You Won!', 'Congratulations! Your score reached 0') restart_game end end end end def setup_circle_factory consumer = Proc.new do unless @game_over if @circles_data.empty? # start with 3 circles to make more challenging add_circle until @circles_data.size > 3 else add_circle end end delay = rand * @time_max Glimmer::LibUI.timer(delay, repeat: false, &consumer) end Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main(&consumer) end def add_circle circle_x = rand * (WINDOW_WIDTH - MARGIN_WIDTH - SHAPE_MAX_SIZE) + SHAPE_MAX_SIZE circle_y = rand * (WINDOW_HEIGHT - MARGIN_HEIGHT - SHAPE_MAX_SIZE) + SHAPE_MAX_SIZE circle_size = rand * (SHAPE_MAX_SIZE - SHAPE_MIN_SIZE) + SHAPE_MIN_SIZE stroke_color = Glimmer::LibUI.x11_colors.sample @circles_data << { args: [circle_x, circle_y, circle_size], fill: nil, stroke: stroke_color } @area.queue_redraw_all self.score -= 1 # notifies score observers automatically of change end def restart_game @score = 0 # update variable directly to avoid notifying observers @circles_data.clear @game_over = false end def color_circle(x, y) clicked_circle_data = @circles_data.find do |circle_data| circle_data[:fill].nil? && circle_data[:circle]&.include?(x, y) end if clicked_circle_data clicked_circle_data[:fill] = clicked_circle_data[:stroke] push_colored_circle_behind_uncolored_circles(clicked_circle_data) @area.queue_redraw_all self.score += 1 # notifies score observers automatically of change end end def push_colored_circle_behind_uncolored_circles(colored_circle_data) removed_colored_circle_data = @circles_data.delete(colored_circle_data) last_colored_circle_data = @circles_data.select {|cd| cd[:fill]}.last last_colored_circle_data_index = @circles_data.index(last_colored_circle_data) || -1 @circles_data.insert(last_colored_circle_data_index + 1, removed_colored_circle_data) end def launch menu('Actions') { menu_item('Restart') { on_clicked do restart_game end } quit_menu_item } menu('Difficulty') { radio_menu_item('Easy') { on_clicked do @time_max = TIME_MAX_EASY end } radio_menu_item('Medium') { on_clicked do @time_max = TIME_MAX_MEDIUM end } radio_menu_item('Hard') { checked true on_clicked do @time_max = TIME_MAX_HARD end } radio_menu_item('Insane') { on_clicked do @time_max = TIME_MAX_INSANE end } } menu('Help') { menu_item('Instructions') { on_clicked do msg_box('Instructions', "Score goes down as circles are added.\nIf it reaches -20, you lose!\n\nClick circles to color and score!\nOnce score reaches 0, you win!\n\nBeware of concealed light-colored circles!\nThey are revealed once darker circles intersect them.\n\nThere are four levels of difficulty.\nChange via difficulty menu if the game gets too tough.") end } } window('Color The Circles', WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT) { margined true grid { button('Restart') { left 0 top 0 halign :center on_clicked do restart_game end } label('Score goes down as circles are added. If it reaches -20, you lose!') { left 0 top 1 halign :center } label('Click circles to color and score! Once score reaches 0, you win!') { left 0 top 2 halign :center } horizontal_box { left 0 top 3 halign :center label('Score:') { stretchy false } @score_label = label(@score.to_s) { stretchy false } } @area = area { left 0 top 4 hexpand true vexpand true halign :fill valign :fill on_draw do |area_draw_params| path { rectangle(0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT) fill :white } @circles_data.each do |circle_data| circle_data[:circle] = circle(*circle_data[:args]) { fill circle_data[:fill] stroke circle_data[:stroke] } end end on_mouse_down do |area_mouse_event| color_circle(area_mouse_event[:x], area_mouse_event[:y]) end } } }.show end end ColorTheCircles.new.launch ``` #### Control Gallery [examples/control_gallery.rb](examples/control_gallery.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/control_gallery.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/control_gallery'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-control-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-control-gallery.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-control-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-control-gallery.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-control-gallery.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-control-gallery.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby require 'libui' UI = LibUI UI.init should_quit = proc do puts 'Bye Bye' UI.control_destroy(MAIN_WINDOW) UI.quit 0 end # File menu menu = UI.new_menu('File') open_menu_item = UI.menu_append_item(menu, 'Open') UI.menu_item_on_clicked(open_menu_item) do pt = UI.open_file(MAIN_WINDOW) puts pt unless pt.null? end save_menu_item = UI.menu_append_item(menu, 'Save') UI.menu_item_on_clicked(save_menu_item) do pt = UI.save_file(MAIN_WINDOW) puts pt unless pt.null? end UI.menu_append_quit_item(menu) UI.on_should_quit(should_quit) # Edit menu edit_menu = UI.new_menu('Edit') UI.menu_append_check_item(edit_menu, 'Checkable Item_') UI.menu_append_separator(edit_menu) disabled_item = UI.menu_append_item(edit_menu, 'Disabled Item_') UI.menu_item_disable(disabled_item) preferences = UI.menu_append_preferences_item(menu) # Help menu help_menu = UI.new_menu('Help') UI.menu_append_item(help_menu, 'Help') UI.menu_append_about_item(help_menu) # Main Window MAIN_WINDOW = UI.new_window('Control Gallery', 600, 500, 1) UI.window_set_margined(MAIN_WINDOW, 1) UI.window_on_closing(MAIN_WINDOW, should_quit) vbox = UI.new_vertical_box UI.window_set_child(MAIN_WINDOW, vbox) hbox = UI.new_horizontal_box UI.box_set_padded(vbox, 1) UI.box_set_padded(hbox, 1) UI.box_append(vbox, hbox, 1) # Group - Basic Controls group = UI.new_group('Basic Controls') UI.group_set_margined(group, 1) UI.box_append(hbox, group, 1) # OSX bug? inner = UI.new_vertical_box UI.box_set_padded(inner, 1) UI.group_set_child(group, inner) # Button button = UI.new_button('Button') UI.button_on_clicked(button) do UI.msg_box(MAIN_WINDOW, 'Information', 'You clicked the button') end UI.box_append(inner, button, 0) # Checkbox checkbox = UI.new_checkbox('Checkbox') UI.checkbox_on_toggled(checkbox) do |ptr| checked = UI.checkbox_checked(ptr) == 1 UI.window_set_title(MAIN_WINDOW, "Checkbox is #{checked}") UI.checkbox_set_text(ptr, "I am the checkbox (#{checked})") end UI.box_append(inner, checkbox, 0) # Label UI.box_append(inner, UI.new_label('Label'), 0) # Separator UI.box_append(inner, UI.new_horizontal_separator, 0) # Date Picker UI.box_append(inner, UI.new_date_picker, 0) # Time Picker UI.box_append(inner, UI.new_time_picker, 0) # Date Time Picker UI.box_append(inner, UI.new_date_time_picker, 0) # Font Button UI.box_append(inner, UI.new_font_button, 0) # Color Button UI.box_append(inner, UI.new_color_button, 0) inner2 = UI.new_vertical_box UI.box_set_padded(inner2, 1) UI.box_append(hbox, inner2, 1) # Group - Numbers group = UI.new_group('Numbers') UI.group_set_margined(group, 1) UI.box_append(inner2, group, 0) inner = UI.new_vertical_box UI.box_set_padded(inner, 1) UI.group_set_child(group, inner) # Spinbox spinbox = UI.new_spinbox(0, 100) UI.spinbox_set_value(spinbox, 42) UI.spinbox_on_changed(spinbox) do |ptr| puts "New Spinbox value: #{UI.spinbox_value(ptr)}" end UI.box_append(inner, spinbox, 0) # Slider slider = UI.new_slider(0, 100) UI.box_append(inner, slider, 0) # Progressbar progressbar = UI.new_progress_bar UI.box_append(inner, progressbar, 0) UI.slider_on_changed(slider) do |ptr| v = UI.slider_value(ptr) puts "New Slider value: #{v}" UI.progress_bar_set_value(progressbar, v) end # Group - Lists group = UI.new_group('Lists') UI.group_set_margined(group, 1) UI.box_append(inner2, group, 0) inner = UI.new_vertical_box UI.box_set_padded(inner, 1) UI.group_set_child(group, inner) # Combobox cbox = UI.new_combobox UI.combobox_append(cbox, 'combobox Item 1') UI.combobox_append(cbox, 'combobox Item 2') UI.combobox_append(cbox, 'combobox Item 3') UI.box_append(inner, cbox, 0) UI.combobox_on_selected(cbox) do |ptr| puts "New combobox selection: #{UI.combobox_selected(ptr)}" end # Editable Combobox ebox = UI.new_editable_combobox UI.editable_combobox_append(ebox, 'Editable Item 1') UI.editable_combobox_append(ebox, 'Editable Item 2') UI.editable_combobox_append(ebox, 'Editable Item 3') UI.box_append(inner, ebox, 0) # Radio Buttons rb = UI.new_radio_buttons UI.radio_buttons_append(rb, 'Radio Button 1') UI.radio_buttons_append(rb, 'Radio Button 2') UI.radio_buttons_append(rb, 'Radio Button 3') UI.box_append(inner, rb, 1) # Tab tab = UI.new_tab hbox1 = UI.new_horizontal_box hbox2 = UI.new_horizontal_box UI.tab_append(tab, 'Page 1', hbox1) UI.tab_append(tab, 'Page 2', hbox2) UI.tab_append(tab, 'Page 3', UI.new_horizontal_box) UI.box_append(inner2, tab, 1) # Text Entry text_entry = UI.new_entry UI.entry_set_text text_entry, 'Please enter your feelings' UI.entry_on_changed(text_entry) do |ptr| puts "Current textbox data: '#{UI.entry_text(ptr)}'" end UI.box_append(hbox1, text_entry, 1) UI.control_show(MAIN_WINDOW) UI.main UI.quit ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer menu('File') { menu_item('Open') { on_clicked do file = open_file puts file unless file.nil? end } menu_item('Save') { on_clicked do file = save_file puts file unless file.nil? end } quit_menu_item { on_clicked do puts 'Bye Bye' end } preferences_menu_item # Can optionally contain an on_clicked listener } menu('Edit') { check_menu_item('Checkable Item_') separator_menu_item menu_item('Disabled Item_') { enabled false } } menu('Help') { menu_item('Help') about_menu_item # Can optionally contain an on_clicked listener } MAIN_WINDOW = window('Control Gallery', 600, 500) { margined true on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end vertical_box { horizontal_box { group('Basic Controls') { vertical_box { button('Button') { stretchy false on_clicked do msg_box('Information', 'You clicked the button') end } checkbox('Checkbox') { stretchy false on_toggled do |c| checked = c.checked? MAIN_WINDOW.title = "Checkbox is #{checked}" c.text = "I am the checkbox (#{checked})" end } label('Label') { stretchy false } horizontal_separator { stretchy false } date_picker { stretchy false } time_picker { stretchy false } date_time_picker { stretchy false } font_button { stretchy false } color_button { stretchy false } } } vertical_box { group('Numbers') { stretchy false vertical_box { spinbox(0, 100) { stretchy false value 42 on_changed do |s| puts "New Spinbox value: #{s.value}" end } slider(0, 100) { stretchy false on_changed do |s| v = s.value puts "New Slider value: #{v}" @progress_bar.value = v end } @progress_bar = progress_bar { stretchy false } } } group('Lists') { stretchy false vertical_box { combobox { stretchy false items 'combobox Item 1', 'combobox Item 2', 'combobox Item 3' # also accepts a single array argument on_selected do |c| puts "New combobox selection: #{c.selected}" end } editable_combobox { stretchy false items 'Editable Item 1', 'Editable Item 2', 'Editable Item 3' # also accepts a single array argument } radio_buttons { items 'Radio Button 1', 'Radio Button 2', 'Radio Button 3' # also accepts a single array argument } } } tab { tab_item('Page 1') { horizontal_box { entry { text 'Please enter your feelings' on_changed do |e| puts "Current textbox data: '#{e.text}'" end } } } tab_item('Page 2') { horizontal_box } tab_item('Page 3') { horizontal_box } } } } } } MAIN_WINDOW.show ``` #### Custom Draw Text [examples/custom_draw_text.rb](examples/custom_draw_text.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/custom_draw_text.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/custom_draw_text'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-custom-draw-text.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-custom-draw-text.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-custom-draw-text-changed.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-custom-draw-text-changed.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-custom-draw-text.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-custom-draw-text.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-custom-draw-text-changed.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-custom-draw-text-changed.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-custom-draw-text.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-custom-draw-text.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-custom-draw-text-changed.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-custom-draw-text-changed.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' # Michael Ende (1929-1995) # The Neverending Story is a fantasy novel by German writer Michael Ende, # The English version, translated by Ralph Manheim, was published in 1983. class CustomDrawText include Glimmer def launch window('Michael Ende (1929-1995) The Neverending Story', 600, 500) { margined true vertical_box { form { stretchy false font_button { |fb| label 'Font' on_changed do @string.font = fb.font end } color_button { |cb| label 'Color' on_changed do @string.color = cb.color end } color_button { |cb| label 'Background' on_changed do @string.background = cb.color end } combobox { |c| label 'Underline' items Glimmer::LibUI.enum_symbols(:underline).map(&:to_s).map {|word| word.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')} selected 'None' on_selected do @string.underline = c.selected_item.underscore end } } area { text { # default arguments for x, y, and width are (0, 0, area_draw_params[:area_width]) # align :left # default alignment @string = string { ' At last Ygramul sensed that something was coming toward ' \ 'her. With the speed of lightning, she turned about, confronting ' \ 'Atreyu with an enormous steel-blue face. Her single eye had a ' \ 'vertical pupil, which stared at Atreyu with inconceivable malignancy. ' \ "\n\n" \ ' A cry of fear escaped Bastian. ' \ "\n\n" \ ' A cry of terror passed through the ravine and echoed from ' \ 'side to side. Ygramul turned her eye to left and right, to see if ' \ 'someone else had arrived, for that sound could not have been ' \ 'made by the boy who stood there as though paralyzed with ' \ 'horror. ' \ "\n\n" \ ' Could she have heard my cry? Bastion wondered in alarm. ' \ "But that's not possible. " \ "\n\n" \ ' And then Atreyu heard Ygramuls voice. It was very high ' \ 'and slightly hoarse, not at all the right kind of voice for that ' \ 'enormous face. Her lips did not move as she spoke. It was the ' \ 'buzzing of a great swarm of hornets that shaped itself into ' \ 'words. ' \ "\n\n" } } } } }.show end end CustomDrawText.new.launch ``` New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 2: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' # Michael Ende (1929-1995) # The Neverending Story is a fantasy novel by German writer Michael Ende, # The English version, translated by Ralph Manheim, was published in 1983. class CustomDrawText include Glimmer def launch window('Michael Ende (1929-1995) The Neverending Story', 600, 500) { margined true vertical_box { form { stretchy false font_button { |fb| label 'Font' on_changed do @font = fb.font @area.queue_redraw_all end } color_button { |cb| label 'Color' on_changed do @color = cb.color @area.queue_redraw_all end } color_button { |cb| label 'Background' on_changed do @background = cb.color @area.queue_redraw_all end } combobox { |c| label 'Underline' items Glimmer::LibUI.enum_symbols(:underline).map(&:to_s).map {|word| word.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')} selected 'None' on_selected do @underline = c.selected_item.underscore @area.queue_redraw_all end } } @area = area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| text { # default arguments for x, y, and width are (0, 0, area_draw_params[:area_width]) # align :left # default alignment string { font @font color @color background @background underline @underline ' At last Ygramul sensed that something was coming toward ' \ 'her. With the speed of lightning, she turned about, confronting ' \ 'Atreyu with an enormous steel-blue face. Her single eye had a ' \ 'vertical pupil, which stared at Atreyu with inconceivable malignancy. ' \ "\n\n" \ ' A cry of fear escaped Bastian. ' \ "\n\n" \ ' A cry of terror passed through the ravine and echoed from ' \ 'side to side. Ygramul turned her eye to left and right, to see if ' \ 'someone else had arrived, for that sound could not have been ' \ 'made by the boy who stood there as though paralyzed with ' \ 'horror. ' \ "\n\n" \ ' Could she have heard my cry? Bastion wondered in alarm. ' \ "But that's not possible. " \ "\n\n" \ ' And then Atreyu heard Ygramuls voice. It was very high ' \ 'and slightly hoarse, not at all the right kind of voice for that ' \ 'enormous face. Her lips did not move as she spoke. It was the ' \ 'buzzing of a great swarm of hornets that shaped itself into ' \ 'words. ' \ "\n\n" } } end } } }.show end end CustomDrawText.new.launch ``` #### Dynamic Area [examples/dynamic_area.rb](examples/dynamic_area.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/dynamic_area.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/dynamic_area'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-dynamic-area.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-dynamic-area.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-dynamic-area-updated.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-dynamic-area-updated.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-dynamic-area.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-dynamic-area.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-dynamic-area-updated.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-dynamic-area-updated.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-dynamic-area.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-dynamic-area.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-dynamic-area-updated.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-dynamic-area-updated.