require 'yaml' require 'iconv' module PermalinkFu def has_permalink(attr_names = [], permalink_field = nil, options = {}) if permalink_field.is_a?(Hash) options = permalink_field permalink_field = nil end ClassMethods.setup_permalink_fu_on self do self.permalink_attributes = Array(attr_names) self.permalink_field = (permalink_field || 'permalink').to_s self.permalink_options = {:unique => true}.update(options) end include InstanceMethods end class << self # This method does the actual permalink escaping. def escape(str, klass = nil) s = ClassMethods.decode(str)#.force_encoding("UTF-8") s = Iconv.iconv('ascii//ignore//translit', 'utf-8', s).to_s s.gsub!(/[^\w_ \-]+/i, '') # Remove unwanted chars. s.gsub!(/[ \-]+/i, '-') # No more than one of the separator in a row. s.gsub!(/^\-|\-$/i, '') # Remove leading/trailing separator. s.downcase! s = "#{klass}-#{s}" if klass && Integer(s) rescue s s.size == 0 ? ClassMethods.random_permalink : s end end # Contains class methods for ActiveRecord models that have permalinks module ClassMethods # Contains Unicode codepoints, loading as needed from YAML files CODEPOINTS = { |h, k| h[k] = YAML::load_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "data", "#{k}.yml")) } class << self def decode(string) string.gsub(/[^\x00-\x7f]/u) do |codepoint| begin CODEPOINTS["x%02x" % (codepoint.unpack("U")[0] >> 8)][codepoint.unpack("U")[0] & 255] rescue "_" end end end def random_permalink rand(**2).to_s(36) end end def self.setup_permalink_fu_on(base) base.extend self class << base attr_accessor :permalink_options attr_accessor :permalink_attributes attr_accessor :permalink_field end yield if base.permalink_options[:unique] base.before_validation :create_unique_permalink else base.before_validation :create_common_permalink end class << base alias_method :define_attribute_methods_without_permalinks, :define_attribute_methods alias_method :define_attribute_methods, :define_attribute_methods_with_permalinks end unless base.respond_to?(:define_attribute_methods_without_permalinks) end def define_attribute_methods_with_permalinks if (value = define_attribute_methods_without_permalinks) && self.permalink_field class_eval <<-EOV def #{self.permalink_field}=(new_value); write_attribute(:#{self.permalink_field}, new_value.blank? ? '' : PermalinkFu.escape(new_value, self.class.to_s.downcase)); end EOV end value end end # This contains instance methods for ActiveRecord models that have permalinks. module InstanceMethods protected def create_common_permalink return unless should_create_permalink? if read_attribute(self.class.permalink_field).blank? || permalink_fields_changed? send("#{self.class.permalink_field}=", create_permalink_for(self.class.permalink_attributes)) end # Quit now if we have the changed method available and nothing has changed permalink_changed = "#{self.class.permalink_field}_changed?" return if respond_to?(permalink_changed) && !send(permalink_changed) # Otherwise find the limit and crop the permalink limit = self.class.columns_hash[self.class.permalink_field].limit base = send("#{self.class.permalink_field}=", read_attribute(self.class.permalink_field)[0..limit - 1]) [limit, base] end def create_unique_permalink limit, base = create_common_permalink return if limit.nil? # nil if the permalink has not changed or :if/:unless fail counter = 1 # oh how i wish i could use a hash for conditions conditions = ["#{self.class.permalink_field} = ?", base] unless new_record? conditions.first << " and id != ?" conditions << id end if self.class.permalink_options[:scope] [self.class.permalink_options[:scope]].flatten.each do |scope| value = send(scope) if value conditions.first << " and #{scope} = ?" conditions << send(scope) else conditions.first << " and #{scope} IS NULL" end end end while self.class.exists?(conditions) suffix = "-#{counter += 1}" conditions[1] = "#{base[0..limit-suffix.size-1]}#{suffix}" send("#{self.class.permalink_field}=", conditions[1]) end end def create_permalink_for(attr_names) str = attr_names.collect { |attr_name| send(attr_name).to_s } * " " str.blank? ? PermalinkFu::ClassMethods.random_permalink : str end private def should_create_permalink? if self.class.permalink_field.blank? false elsif self.class.permalink_options[:if] evaluate_method(self.class.permalink_options[:if]) elsif self.class.permalink_options[:unless] !evaluate_method(self.class.permalink_options[:unless]) else true end end # Don't even check _changed? methods unless :update is set def permalink_fields_changed? return false unless self.class.permalink_options[:update] self.class.permalink_attributes.any? do |attribute| changed_method = "#{attribute}_changed?" respond_to?(changed_method) ? send(changed_method) : true end end def evaluate_method(method) case method when Symbol send(method) when String eval(method, instance_eval { binding }) when Proc, Method end end end end # Extend ActiveRecord functionality ActiveRecord::Base.extend PermalinkFu