# Fluent::Plugin::Mail ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'fluent-plugin-mail' Or install it yourself as: $ gem install fluent-plugin-mail Or use td-agent : (on Ubuntu12.04) $ sudo /usr/lib/fluent/ruby/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-mail ## Mail Configuration with out_keys (no auth) type mail host SMTPSERVER port 25 from SOURCE to DEST1,DEST2,DEST3 subject SUBJECT: %s subject_out_keys target_tag out_keys target_tag,pattern,value Email is sent like From: SOURCE To: DEST1,DEST2,DEST3 Subject: SUBJECT: #{target_tag} Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 target_tag: #{target_tag} pattern: #{pattern} value: #{value} ## Mail Configuration with Message Format (no auth) You may use `message` parameter to define mail format as you like. Use `\n` to put a return code. type mail host SMTPSERVER port 25 from SOURCE to DEST1,DEST2,DEST3 subject SUBJECT: %s subject_out_keys target_tag message %s %s\n%s message_out_keys target_tag,pattern,value Email is sent like From: SOURCE To: DEST1,DEST2,DEST3 Subject: SUBJECT: #{target_tag} Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 #{target_tag} #{pattern} #{value} ## Mail Configuration for Gmail(use TLS) type mail host smtp.gmail.com port 587 domain gmail.com from SOURCE to DEST1,DEST2,DEST3 subject SUBJECT user USERNAME( ex. hoge@gmail.com) password PASSWORD enable_starttls_auto true out_keys target_tag,pattern,value time_locale UTC # optional ## Usage Sample ### SingleNode's syslog check use fluent_plugin_notifier(https://github.com/tagomoris/fluent-plugin-notifier) $ gem install fluent-plugin-notifier configure td-agent.conf for single node type tail tag syslog path /var/log/syslog type notifier pattern check_syslog check string_find warn_regexp .*warn.* crit_regexp .*crit.* target_key_pattern message pattern check_syslog check string_find warn_regexp .*Error.* crit_regexp .*Down.* target_key_pattern message type mail host MAILSERVER port MAILSERVER_PORT domain DOMAIN from SOURCE_MAIL_ADDRESS to DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS subject SUBJECT out_keys target_tag, pattern, value, message_time ### MulatiNode's syslog check use config_expander(https://github.com/tagomoris/fluent-plugin-config-expander) $ gem install fluent-plugin-config-expander source node("/etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf") type config_expander type tail format syslog path /var/log/syslog tag syslog.${hostname} pos_file /tmp/syslog.pos a type forward host HOST_ADDRESS log server("/etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf") type forward type copy type file path /var/log-server/syslog type notifier pattern check_syslog check string_find warn_regexp .*warn.* crit_regexp .*crit.* target_key_pattern message type mail host MAILSERVER port MAILSERVER_PORT domain DOMAIN from SOURCE_MAIL_ADDRESS to DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS subject SUBJECT outkeys target_tag, pattern, value time_locale UTC # optional ## TODO * add config "mail_text_format" ## Copyright * Copyright * Copyright (c) 2012- Yuichi UEMURA * License * Apache License, Version 2.0