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Dynamic Area', 240, 600) { margined true vertical_box { label('Rectangle Properties') { stretchy false } form { stretchy false @x_spinbox = spinbox(0, 1000) { label 'x' value 25 on_changed do @area.queue_redraw_all end } @y_spinbox = spinbox(0, 1000) { label 'y' value 25 on_changed do @area.queue_redraw_all end } @width_spinbox = spinbox(0, 1000) { label 'width' value 150 on_changed do @area.queue_redraw_all end } @height_spinbox = spinbox(0, 1000) { label 'height' value 150 on_changed do @area.queue_redraw_all end } @red_spinbox = spinbox(0, 255) { label 'red' value 102 on_changed do @area.queue_redraw_all end } @green_spinbox = spinbox(0, 255) { label 'green' value 102 on_changed do @area.queue_redraw_all end } @blue_spinbox = spinbox(0, 255) { label 'blue' value 204 on_changed do @area.queue_redraw_all end } @alpha_spinbox = spinbox(0, 100) { label 'alpha' value 100 on_changed do @area.queue_redraw_all end } } @area = area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| rectangle(@x_spinbox.value, @y_spinbox.value, @width_spinbox.value, @height_spinbox.value) { # a dynamic path is added semi-declaratively inside on_draw block fill r: @red_spinbox.value, g: @green_spinbox.value, b: @blue_spinbox.value, a: @alpha_spinbox.value / 100.0 } end } } }.show ``` New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version 2 (declarative stable `path` approach): ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Dynamic Area', 240, 600) { margined true vertical_box { label('Rectangle Properties') { stretchy false } form { stretchy false @x_spinbox = spinbox(0, 1000) { label 'x' value 25 on_changed do @rectangle.x = @x_spinbox.value # updating properties automatically triggers area.queue_redraw_all end } @y_spinbox = spinbox(0, 1000) { label 'y' value 25 on_changed do @rectangle.y = @y_spinbox.value # updating properties automatically triggers area.queue_redraw_all end } @width_spinbox = spinbox(0, 1000) { label 'width' value 150 on_changed do @rectangle.width = @width_spinbox.value # updating properties automatically triggers area.queue_redraw_all end } @height_spinbox = spinbox(0, 1000) { label 'height' value 150 on_changed do @rectangle.height = @height_spinbox.value # updating properties automatically triggers area.queue_redraw_all end } @red_spinbox = spinbox(0, 255) { label 'red' value 102 on_changed do @rectangle.fill[:r] = @red_spinbox.value # updating hash properties automatically triggers area.queue_redraw_all end } @green_spinbox = spinbox(0, 255) { label 'green' value 102 on_changed do @rectangle.fill[:g] = @green_spinbox.value # updating hash properties automatically triggers area.queue_redraw_all end } @blue_spinbox = spinbox(0, 255) { label 'blue' value 204 on_changed do @rectangle.fill[:b] = @blue_spinbox.value # updating hash properties automatically triggers area.queue_redraw_all end } @alpha_spinbox = spinbox(0, 100) { label 'alpha' value 100 on_changed do @rectangle.fill[:a] = @alpha_spinbox.value / 100.0 # updating hash properties automatically triggers area.queue_redraw_all end } } area { @rectangle = rectangle(@x_spinbox.value, @y_spinbox.value, @width_spinbox.value, @height_spinbox.value) { # stable path fill r: @red_spinbox.value, g: @green_spinbox.value, b: @blue_spinbox.value, a: @alpha_spinbox.value / 100.0 } } } }.show ``` #### Editable Column Table [examples/editable_column_table.rb](examples/editable_column_table.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/editable_column_table.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/editable_column_table'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-editable-column-table-editing.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-editable-column-table-editing.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-editable-column-table-edited.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-editable-column-table-edited.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-editable-column-table-editing.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-editable-column-table-editing.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-editable-column-table-edited.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-editable-column-table-edited.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-editable-column-table-editing.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-editable-column-table-editing.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-editable-column-table-edited.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-editable-column-table-edited.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer data = [ %w[cat calm meow], %w[dog loyal woof], %w[chicken bird cock-a-doodle-doo], %w[horse fast neigh], %w[cow slow moo] ] window('Editable column animal sounds', 400, 200) { horizontal_box { table { text_column('Animal') text_column('Description') text_column('Sound (Editable)') { editable true } cell_rows data } } on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end }.show ``` #### Editable Table [examples/editable_table.rb](examples/editable_table.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/editable_table.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/editable_table'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-editable-table.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-editable-table.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-editable-table-editing.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-editable-table-editing.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-editable-table-edited.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-editable-table-edited.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-editable-table.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-editable-table.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-editable-table-editing.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-editable-table-editing.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-editable-table-edited.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-editable-table-edited.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-editable-table.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-editable-table.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-editable-table-editing.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-editable-table-editing.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-editable-table-edited.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-editable-table-edited.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer data = [ %w[cat meow], %w[dog woof], %w[chicken cock-a-doodle-doo], %w[horse neigh], %w[cow moo] ] window('Editable animal sounds', 300, 200) { horizontal_box { table { text_column('Animal') text_column('Description') cell_rows data editable true on_changed do |row, type, row_data| # fires on all changes (even ones happening through data array) puts "Row #{row} #{type}: #{row_data}" end on_edited do |row, row_data| # only fires on direct table editing puts "Row #{row} edited: #{row_data}" end } } on_closing do puts 'Bye Bye' end }.show ``` #### Form Table [examples/form_table.rb](examples/form_table.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/form_table.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/form_table'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-form-table.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-form-table.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-form-table-contact-entered.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-form-table-contact-entered.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-form-table-filtered.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-form-table-filtered.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-form-table.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-form-table.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-form-table-contact-entered.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-form-table-contact-entered.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-form-table-filtered.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-form-table-filtered.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-form-table.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-form-table.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-form-table-contact-entered.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-form-table-contact-entered.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-form-table-filtered.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-form-table-filtered.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer data = [ ['Lisa Sky', 'lisa@sky.com', '720-523-4329', 'Denver', 'CO', '80014'], ['Jordan Biggins', 'jordan@biggins.com', '617-528-5399', 'Boston', 'MA', '02101'], ['Mary Glass', 'mary@glass.com', '847-589-8788', 'Elk Grove Village', 'IL', '60007'], ['Darren McGrath', 'darren@mcgrath.com', '206-539-9283', 'Seattle', 'WA', '98101'], ['Melody Hanheimer', 'melody@hanheimer.com', '213-493-8274', 'Los Angeles', 'CA', '90001'], ] window('Contacts', 600, 600) { |w| margined true vertical_box { form { stretchy false @name_entry = entry { label 'Name' } @email_entry = entry { label 'Email' } @phone_entry = entry { label 'Phone' } @city_entry = entry { label 'City' } @state_entry = entry { label 'State' } } button('Save Contact') { stretchy false on_clicked do new_row = [@name_entry.text, @email_entry.text, @phone_entry.text, @city_entry.text, @state_entry.text] if new_row.include?