## Changelog #### Unreleased #### 2.4.0 - added `Shark::Contact#consents` and `Shark::Contact#create_contract` #### 2.3.1 - [fix] expose `Shark::ContactLog` #### 2.3.0 - `Shark::MailingService` template can `#render` partials #### 2.2.0 - added `Shark::ContactLog` resource - added `Shark::MailingService::Mail#header_image` as parameter #### 2.1.0 - added `Shark::Contact.find_by_permissions` method #### 2.0.1 - added `Mail#reply_to` attribute #### 2.0.0 - added `Shark::Membership.exists?` to quickly check, if a contact is member of a group - [break] remove `SurveyService` module - [break] rename `DoubleOptInService` => `DoubleOptIn` - [break] remove `SubscriptionService` module - [break] remove `NotificationService` module - [break] remove `ContactService` module - [break] remove `ConsentService` module - [break] remove `AssetService` module #### 1.0.1 - whitelist `Mail#from` as attribute #### 1.0.0 - drop support for `json_api_client < 1.10` - [break] drop Ruby `2.1` support - use `Rubocop` #### 0.14.0 - Asset Service Client supports package API #### 0.13.4 - Add `download` link handling to the `FakeAssetService`. - [fix] Determining the resource id in `FakeAssetService` fails when the endpoint base path is not `/`. - [fix] `links` attribute in fake asset service response contains wrong URIs. #### 0.13.3 - add `X-Forwarded-Proto: https` as default header #### 0.13.2 - add `SharkSpec.stub_mailing_service` - cleanup SharkSpec helpers with some meta programming #### 0.13.1 - [fix] `attachments` attribute for `Mail` objects needs to be a hash #### 0.13.0 - make all `Mail` attributes known to `BaseMailer` #### 0.12.0 - add `MailingService.use_shark_mailer` #### 0.11.0 - extend with MailingService #### 0.10.3 - [fix] add backwards compatibility to Ruby 2.1 - added Travis CI #### 0.10.2 - [fix] `ContactService::Group#has_contact?` raised exception without `includes(:contact)` #### 0.10.1 - Double Opt In Service: added `message_footer_html` attribute to Request #### 0.10.0 - extend with Double Opt In Service #### 0.9.0 - extend with AssetService and SubscriptionService #### 0.8.0 - extend with ConsentService #### 0.7.5 - extend with NotificationService #### 0.7.4 - [fix] `Shark::ContactService::Group#has_contact?` #### 0.7.3 - [fix] doorkeeper spec issue - use Rails logger when used in Rails apps #### 0.7.2 - [fix] milacrm spec issue #### 0.7.1 - [fix] undefined method `responds_to?` in Configuration #### 0.7.0 - survey rating star support - survey text field support #### 0.6.4 - added some annotations - [break] cleanup client and server errors #### 0.6.3 - restructured FormService::RSpec (e.g. `SharkSpec.stub_contact_service`) - form service: - removed API v1 resources - added FormVersion::form_structure to get a tree model of the pages form #### 0.6.2 - [break] remove `URI.join()` from `settings.rb` in apps - contact service: - supports activity - form service: - supports API v2 #### 0.6.1 - fixes including of RSpec helper files #### 0.6.0 - supports Contact Service: accounts, contacts and groups #### 0.5.1 - added DateTime accessors to SurveyService #### 0.5.0 - added create participant to SurveyService #### 0.4.0 - initial version with SurveyService and FormService