require 'rbbt/util/log' require 'stringio' require 'open3' require 'rbbt/util/misc/indiferent_hash' module CMD TOOLS = IndiferentHash.setup({}) def self.tool(tool, claim = nil, test = nil, cmd = nil, &block) TOOLS[tool] = [claim, test, block, cmd] end def self.get_tool(tool) return tool.to_s unless TOOLS[tool] @@init_cmd_tool ||= IndiferentHash.setup({}) if !@@init_cmd_tool[tool] claim, test, block, cmd = TOOLS[tool] begin if test CMD.cmd(test + " ") else CMD.cmd("#{tool} --help") end rescue if claim claim.produce else end end @@init_cmd_tool[tool] = true return cmd if cmd end tool.to_s end def self.gzip_pipe(file) Open.gzip?(file) ? "<(gunzip -c '#{file}')" : "'#{file}'" end def self.bash(cmd) %Q(bash < Log::DEBUG in_content = options.delete(:in) stderr = options.delete(:stderr) pipe = options.delete(:pipe) post = options.delete(:post) log = options.delete(:log) no_fail = options.delete(:no_fail) no_wait = options.delete(:no_wait) dont_close_in = options.delete(:dont_close_in) log = true if log.nil? if cmd.nil? and ! Symbol === tool cmd = tool else tool = get_tool(tool) if cmd.nil? cmd = tool else cmd = tool + ' ' + cmd end end if stderr == true stderr = Log::HIGH end cmd_options = process_cmd_options options if cmd =~ /'\{opt\}'/ cmd.sub!('\'{opt}\'', cmd_options) else cmd << " " << cmd_options end in_content = in_content if String === in_content sin, sout, serr, wait_thr = begin Open3.popen3(ENV, cmd) rescue Log.warn $!.message raise ProcessFailed, cmd unless no_fail return end pid = Log.debug{"CMD: [#{pid}] #{cmd}" if log} if in_content.respond_to?(:read) in_thread = do |parent| begin begin while c = in_content.readpartial(Misc::BLOCK_SIZE) sin << c end rescue EOFError end sin.close unless sin.closed? unless dont_close_in in_content.close unless in_content.closed? in_content.join if in_content.respond_to? :join end rescue Log.error "Error in CMD [#{pid}] #{cmd}: #{$!.message}" raise $! end end else in_thread = nil sin.close end pids = [pid] if pipe ConcurrentStream.setup sout, :pids => pids, :autojoin => no_wait, :no_fail => no_fail err_thread = do while line = serr.gets sout.log = line Log.log "STDERR [#{pid}]: " + line, stderr end if Integer === stderr and log serr.close end sout.threads = [in_thread, err_thread, wait_thr].compact sout else err = "" err_thread = do while not serr.eof? err << serr.gets if Integer === stderr end serr.close end ConcurrentStream.setup sout, :pids => pids, :threads => [in_thread, err_thread].compact, :autojoin => no_wait, :no_fail => no_fail out = sout.close unless sout.closed? status = wait_thr.value if not status.success? and not no_fail raise "Command [#{pid}] #{cmd} failed with error status #{status.exitstatus}.\n#{err}" else Log.log err, stderr if Integer === stderr and log end out end end def self.cmd_log(*args) all_args = *args all_args << {} unless Hash === all_args.last level = all_args.last[:log] || 0 level = 0 if TrueClass === level level = 10 if FalseClass === level level = level.to_i all_args.last[:log] = true all_args.last[:pipe] = true io = cmd(*all_args) pid = io.pids.first while c = io.getc STDERR << c if Log.severity <= level if c == "\n" if pid Log.logn "STDOUT [#{pid}]: ", level else Log.logn "STDOUT: ", level end end end io.join nil end end