('') msg_box_error(w, 'Validation Error!', 'All fields are required! Please make sure to enter a value for all fields.') else data << new_row # automatically inserts a row into the table due to implicit data-binding @unfiltered_data = data.dup @name_entry.text = '' @email_entry.text = '' @phone_entry.text = '' @city_entry.text = '' @state_entry.text = '' end end } search_entry { |se| stretchy false on_changed do filter_value = se.text @unfiltered_data ||= data.dup # Unfilter first to remove any previous filters data.replace(@unfiltered_data) # affects table indirectly through implicit data-binding # Now, apply filter if entered unless filter_value.empty? data.filter! do |row_data| # affects table indirectly through implicit data-binding row_data.any? do |cell| cell.to_s.downcase.include?(filter_value.downcase) end end end end } table { text_column('Name') text_column('Email') text_column('Phone') text_column('City') text_column('State') cell_rows data # implicit data-binding on_changed do |row, type, row_data| puts "Row #{row} #{type}: #{row_data}" end } } }.show ``` #### Grid [examples/grid.rb](examples/grid.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/grid.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/grid'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-grid-span.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-grid-span.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-grid-expand.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-grid-expand.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-grid-align.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-grid-align.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-grid-span.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-grid-span.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-grid-expand.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-grid-expand.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-grid-align.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-grid-align.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-grid-span.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-grid-span.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-grid-expand.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-grid-expand.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-grid-align.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-grid-align.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Grid') { tab { tab_item('Span') { grid { 4.times do |top_value| 4.times do |left_value| label("(#{left_value}, #{top_value}) xspan1\nyspan1") { left left_value top top_value hexpand true vexpand true } end end label("(0, 4) xspan2\nyspan1 more text fits horizontally") { left 0 top 4 xspan 2 } label("(2, 4) xspan2\nyspan1 more text fits horizontally") { left 2 top 4 xspan 2 } label("(0, 5) xspan1\nyspan2\nmore text\nfits vertically") { left 0 top 5 yspan 2 } label("(0, 7) xspan1\nyspan2\nmore text\nfits vertically") { left 0 top 7 yspan 2 } label("(1, 5) xspan3\nyspan4 a lot more text fits horizontally than before\nand\neven\na lot\nmore text\nfits vertically\nthan\nbefore") { left 1 top 5 xspan 3 yspan 4 } } } tab_item('Expand') { grid { label("(0, 0) hexpand/vexpand\nall available horizontal space is taken\nand\nall\navailable\nvertical\nspace\nis\ntaken") { left 0 top 0 hexpand true vexpand true } label("(1, 0)") { left 1 top 0 } label("(0, 1)") { left 0 top 1 } label("(1, 1)") { left 1 top 1 } } } tab_item('Align') { grid { label("(0, 0) halign/valign fill\nall available horizontal space is taken\nand\nall\navailable\nvertical\nspace\nis\ntaken") { left 0 top 0 hexpand true unless OS.mac? # on Mac, only the first label is given all space, so avoid expanding vexpand true unless OS.mac? # on Mac, only the first label is given all space, so avoid expanding halign :fill valign :fill } label("(1, 0) halign/valign start") { left 1 top 0 hexpand true unless OS.mac? # on Mac, only the first label is given all space, so avoid expanding vexpand true unless OS.mac? # on Mac, only the first label is given all space, so avoid expanding halign :start valign :start } label("(0, 1) halign/valign center") { left 0 top 1 hexpand true unless OS.mac? # on Mac, only the first label is given all space, so avoid expanding vexpand true unless OS.mac? # on Mac, only the first label is given all space, so avoid expanding halign :center valign :center } label("(1, 1) halign/valign end") { left 1 top 1 hexpand true unless OS.mac? # on Mac, only the first label is given all space, so avoid expanding vexpand true unless OS.mac? # on Mac, only the first label is given all space, so avoid expanding halign :end valign :end } } } } }.show ``` #### Histogram [examples/histogram.rb](examples/histogram.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/histogram.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/histogram'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-histogram.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-histogram.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-histogram.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-histogram.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-histogram.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-histogram.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby # https://github.com/jamescook/libui-ruby/blob/master/example/histogram.rb require 'libui' UI = LibUI X_OFF_LEFT = 20 Y_OFF_TOP = 20 X_OFF_RIGHT = 20 Y_OFF_BOTTOM = 20 POINT_RADIUS = 5 init = UI.init handler = UI::FFI::AreaHandler.malloc histogram = UI.new_area(handler) brush = UI::FFI::DrawBrush.malloc color_button = UI.new_color_button blue = 0x1E90FF datapoints = [] def graph_size(area_width, area_height) graph_width = area_width - X_OFF_LEFT - X_OFF_RIGHT graph_height = area_height - Y_OFF_TOP - Y_OFF_BOTTOM [graph_width, graph_height] end matrix = UI::FFI::DrawMatrix.malloc def point_locations(datapoints, width, height) xincr = width / 9.0 # 10 - 1 to make the last point be at the end yincr = height / 100.0 data = [] datapoints.each_with_index do |dp, i| val = 100 - UI.spinbox_value(dp) data << [xincr * i, yincr * val] i += 1 end data end def construct_graph(datapoints, width, height, should_extend) locations = point_locations(datapoints, width, height) path = UI.draw_new_path(0) # winding first_location = locations[0] # x and y UI.draw_path_new_figure(path, first_location[0], first_location[1]) locations.each do |loc| UI.draw_path_line_to(path, loc[0], loc[1]) end if should_extend UI.draw_path_line_to(path, width, height) UI.draw_path_line_to(path, 0, height) UI.draw_path_close_figure(path) end UI.draw_path_end(path) path end handler_draw_event = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new( 0, [1, 1, 1] ) do |_area_handler, _area, area_draw_params| area_draw_params = UI::FFI::AreaDrawParams.new(area_draw_params) path = UI.draw_new_path(0) # winding UI.draw_path_add_rectangle(path, 0, 0, area_draw_params.AreaWidth, area_draw_params.AreaHeight) UI.draw_path_end(path) set_solid_brush(brush, 0xFFFFFF, 1.0) # white UI.draw_fill(area_draw_params.Context, path, brush.to_ptr) UI.draw_free_path(path) dsp = UI::FFI::DrawStrokeParams.malloc dsp.Cap = 0 # flat dsp.Join = 0 # miter dsp.Thickness = 2 dsp.MiterLimit = 10 # DEFAULT_MITER_LIMIT dashes = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(8) dsp.Dashes = dashes dsp.NumDashes = 0 dsp.DashPhase = 0 # draw axes set_solid_brush(brush, 0x000000, 1.0) # black graph_width, graph_height = *graph_size(area_draw_params.AreaWidth, area_draw_params.AreaHeight) path = UI.draw_new_path(0) # winding UI.draw_path_new_figure(path, X_OFF_LEFT, Y_OFF_TOP) UI.draw_path_line_to(path, X_OFF_LEFT, Y_OFF_TOP + graph_height) UI.draw_path_line_to(path, X_OFF_LEFT + graph_width, Y_OFF_TOP + graph_height) UI.draw_path_end(path) UI.draw_stroke(area_draw_params.Context, path, brush, dsp) UI.draw_free_path(path) # now transform the coordinate space so (0, 0) is the top-left corner of the graph UI.draw_matrix_set_identity(matrix) UI.draw_matrix_translate(matrix, X_OFF_LEFT, Y_OFF_TOP) UI.draw_transform(area_draw_params.Context, matrix) # now get the color for the graph itself and set up the brush # uiColorButtonColor(colorButton, &graphR, &graphG, &graphB, &graphA) graph_r = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(8) # double graph_g = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(8) # double graph_b = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(8) # double graph_a = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(8) # double UI.color_button_color(color_button, graph_r, graph_g, graph_b, graph_a) brush.Type = 0 # solid brush.R = graph_r[0, 8].unpack1('d') brush.G = graph_g[0, 8].unpack1('d') brush.B = graph_b[0, 8].unpack1('d') # now create the fill for the graph below the graph line path = construct_graph(datapoints, graph_width, graph_height, true) brush.A = graph_a[0, 8].unpack1('d') / 2.0 UI.draw_fill(area_draw_params.Context, path, brush) UI.draw_free_path(path) # now draw the histogram line path = construct_graph(datapoints, graph_width, graph_height, false) brush.A = graph_a[0, 8].unpack1('d') UI.draw_stroke(area_draw_params.Context, path, brush, dsp) UI.draw_free_path(path) end handler.Draw = handler_draw_event # Assigning to local variables # This is intended to protect Fiddle::Closure from garbage collection. # See https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI/issues/8 handler.MouseEvent = (c1 = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [0]) {}) handler.MouseCrossed = (c2 = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [0]) {}) handler.DragBroken = (c3 = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(0, [0]) {}) handler.KeyEvent = (c4 = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(1, [0]) { 0 }) UI.freeInitError(init) unless init.nil? hbox = UI.new_horizontal_box UI.box_set_padded(hbox, 1) vbox = UI.new_vertical_box UI.box_set_padded(vbox, 1) UI.box_append(hbox, vbox, 0) UI.box_append(hbox, histogram, 1) datapoints = Array.new(10) do UI.new_spinbox(0, 100).tap do |datapoint| UI.spinbox_set_value(datapoint, Random.new.rand(90)) UI.spinbox_on_changed(datapoint) do UI.area_queue_redraw_all(histogram) end UI.box_append(vbox, datapoint, 0) end end def set_solid_brush(brush, color, alpha) brush.Type = 0 # solid brush.R = ((color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0 brush.G = ((color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0 brush.B = (color & 0xFF) / 255.0 brush.A = alpha brush end set_solid_brush(brush, blue, 1.0) UI.color_button_set_color(color_button, brush.R, brush.G, brush.B, brush.A) UI.color_button_on_changed(color_button) do UI.area_queue_redraw_all(histogram) end UI.box_append(vbox, color_button, 0) MAIN_WINDOW = UI.new_window('histogram example', 640, 480, 1) UI.window_set_margined(MAIN_WINDOW, 1) UI.window_set_child(MAIN_WINDOW, hbox) should_quit = proc do |_ptr| UI.control_destroy(MAIN_WINDOW) UI.quit 0 end UI.window_on_closing(MAIN_WINDOW, should_quit) UI.on_should_quit(should_quit) UI.control_show(MAIN_WINDOW) UI.main UI.quit ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby # https://github.com/jamescook/libui-ruby/blob/master/example/histogram.rb require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer X_OFF_LEFT = 20 Y_OFF_TOP = 20 X_OFF_RIGHT = 20 Y_OFF_BOTTOM = 20 POINT_RADIUS = 5 COLOR_BLUE = 0x1E90FF @datapoints = 10.times.map {Random.new.rand(90)} def graph_size(area_width, area_height) graph_width = area_width - X_OFF_LEFT - X_OFF_RIGHT graph_height = area_height - Y_OFF_TOP - Y_OFF_BOTTOM [graph_width, graph_height] end def point_locations(width, height) xincr = width / 9.0 # 10 - 1 to make the last point be at the end yincr = height / 100.0 @datapoints.each_with_index.map do |value, i| val = 100 - value [xincr * i, yincr * val] end end # method-based custom control representing a graph path def graph_path(width, height, should_extend, &block) locations = point_locations(width, height).flatten path { if should_extend polygon(locations + [width, height, 0, height]) else polyline(locations) end # apply a transform to the coordinate space for this path so (0, 0) is the top-left corner of the graph transform { translate X_OFF_LEFT, Y_OFF_TOP } block.call } end window('histogram example', 640, 480) { margined true horizontal_box { vertical_box { stretchy false 10.times do |i| spinbox(0, 100) { |sb| stretchy false value @datapoints[i] on_changed do @datapoints[i] = sb.value @area.queue_redraw_all end } end @color_button = color_button { stretchy false color COLOR_BLUE on_changed do @area.queue_redraw_all end } } @area = area { on_draw do |area_draw_params| path { rectangle(0, 0, area_draw_params[:area_width], area_draw_params[:area_height]) fill 0xFFFFFF } graph_width, graph_height = *graph_size(area_draw_params[:area_width], area_draw_params[:area_height]) path { figure(X_OFF_LEFT, Y_OFF_TOP) { line(X_OFF_LEFT, Y_OFF_TOP + graph_height) line(X_OFF_LEFT + graph_width, Y_OFF_TOP + graph_height) } stroke 0x000000, thickness: 2, miter_limit: 10 } # now create the fill for the graph below the graph line graph_path(graph_width, graph_height, true) { fill @color_button.color.merge(a: 0.5) } # now draw the histogram line graph_path(graph_width, graph_height, false) { stroke @color_button.color.merge(thickness: 2, miter_limit: 10) } end } } }.show ``` #### Login [examples/login.rb](examples/login.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/login.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/login'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-login.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-login.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-login-logged-in.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-login-logged-in.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-login.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-login.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-login-logged-in.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-login-logged-in.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-login.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-login.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-login-logged-in.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-login-logged-in.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' include Glimmer window('Login') { margined true vertical_box { form { @username_entry = entry { label 'Username:' } @password_entry = password_entry { label 'Password:' } } horizontal_box { @login_button = button('Login') { on_clicked do @username_entry.enabled = false @password_entry.enabled = false @login_button.enabled = false @logout_button.enabled = true end } @logout_button = button('Logout') { enabled false on_clicked do @username_entry.text = '' @password_entry.text = '' @username_entry.enabled = true @password_entry.enabled = true @login_button.enabled = true @logout_button.enabled = false end } } } }.show ``` #### Method-Based Custom Keyword [examples/method_based_custom_keyword.rb](examples/method_based_custom_keyword.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/method_based_custom_keyword.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/method_based_custom_keyword'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-method-based-custom-keyword.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-method-based-custom-keyword.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-method-based-custom-keyword.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-method-based-custom-keyword.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-method-based-custom-keyword.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-method-based-custom-keyword.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' require 'facets' include Glimmer Address = Struct.new(:street, :p_o_box, :city, :state, :zip_code) def form_field(model, property) property = property.to_s entry { |e| label property.underscore.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ') text model.send(property).to_s on_changed do model.send("#{property}=", e.text) end } end def address_form(address) form { form_field(address, :street) form_field(address, :p_o_box) form_field(address, :city) form_field(address, :state) form_field(address, :zip_code) } end def label_pair(model, attribute, value) name_label = nil value_label = nil horizontal_box { name_label = label(attribute.to_s.underscore.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')) value_label = label(value.to_s) } observe(model, attribute) do value_label.text = model.send(attribute) end end def address(address) vertical_box { address.each_pair do |attribute, value| label_pair(address, attribute, value) end } end address1 = Address.new('123 Main St', '23923', 'Denver', 'Colorado', '80014') address2 = Address.new('2038 Park Ave', '83272', 'Boston', 'Massachusetts', '02101') window('Method-Based Custom Keyword') { margined true horizontal_box { vertical_box { label('Address 1') { stretchy false } address_form(address1) horizontal_separator { stretchy false } label('Address 1 (Saved)') { stretchy false } address(address1) } vertical_separator { stretchy false } vertical_box { label('Address 2') { stretchy false } address_form(address2) horizontal_separator { stretchy false } label('Address 2 (Saved)') { stretchy false } address(address2) } } }.show ``` #### Midi Player To run this example, install [TiMidity](http://timidity.sourceforge.net) and ensure `timidity` command is in `PATH` (can be installed via [Homebrew](https://brew.sh) on Mac or [apt-get](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto) on Linux). [examples/midi_player.rb](examples/midi_player.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/midi_player.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/midi_player'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-midi-player.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-midi-player.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-midi-player-msg-box.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-midi-player-msg-box.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-midi-player.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-midi-player.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-midi-player-msg-box.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-midi-player-msg-box.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-midi-player.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-midi-player.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-midi-player-msg-box.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-midi-player-msg-box.png) [LibUI](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) Original Version: ```ruby require 'libui' UI = LibUI class TinyMidiPlayer VERSION = '0.0.1' def initialize UI.init @pid = nil @music_directory = File.expand_path(ARGV[0] || '~/Music/') @midi_files = Dir.glob(File.join(@music_directory, '**/*.mid')) .sort_by { |path| File.basename(path) } at_exit { stop_midi } create_gui end def stop_midi if @pid Process.kill(:SIGKILL, @pid) if @th.alive? @pid = nil end end def play_midi stop_midi if @pid.nil? && @selected_file begin @pid = spawn "timidity #{@selected_file}" @th = Process.detach @pid rescue Errno::ENOENT warn 'Timidty++ not found. Please install Timidity++.' warn 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/timidity/' end end end def show_version(main_window) UI.msg_box(main_window, 'Tiny Midi Player', "Written in Ruby\n" \ "https://github.com/kojix2/libui\n" \ "Version #{VERSION}") end def create_gui # loop_menu = UI.new_menu('Repeat') # items = %w[Off One].map do |item_name| # item = UI.menu_append_check_item(loop_menu, item_name) # end # items.each_with_index do |item, idx| # UI.menu_item_on_clicked(item) do # @repeat = idx # (items - [item]).each do |i| # UI.menu_item_set_checked(i, 0) # end # 0 # end # end help_menu = UI.new_menu('Help') version_item = UI.menu_append_item(help_menu, 'Version') UI.new_window('Tiny Midi Player', 200, 50, 1).tap do |main_window| UI.menu_item_on_clicked(version_item) { show_version(main_window) } UI.window_on_closing(main_window) do UI.control_destroy(main_window) UI.quit 0 end UI.new_horizontal_box.tap do |hbox| UI.new_vertical_box.tap do |vbox| UI.new_button('▶').tap do |button1| UI.button_on_clicked(button1) { play_midi } UI.box_append(vbox, button1, 1) end UI.new_button('■').tap do |button2| UI.button_on_clicked(button2) { stop_midi } UI.box_append(vbox, button2, 1) end UI.box_append(hbox, vbox, 0) end UI.window_set_child(main_window, hbox) UI.new_combobox.tap do |cbox| @midi_files.each do |path| name = File.basename(path) UI.combobox_append(cbox, name) end UI.combobox_on_selected(cbox) do |ptr| @selected_file = @midi_files[UI.combobox_selected(ptr)] play_midi if @th&.alive? 0 end UI.box_append(hbox, cbox, 1) end end UI.control_show(main_window) end UI.main UI.quit end end TinyMidiPlayer.new ``` [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' class TinyMidiPlayer include Glimmer VERSION = '0.0.1' def initialize @pid = nil @music_directory = File.expand_path('../sounds', __dir__) @midi_files = Dir.glob(File.join(@music_directory, '**/*.mid')) .sort_by { |path| File.basename(path) } at_exit { stop_midi } create_gui end def stop_midi if @pid Process.kill(:SIGKILL, @pid) if @th.alive? @pid = nil end end def play_midi stop_midi if @pid.nil? && @selected_file begin @pid = spawn "timidity #{@selected_file}" @th = Process.detach @pid rescue Errno::ENOENT warn 'Timidty++ not found. Please install Timidity++.' warn 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/timidity/' end end end def show_version msg_box('Tiny Midi Player', "Written in Ruby\n" \ "https://github.com/kojix2/libui\n" \ "Version #{VERSION}") end def create_gui menu('Help') { menu_item('Version') { on_clicked do show_version end } } window('Tiny Midi Player', 200, 50) { horizontal_box { vertical_box { stretchy false button('▶') { on_clicked do play_midi end } button('■') { on_clicked do stop_midi end } } combobox { |c| items @midi_files.map { |path| File.basename(path) } on_selected do @selected_file = @midi_files[c.selected] play_midi if @th&.alive? end } } }.show end end TinyMidiPlayer.new ``` #### Snake Snake provides an example of building a desktop application [test-first](/spec/examples/snake/model/game_spec.rb) following the MVP ([Model](/examples/snake/model/game.rb) / [View](/examples/snake.rb) / [Presenter](/examples/snake/presenter/grid.rb)) architectural pattern. [examples/snake.rb](examples/snake.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/snake.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/snake'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-snake.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-snake.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-snake-game-over.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-snake-game-over.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-snake.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-snake.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-snake-game-over.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-snake-game-over.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-snake.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-snake.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-snake-game-over.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-snake-game-over.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' require_relative 'snake/presenter/grid' class Snake include Glimmer CELL_SIZE = 15 SNAKE_MOVE_DELAY = 0.1 def initialize @game = Model::Game.new @grid = Presenter::Grid.new(@game) @game.start create_gui register_observers end def launch @main_window.show end def register_observers observe(@game, :over) do |game_over| Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main do if game_over msg_box('Game Over!', "Score: #{@game.score} | High Score: #{@game.high_score}") @game.start end end end Glimmer::LibUI.timer(SNAKE_MOVE_DELAY) do @game.snake.move unless @game.over? end end def create_gui @main_window = window { # data-bind window title to game score, converting it to a title string on read from the model title <= [@game, :score, on_read: -> (score) {"Glimmer Snake (Score: #{@game.score})"}] content_size @game.width * CELL_SIZE, @game.height * CELL_SIZE resizable false vertical_box { padded false @game.height.times do |row| horizontal_box { padded false @game.width.times do |column| area { square(0, 0, CELL_SIZE) { fill <= [@grid.cells[row][column], :color] # data-bind square fill to grid cell color } on_key_up do |area_key_event| orientation_and_key = [@game.snake.head.orientation, area_key_event[:ext_key]] case orientation_and_key in [:north, :right] | [:east, :down] | [:south, :left] | [:west, :up] @game.snake.turn_right in [:north, :left] | [:west, :down] | [:south, :right] | [:east, :up] @game.snake.turn_left else # No Op end end } end } end } } end end Snake.new.launch ``` #### Tetris Glimmer Tetris utilizes many small areas to represent Tetromino blocks because this ensures smaller redraws per tetromino block color change, thus achieving higher performance than redrawing one large area on every little change. [examples/tetris.rb](examples/tetris.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/tetris.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/tetris'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tetris.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tetris.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tetris-game-over.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tetris-game-over.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tetris-high-scores.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tetris-high-scores.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tetris.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tetris.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tetris-game-over.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tetris-game-over.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tetris-high-scores.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tetris-high-scores.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tetris.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tetris.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tetris-game-over.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tetris-game-over.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tetris-high-scores.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tetris-high-scores.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' require_relative 'tetris/model/game' class Tetris include Glimmer BLOCK_SIZE = 25 BEVEL_CONSTANT = 20 COLOR_GRAY = {r: 192, g: 192, b: 192} def initialize @game = Model::Game.new end def launch create_gui register_observers @game.start! @main_window.show end def create_gui menu_bar @main_window = window('Glimmer Tetris') { content_size Model::Game::PLAYFIELD_WIDTH * BLOCK_SIZE, Model::Game::PLAYFIELD_HEIGHT * BLOCK_SIZE + 98 resizable false vertical_box { label { # filler stretchy false } score_board(block_size: BLOCK_SIZE) { stretchy false } @playfield_blocks = playfield(playfield_width: Model::Game::PLAYFIELD_WIDTH, playfield_height: Model::Game::PLAYFIELD_HEIGHT, block_size: BLOCK_SIZE) } } end def register_observers observe(@game, :game_over) do |game_over| if game_over @pause_menu_item.enabled = false show_game_over_dialog else @pause_menu_item.enabled = true start_moving_tetrominos_down end end Model::Game::PLAYFIELD_HEIGHT.times do |row| Model::Game::PLAYFIELD_WIDTH.times do |column| observe(@game.playfield[row][column], :color) do |new_color| Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main do color = Glimmer::LibUI.interpret_color(new_color) block = @playfield_blocks[row][column] block[:background_square].fill = color block[:top_bevel_edge].fill = {r: color[:r] + 4*BEVEL_CONSTANT, g: color[:g] + 4*BEVEL_CONSTANT, b: color[:b] + 4*BEVEL_CONSTANT} block[:right_bevel_edge].fill = {r: color[:r] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, g: color[:g] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, b: color[:b] - BEVEL_CONSTANT} block[:bottom_bevel_edge].fill = {r: color[:r] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, g: color[:g] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, b: color[:b] - BEVEL_CONSTANT} block[:left_bevel_edge].fill = {r: color[:r] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, g: color[:g] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, b: color[:b] - BEVEL_CONSTANT} block[:border_square].stroke = new_color == Model::Block::COLOR_CLEAR ? COLOR_GRAY : color end end end end Model::Game::PREVIEW_PLAYFIELD_HEIGHT.times do |row| Model::Game::PREVIEW_PLAYFIELD_WIDTH.times do |column| observe(@game.preview_playfield[row][column], :color) do |new_color| Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main do color = Glimmer::LibUI.interpret_color(new_color) block = @preview_playfield_blocks[row][column] block[:background_square].fill = color block[:top_bevel_edge].fill = {r: color[:r] + 4*BEVEL_CONSTANT, g: color[:g] + 4*BEVEL_CONSTANT, b: color[:b] + 4*BEVEL_CONSTANT} block[:right_bevel_edge].fill = {r: color[:r] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, g: color[:g] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, b: color[:b] - BEVEL_CONSTANT} block[:bottom_bevel_edge].fill = {r: color[:r] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, g: color[:g] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, b: color[:b] - BEVEL_CONSTANT} block[:left_bevel_edge].fill = {r: color[:r] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, g: color[:g] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, b: color[:b] - BEVEL_CONSTANT} block[:border_square].stroke = new_color == Model::Block::COLOR_CLEAR ? COLOR_GRAY : color end end end end observe(@game, :score) do |new_score| Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main do @score_label.text = new_score.to_s end end observe(@game, :lines) do |new_lines| Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main do @lines_label.text = new_lines.to_s end end observe(@game, :level) do |new_level| Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main do @level_label.text = new_level.to_s end end end def menu_bar menu('Game') { @pause_menu_item = check_menu_item('Pause') { enabled false on_clicked do @game.paused = @pause_menu_item.checked? end } menu_item('Restart') { on_clicked do @game.restart! end } separator_menu_item menu_item('Exit') { on_clicked do exit(0) end } quit_menu_item if OS.mac? } menu('View') { menu_item('Show High Scores') { on_clicked do show_high_scores end } menu_item('Clear High Scores') { on_clicked { @game.clear_high_scores! } } } menu('Options') { radio_menu_item('Instant Down on Up Arrow') { on_clicked do @game.instant_down_on_up = true end } radio_menu_item('Rotate Right on Up Arrow') { on_clicked do @game.rotate_right_on_up = true end } radio_menu_item('Rotate Left on Up Arrow') { checked true on_clicked do @game.rotate_left_on_up = true end } } menu('Help') { if OS.mac? about_menu_item { on_clicked do show_about_dialog end } end menu_item('About') { on_clicked do show_about_dialog end } } end def playfield(playfield_width: , playfield_height: , block_size: , &extra_content) blocks = [] vertical_box { padded false playfield_height.times.map do |row| blocks << [] horizontal_box { padded false playfield_width.times.map do |column| blocks.last << block(row: row, column: column, block_size: block_size) end } end extra_content&.call } blocks end def block(row: , column: , block_size: , &extra_content) block = {} bevel_pixel_size = 0.16 * block_size.to_f color = Glimmer::LibUI.interpret_color(Model::Block::COLOR_CLEAR) area { block[:background_square] = square(0, 0, block_size) { fill color } block[:top_bevel_edge] = polygon { point_array 0, 0, block_size, 0, block_size - bevel_pixel_size, bevel_pixel_size, bevel_pixel_size, bevel_pixel_size fill r: color[:r] + 4*BEVEL_CONSTANT, g: color[:g] + 4*BEVEL_CONSTANT, b: color[:b] + 4*BEVEL_CONSTANT } block[:right_bevel_edge] = polygon { point_array block_size, 0, block_size - bevel_pixel_size, bevel_pixel_size, block_size - bevel_pixel_size, block_size - bevel_pixel_size, block_size, block_size fill r: color[:r] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, g: color[:g] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, b: color[:b] - BEVEL_CONSTANT } block[:bottom_bevel_edge] = polygon { point_array block_size, block_size, 0, block_size, bevel_pixel_size, block_size - bevel_pixel_size, block_size - bevel_pixel_size, block_size - bevel_pixel_size fill r: color[:r] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, g: color[:g] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, b: color[:b] - BEVEL_CONSTANT } block[:left_bevel_edge] = polygon { point_array 0, 0, 0, block_size, bevel_pixel_size, block_size - bevel_pixel_size, bevel_pixel_size, bevel_pixel_size fill r: color[:r] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, g: color[:g] - BEVEL_CONSTANT, b: color[:b] - BEVEL_CONSTANT } block[:border_square] = square(0, 0, block_size) { stroke COLOR_GRAY } on_key_down do |key_event| case key_event in ext_key: :down if OS.windows? # rate limit downs in Windows as they go too fast when key is held @queued_downs ||= 0 if @queued_downs < 2 @queued_downs += 1 Glimmer::LibUI.timer(0.01, repeat: false) do @game.down! if @queued_downs < 2 @queued_downs -= 1 end end else @game.down! end in key: ' ' @game.down!(instant: true) in ext_key: :up case @game.up_arrow_action when :instant_down @game.down!(instant: true) when :rotate_right @game.rotate!(:right) when :rotate_left @game.rotate!(:left) end in ext_key: :left @game.left! in ext_key: :right @game.right! in modifier: :shift @game.rotate!(:right) in modifier: :control @game.rotate!(:left) else # Do Nothing end end extra_content&.call } block end def score_board(block_size: , &extra_content) vertical_box { horizontal_box { label # filler @preview_playfield_blocks = playfield(playfield_width: Model::Game::PREVIEW_PLAYFIELD_WIDTH, playfield_height: Model::Game::PREVIEW_PLAYFIELD_HEIGHT, block_size: block_size) label # filler } horizontal_box { label # filler grid { stretchy false label('Score') { left 0 top 0 halign :fill } @score_label = label { left 0 top 1 halign :center } label('Lines') { left 1 top 0 halign :fill } @lines_label = label { left 1 top 1 halign :center } label('Level') { left 2 top 0 halign :fill } @level_label = label { left 2 top 1 halign :center } } label # filler } extra_content&.call } end def start_moving_tetrominos_down unless @tetrominos_start_moving_down @tetrominos_start_moving_down = true Glimmer::LibUI.timer(@game.delay) do @game.down! if !@game.game_over? && !@game.paused? end end end def show_game_over_dialog Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main do msg_box('Game Over!', "Score: #{@game.high_scores.first.score}\nLines: #{@game.high_scores.first.lines}\nLevel: #{@game.high_scores.first.level}") @game.restart! end end def show_high_scores Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main do game_paused = !!@game.paused @game.paused = true if @game.high_scores.empty? high_scores_string = "No games have been scored yet." else high_scores_string = @game.high_scores.map do |high_score| "#{high_score.name} | Score: #{high_score.score} | Lines: #{high_score.lines} | Level: #{high_score.level}" end.join("\n") end msg_box('High Scores', high_scores_string) @game.paused = game_paused end end def show_about_dialog Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main do msg_box('About', 'Glimmer Tetris - Glimmer DSL for LibUI Example - Copyright (c) 2021 Andy Maleh') end end end Tetris.new.launch ``` #### Tic Tac Toe [examples/tic_tac_toe.rb](examples/tic_tac_toe.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/tic_tac_toe.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/tic_tac_toe'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tic-tac-toe.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tic-tac-toe.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tic-tac-toe-player-o-wins.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tic-tac-toe-player-o-wins.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tic-tac-toe-player-x-wins.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tic-tac-toe-player-x-wins.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tic-tac-toe-draw.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-tic-tac-toe-draw.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tic-tac-toe.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tic-tac-toe.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tic-tac-toe-player-o-wins.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tic-tac-toe-player-o-wins.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tic-tac-toe-player-x-wins.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tic-tac-toe-player-x-wins.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tic-tac-toe-draw.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-tic-tac-toe-draw.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tic-tac-toe.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tic-tac-toe.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tic-tac-toe-player-o-wins.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tic-tac-toe-player-o-wins.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tic-tac-toe-player-x-wins.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tic-tac-toe-player-x-wins.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tic-tac-toe-draw.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-tic-tac-toe-draw.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' require_relative "tic_tac_toe/board" class TicTacToe include Glimmer def initialize @tic_tac_toe_board = Board.new end def launch create_gui register_observers @main_window.show end def register_observers observe(@tic_tac_toe_board, :game_status) do |game_status| display_win_message if game_status == Board::WIN display_draw_message if game_status == Board::DRAW end end def create_gui @main_window = window('Tic-Tac-Toe', 180, 180) { resizable false vertical_box { padded false 3.times.map do |row| horizontal_box { padded false 3.times.map do |column| area { square(0, 0, 60) { stroke :black, thickness: 2 } text(23, 19) { string { font family: 'Arial', size: OS.mac? ? 20 : 16 string <= [@tic_tac_toe_board[row + 1, column + 1], :sign] # board model is 1-based } } on_mouse_up do @tic_tac_toe_board.mark(row + 1, column + 1) # board model is 1-based end } end } end } } end def display_win_message display_game_over_message("Player #{@tic_tac_toe_board.winning_sign} has won!") end def display_draw_message display_game_over_message("Draw!") end def display_game_over_message(message_text) Glimmer::LibUI.queue_main do msg_box('Game Over', message_text) @tic_tac_toe_board.reset! end end end TicTacToe.new.launch ``` #### Timer To run this example, install [TiMidity](http://timidity.sourceforge.net) and ensure `timidity` command is in `PATH` (can be installed via [Homebrew](https://brew.sh) on Mac or [apt-get](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto) on Linux). [examples/timer.rb](examples/timer.rb) Run with this command from the root of the project if you cloned the project: ``` ruby -r './lib/glimmer-dsl-libui' examples/timer.rb ``` Run with this command if you installed the [Ruby gem](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui): ``` ruby -r glimmer-dsl-libui -e "require 'examples/timer'" ``` Mac | Windows | Linux ----|---------|------ ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-timer.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-timer.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-timer-in-progress.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-mac-timer-in-progress.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-timer.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-timer.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-timer-in-progress.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-windows-timer-in-progress.png) | ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-timer.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-timer.png) ![glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-timer-in-progress.png](images/glimmer-dsl-libui-linux-timer-in-progress.png) New [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) Version: ```ruby require 'glimmer-dsl-libui' class Timer include Glimmer SECOND_MAX = 59 MINUTE_MAX = 59 HOUR_MAX = 23 def initialize @pid = nil @alarm_file = File.expand_path('../sounds/AlanWalker-Faded.mid', __dir__) at_exit { stop_alarm } setup_timer create_gui end def stop_alarm if @pid Process.kill(:SIGKILL, @pid) if @th.alive? @pid = nil end end def play_alarm stop_alarm if @pid.nil? begin @pid = spawn "timidity -G 0.0-10.0 #{@alarm_file}" @th = Process.detach @pid rescue Errno::ENOENT warn 'Timidty++ not found. Please install Timidity++.' warn 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/timidity/' end end end def setup_timer unless @setup_timer Glimmer::LibUI.timer(1) do if @started seconds = @sec_spinbox.value minutes = @min_spinbox.value hours = @hour_spinbox.value if seconds > 0 @sec_spinbox.value = seconds -= 1 end if seconds == 0 if minutes > 0 @min_spinbox.value = minutes -= 1 @sec_spinbox.value = seconds = SECOND_MAX end if minutes == 0 if hours > 0 @hour_spinbox.value = hours -= 1 @min_spinbox.value = minutes = MINUTE_MAX @sec_spinbox.value = seconds = SECOND_MAX end if hours == 0 && minutes == 0 && seconds == 0 @start_button.enabled = true @stop_button.enabled = false @started = false unless @played play_alarm msg_box('Alarm', 'Countdown Is Finished!') @played = true end end end end end end @setup_timer = true end end def create_gui window('Timer') { margined true group('Countdown') { vertical_box { horizontal_box { @hour_spinbox = spinbox(0, HOUR_MAX) { stretchy false value 0 } label(':') { stretchy false } @min_spinbox = spinbox(0, MINUTE_MAX) { stretchy false value 0 } label(':') { stretchy false } @sec_spinbox = spinbox(0, SECOND_MAX) { stretchy false value 0 } } horizontal_box { @start_button = button('Start') { on_clicked do @start_button.enabled = false @stop_button.enabled = true @started = true @played = false end } @stop_button = button('Stop') { enabled false on_clicked do @start_button.enabled = true @stop_button.enabled = false @started = false end } } } } }.show end end Timer.new ``` ## Applications Here are some applications built with [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui) ### Manga2PDF Download and merge manga images into a single pdf file. https://github.com/PinGunter/manga2pdf ![manga2pdf screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PinGunter/manga2pdf/master/screenshots/manga2pdf-gui.png) ### Befunge98 GUI Ruby implementation of the Befunge-98 programmming language. https://github.com/AndyObtiva/befunge98/tree/gui ![befunge98 gui screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndyObtiva/befunge98/master/gui/glimmer-dsl-libui/befunge98_gui_glimmer_dsl_libui/screenshots/befunge98_gui_glimmer_dsl_libui_example.png) ### i3off Gtk Ruby https://github.com/iraamaro/i3off-gtk-ruby ## Process [Glimmer Process](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer/blob/master/PROCESS.md) ## Resources - [Code Master Blog](https://andymaleh.blogspot.com/search/label/LibUI) - [LibUI Ruby Bindings](https://github.com/kojix2/LibUI) - [libui C Library](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) - [Go UI (Golang LibUI) API Documentation](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/andlabs/ui) ## Help ### Issues If you encounter [issues](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-libui/issues) that are not reported, discover missing features that are not mentioned in [TODO.md](TODO.md), or think up better ways to use [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui) than what is possible with [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui), you may submit an [issue](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-libui/issues/new) or [pull request](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-libui/compare) on [GitHub](https://github.com). ### Chat If you need live help, try to [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/AndyObtiva/glimmer](https://badges.gitter.im/AndyObtiva/glimmer.svg)](https://gitter.im/AndyObtiva/glimmer?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) ## Planned Features and Feature Suggestions These features have been planned or suggested. You might see them in a future version of [Glimmer DSL for LibUI](https://rubygems.org/gems/glimmer-dsl-libui). You are welcome to contribute more feature suggestions. [TODO.md](TODO.md) ## Change Log [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) ## Contributing - Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet. - Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it. - Fork the project. - Start a feature/bugfix branch. - Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution. - Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. - Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it. ## Contributors * [Andy Maleh](https://github.com/AndyObtiva) (Founder) [Click here to view contributor commits.](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-libui/graphs/contributors) ## License [MIT](LICENSE.txt) Copyright (c) 2021 Andy Maleh -- [](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer) Built for [Glimmer](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer) (DSL Framework).